Thursday, December 26, 2019
Hitchcock s Rear Window ( 1954 ) Essay - 1026 Words
Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954) builds a distinct view of the world and how, in the director’s opinion, men and women fit in it. Through dialogue and mise-en-scene, Hitchcock’s always seems to be making a statement about how men and women should be viewed in his films. Rear Window pinpoints some recurring elements about men and women present in multiple Hitchcock films, where men are shown as damaged and needing help, while women are shown as care-givers. Men are always reluctant to take action, until the desire of the women to solve the mystery presses them into confrontation. Men think women are interested in money or status or success, while women are only interested in love. Love and marriage are also a recurring theme within Hitchcock’s works, and it can be explored through various lenses, but in this essay I will explore it through gender roles and voyeurism, specifically in Rear Window. All of the characters in Rear Window are described at one point or another in terms of their marital status and in terms of their relationships with the opposite sex. The crime on which the plot pivots is the result of a failed marriage. The hero of the film, L.B. Jefferies, tosses the proposal of marriage around throughout the film despite his opposition to commitment. In Spellbound (1945), John thinks he’s not worth loving. In Psycho (1960), Sam thinks his debt is too much to overcome, and therefore thinks a marriage wouldn’t work. But in Rear Window (1954), marriage itself is given aShow MoreRelatedMovie Review : Rear Window1083 Words  | 5 Pagesfilms so alike. Both films have interesting characters that lead the story, and both Kazan and Hitchcock take advantage of that by allowing those characters to provide depth to their respective worlds. Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and released on August 1st, 1954 follows a newspaper photographer with a broken leg, who passes time recuperating by observing his neighbors through his window. He sees what he believes to be a murder, and decides to solve the crime himself (but with the helpRead MoreTheme Of Voyeurism1768 Words  | 8 PagesSolve Murders Since 1954 Alfred Hitchcock has always been known for his suspenseful and action filled films. His 1954 production of the movie Rear Window is no contradiction to that. Throughout Rear Window, many different motifs and themes are splayed out for the audience to dwell upon. One well seen theme is voyeurism. Within the movie, the audience is challenged with this theme, and left with the uncertainty about the power of voyeurism. Some critics believe that Hitchcock even went so far asRead MoreTechniques used in Alfred Hitchcocks The Rear Window1579 Words  | 4 PagesMarta Alfred Hitchcock was an amazing director and his films have lived on and are still thriving today due to the techniques he used in his films and the way he created them. He was known for taking the least probable scenarios and turning them into a masterpiece just by playing with light and form or angles. Some of these films are Psycho, Perfect Crime, The Man Who Knew Too Much and Rear Window. At first it was quite difficult to pinpoint a particular film to choose as he used brilliant techniquesRead MoreAnalysis Of Alfred Hitchcock s Rear Window And The Magic Circle2158 Words  | 9 Pages Symbolism is heavily demonstrated in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 Rear Window and Question s 2015 The Magic Circle. Both works have strengthened the idea that movie directors or game developers narrative forms can virtually implant a part of the audience into the works and have a direct impact on the interpretations of them by using symbols. Conversely, Rear Window and The Magic Circl e have their own unique narrative techniques in order to call forth the symbols of each work. Even thoughRead MoreBook Review : Rear Window By Alfred Hitchcock900 Words  | 4 Pagesthis curiosity that almost turns this mystery thriller into a tragedy. Rear Window was produced by Paramount Studios and is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Rear Window was filmed in 1954 and IMBD gives the movie a rating of 8.5 out of 10. The main characters of Rear Window are played by James Stewart (L.B. Jefferies), Grace Kelly (Lisa Carol Fremont), Wendell Corey (Det. Lt. Thomas J. Doyle), and Thelma Ritter (Stella) (â€Å"Rear Window†). L.B. Jefferies is a photographer who is wheel-chair bound due to aRead MoreAnalysis Of Alfred Hitchcock s Rear Window1755 Words  | 8 Pagesable to pinpoint aspect of film studies that the average individual wouldn t have a clue about. Each film that we have viewed has had it s very own genre, director, and also time frame in which it took place. Throughout this essay you ll see the differences and slight similarities that are provided about two different films. â€Å"Rear Window†by Alfred Hitchcock which has a variety of different camera angles and sound differences unlike the film ,â€Å"Do Things The Right Way†by Spike Lee. â€Å"Do Things TheRead MoreRear Window Directed By Alfred Hitchcock Essay1575 Words  | 7 Pagesto be and follow are ever changing in today’s current society. However, in 1954, gender roles were very specific and it is shown throughout the film, Rear Window directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Through this film, gender ideologies are challenged but ultimately remain unshattered. The film produces an obvious view of women as the caretakers, and fragile in comparison to men who are the main providers. As the plot of Rear Window develops, characters continue to maintain the time periods gender ideologiesRead MoreMovie, Rear Window, By Alfred Hitchcock1150 Words  | 5 Pagesindividual must have to continue. Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 film, Rear Window, is a riveting thriller that is based on Cornell Woolrich’s short story â€Å"It Had to be Murder†. This film tells a narrative about an adventurous photographer, Jeffrie s played by James Stewart, who after breaking his leg is forced to remain shackled to a wheelchair within his home. To cope with boredom, he takes the liberty of observing his neighbors through one of his windows. It is through this pastime that he comes to believeRead MoreReview Of Gone Girl 1188 Words  | 5 PagesAnastasia Makroliolios Thriller Critique Task Gone Girl (2014) Mr Rhys Cassidy 12B 2015 Sir Alfred Hitchcock, director of several of the very first thriller films including his silent film The Lodger (1926), is believed to be the â€Å"Master of Suspense†(Ramirez Berg, 2015). Hitchcock was integral in creating the codes the codes and conventions of the thriller genre. These codes and conventions can be seen in some of Hitchcock’s films such as Vertigo (1958), Rope (1948) and PsychoRead MoreVoyeurism In Rear Window1767 Words  | 8 PagesHitchcock began his career in the early 1920s as a silent filmmaker, and rose to fame after his first successful silent thriller, The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927). As sound technology progressed and became more accessible to filmmakers and movie theaters, Hitchcock began to work in sound. However, for the remainder of his career, Hitchcock was profoundly influenced by what he called ‘pure cinema’. This idea represents the film medium and its affective and expressive capabilities, unconstrained
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Marketing Analysis Sports Marketing Essay - 2388 Words
Executive summary Sports marketing are one of the most vital uses in the field of marketing nowadays. Many companies have a trend to use sports and sports celebrity in developing their marketing campaign because they have the ability to influence others and they already are role models for a wide share of consumers in the marketplace. So, companies benefit from their popularity and reputation for its brand awareness. Especially some companies in the food and beverages industry which are concentrated on the marketing campaign and make a huge number of expenditure and its budget. Pepsi have many product lines, it introduces a product line for soda which includes many versions such as Pepsi, Mirnda, Seven Up, and other version of Mirinda like Orange and Apple. The second product line is related to the juice. The third category is related to Aquafina mineral water. There are width of every line and versions for every product. List of contents Executive summary page 2 Introduction page 4 Case study page 5 The target customer page 6 The unique selling proposition page 6 Sport marketing mix page 8 Pricing strategy page 10 Distribution strategy page 10 Promotion strategy page 10 Product strategy page 11 Conclusion page 12 References page 13 Introduction Pepsi usually use the sports to market its products. The marketing campaign for Pepsi mainly depends on the sportsShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Pegasus Sports International3010 Words  | 13 PagesInternational. Pegasus Sports International is an all-encompassing skating gear manufacturer with intentions of conducting SkateTours in an attempt to take skaters outside and develop their talents. The main goal when it comes to Pegasus Sports International is to develop market share in the young people market between the ages of 14 to 35. 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SOCIAL: Attending sports games is a very social activity that people tend to do in groups rather than alone, this is very beneficial to our marketing campaign as for every person we market too, a small group finds out about the event. By increasing attendance, we are generating a social hub which will be appealing for people consideringRead MoreThe Worth Of Sport Event Sponsorship A5132 Words  | 21 PagesJournal of Management and Marketing Research The worth of sport event sponsorship: an event study Jin-Woo Kim The University of Texas at Arlington Abstract The authors investigate the relationship between sports-related event sponsorship and stock market valuation and identify factors that influence the financial rewards of sponsorship using World Cup and PGA tour sponsorship data. 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Introduction Although marketing is described to involve a variety of activities, such as production, pricing, sales and advertising, the focus of it is to satisfy the needs or desires of consumers without no doubt (Smith and Stewart, 2014). ‘The customer is the alpha and omega of marketing’ (Kahle and Close, 2011, p.2). In other words, the customer is the starting points and ending points of marketing. In turnRead MoreCase Study : Advantage Kayaks : A Marketing Plan1549 Words  | 7 PagesKayaks – A Marketing Plan Assignment Topic: Your task is to prepare information that may be used for a marketing plan. Identify one product / service from your own business or from another business with which you are familiar. Write a report about the selected product / service. In your report you should include: †¢ Current marketing situation with background data on the market, product, competition, and distribution. Keep this discussion brief. †¢ Market analysis through a SWOT analysis. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Practitioner Perspective on the Importace of Play
Question: Describe about the practitioner perspective on the importace of play in early years setting? Answer: Literature Review In this section, the previous literature or the research papers of the previous researchers found in the area of the research topic will be analyzed to understand the important facts of the research topic. The review aims to introduce the readers interest on the theory and research which is about the play based education in early years. It also signifies the development that is appropriate practice and is the part of early research. The focus of this review is on re-thinking of the concept and challenges which have been and are emerging in the research topic for importance of lay among the early years of children (Edwards, 2013). The topic signifies the benefits of the early years learning through play which can provide the techniques and opportunities to value added learning to all the children in early years. Thus, it required focused thinking that ensures the children at early life engages in social and economic well-being as cultural heritage (Feldman, 2010). Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is considered to be the statutory guidelines for the early children play that lays the learning and development support for play in the school settings and on the relationship with families to set goals (Engel, 2013). EYFS is rooted on the four major principles that are based on the welfare, car, learning wellbeing and development. The principles of EYFS framework includes the positive relation, motivation for play, unique child and learning and development (Fleer, 2010). These principles are interrelated with each other and provide the guidelines for facilitating the environment for childrens learning. This applies to the early childhood settings referring to the children experiences and care for development and learning at their early stage (Wilson, 2015). The fundamentals of this framework is displayed as the view that the life of the being, belonging and becoming are all connected with the background of community, family, culture, and place (Fi edler and Kuester, 2010). The learning and development takes place through the initiation of the above relationships and through most influential practitioners (Daniel, Wassell and Gilligan, 2010). Children in the everyday life participate and develop their own understanding and interest in the learning aspects but the relationships identifies for them what is right learning for the early stage. Children are highly motivated when it comes to play but the adults find it challenging (Baker, 2014). In all the aspects of leaning and development in a child play is important but when it comes to playing children play keeps growing in complexity and this becomes socially and cognitively demanding. At present, there are some government legislations and rules which have a major impact on the early years education of the children. The extent of the research is associated with the differences in the practice and ideology of early years practitioners in relation to play (Maughan and Little, 2010). There is a need to recognize the importance of play in the education curriculum for the young and early stage children. Play has been featured in the thinking of the educators, philosophers for many years (Bird and Edwards, 2014). The new thinking that has emerged in present in the role of play in nurseries, play groups and primary school teachings is the education methods, less theoretical perspectives and practical outcomes as well as close observations and recording of the children play in the videos, gives the early years pedagogy with the positive and long term outcomes for the children. The emphasis on how the practitioners develop the curriculum for the children that encompasses th e interactions, routines, experiences and events that are planned and unplanned for the environment design suitable for the childrens development and learning(Edwards and Bird, 2015). These principle elements support the in-depth knowledge among the practitioners that emphasis the model of clear understanding that involves the educators to develop, clear and understand the world for children (Drake, 2009). The working of the educators drawing for professional knowledge would include the planning, for learning and development of children through engaging them in real play, activities for learning and identify their respective strengths and interest so as to choose appropriate strategies for teaching and learning design (Holman, 2015). The educators have to carefully assess learning among children in the bringing diverse experiences for the knowledge, expectations, skills and perspectives. This lays emphasis on the complex, dynamic and holistic characteristics of the children learning for the play (Maughan and Little, 2010). The aspects of learning include social, personal, physical, emotional, creative cognitive, spiritual and linguistic aspects that are interrelated with each other. Thus in early year childhood curriculum must be set in all experiences, expectations, activities, routines, planning and events that occur in the environment of the children development and learning (Schousboe and Winther-Lindqvist, 2013). The educators practices and professional aspects involve the nurturing and building the relationships, teaching, curriculum decision making and learning activities. According to practitioners, Play is regarded important in the aspects of learning and development of children. This allows the personality expressions and uniqueness (Engel, 2013). Another advantage of the process is that it Enables children for making connections between the new learnings and prior experiences. It has the ability of enhancing the dispositions of creativity and curiosity to develop new creation among the children. It also the power of stimulating the sense of wellness and wellbeing (van Oers, 2012). Assisting the children for developing and focusing on building of relationships and maintaining the balance in physical, emotional, mental wellbeing and health is very important and the early years education helps to achieve this objective. It helps to explore the new materials and discovering their properties by using their knowledge for that material for imaginative play and expressing their emotions and inner feelings (Stephen and Edwards, 2015). Early years education is effective in dealing with play conflicts and learning to negotiate and sharing and solving the issues, probl ems and moving towards independence from support (Macintyre, 2012). It also helps in developing skills in communication and languages. The educators have to establish the caring and decisive relationship with the families and children that enable them in working for the creating a curriculum and learning lessons that are implemented to develop the child (Jarvis, Newman and Swiniarska, 2014). The educators gradually emphasis on the principles for drawing the practices of early learning and play that are based on the perspectives discussed in the section below. The development theory has understanding and focus on the process of change of childrens development and learning with time frame where the socio-cultural theory has an emphasis on the families. This their culture and group play in central role that lays importance for the respectful relationship for childrens learning and hence provide insight to cultural and social contexts of development and learning. The socio behavioral theories emphasize on the focus of the role and experiences in shaping the behavior of the children (Mohler et al., 2009). The critical th eory has an emphasis on the early childhood educators challenges in shaping the curriculum for children and challenges to assume different curriculum for different children. The structuralize theories of the issues of the power, social and equity justice have to focus on the early settings (Moyles, 2010) Play thus, provides the opportunity to children for learning, developing, creating imagining and improvising. Playing with other children helps to figure out ideas, social group and challenges which help to build new understanding and thinking (Wood, 2013). The play provides the supportive environment for the children where they can ask questions, can solve the problems and engage themselves in critically play enables to create and enhance the thinking capability among the children and this enhances the desire among them to know more and learn. Thus, the play is regarded as the positive dispositioning promotion for the learning (Mukherji and Albon, 2010). The children are immensely in favor of the play at every point and this ensure their enthusiastic approach towards the early children educators development and learning. The children learning program must focus on the learning curriculum and involve the educators from being the purposeful, deliberated and thoughtful in t he action and decisions. This is concerned with the intentional teachings that initiate the educators to plan the modeling and demonstration of learning and developing session for the children in accordance with the behavior and childs play interest (Edwards and Bird, 2015). They are the ones who plan the opportunities for the intentional knowledge building and teaching. This creates the learning environment that has encouraged the children to explore, create, solve problem and construct their own learning from the activity. This routine of play has recognized the moments that built the learning and development among children. In this literature review, the practitioner has developed the initiation in the context of the young children education for learning and development through play and decisive curriculum for children. Within the society the conditions of the development of play have the powerful ideas where the children learning theories for the educators and practitioners (Prettyman and Lampman, 2011). This applies to the early childhood settings referring to the children experiences and care for development and learning at their early stage. The fundamentals of this framework is displayed as the view that the life of the being, belonging and becoming are all connected with the background of community, family, culture, and place (Williams and McInnes, 2014).The working of the educators drawing for professional knowledge would include the planning, for learning and development of children through engaging them in real play, activities for learning and identify their respective strengths and interest s o as to choose appropriate strategies for teaching and learning design. There have been influential gaps, strengths and weaknesses in the importance of play decisions of practitioners and families for the early child play and its importance. The practitioners decision making and childhood play as it is a childs work and Play is important. This has benefited the children in gaining knowledge, learn to think critically and solve the problems by themselves. Children gain problem solving through the games and puzzles and stimulate their knowledge in critical thinking and socializing (Wood, 2013). This has strengthened their language skills and communication skills. The gaps between the practices and the professional educators for the child play have to be according to the child practice. The importance of play has been affected by the practices of the educators, the curriculum decision making, and behavior of the child and the family background of the children. All these affect the righ t approach for the children in developing their learning and thinking capabilities. Thus in early year childhood curriculum must be set in all experiences, expectations, activities, play routines, planning and events that occur in the environment of the children development and learning by their families (Lightfoot, Cole and Cole, 2013). The educators practices and professional aspects must also involve the nurturing and building the relationships, teaching, curriculum decision making and learning activities. Hence, this research will be a base upon the all the perspective areas for the importance of play among children in their early life. The support from families, technology, educators and society as a whole would influence positively and may be negatively for the importance of play. Positive influence indicates to the role of each member in building the learning platform for the child at his early stage and benefits him from all the decisions, activities and support the development of child through play. On the other hand the negative influences include the child security, his engagement in other activities except play, and engaging them in studies and other competition (Suzanne L. Burton., 2011). The literature review above has supported the research findings and analysis for the importance of play on the practitioners perspective who finds that the early years are the building blocks for childs growth. The topic signifies the benefits of the early years learning through play which c an provide the techniques and opportunities to value added learning to all the children in early years. Parental involvement is a must in every childs early years in play which is not only beneficial for the child but also for the parents to establish understanding of the childs need, his learnings, thinking, development and moving from support towards independence (Alvestad, 2011). This enhances the parent-child playing which open the areas where they share much stronger bond, increase in communication, sharing of values, assisting in problem solving and also allows teachable moments at home. Similar is with the practitioners who perform the same guiding roles for children to communicate their development and learnings in the early years (Brock, 2009). Thus, Play time for the children helps them in their learning and development and also provides the opportunities for child parent comfort and confront and resolving the concerns related to children. The child also builds understandi ng of the others actions and preferences and becomes more socialize. Thus, the practitioners focus is on the development of the child in his early years personal and social both for overall learning and development in his future. References Alvestad, M. (2011). You Can Learn Something Every Day! Children Talk About Learning in Kindergarten Traces of Learning Cultures. International Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), pp.291-304. Baker, F. (2014). Challenges presented to personal theories, beliefs and practices of play in Abu Dhabi kindergartens: the English Medium teacher perspective. Early Years, 35(1), pp.22-35. Bird, J. and Edwards, S. (2014). Children learning to use technologies through play: A Digital Play Framework. Br J Educ Techno, 46(6), pp.1149-1160. Brock, A. (2009). Perspectives on play. Harlow, England: Pearson/Longman. Daniel, B., Wassell, S. and Gilligan, R. (2010). Child development for child care and protection workers. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Drake, J. (2009). Planning for children's play and learning. London: Routledge. Edwards, S. (2013). Digital play in the early years: a contextual response to the problem of integrating technologies and play-based pedagogies in the early childhood curriculum. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 21(2), pp.199-212. Edwards, S. and Bird, J. (2015). Observing and assessing young children's digital play in the early years: Using the Digital Play Framework. Journal of Early Childhood Research. Engel, L. (2013). EYFS Best Practice: All about a Teaching in the EYFS. Nursery World, 2013(10). Feldman, R. (2010). Child development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Fiedler, A. and Kuester, I. (2010). Child development and child poverty. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Fleer, M. (2010). Early Learning and Development. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Holman, K. (2015). Research in action: Outdoor play in a childminding setting. Early Years Educator, 16(12), pp.46-52. Jarvis, P., Newman, S. and Swingier L. (2014). On a becoming social the importance of collaborative free play in childhood. International Journal of Play, 3(1), pp.53-68. Lightfoot, C., Cole, M. and Cole, S. (2013). The development of children. New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Macintyre, C. (2012). Enhancing learning through play. New York: David Fulton Publishers. Maughan, B. and Little, M. (2010). Child development. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate. Mohler, G., Yun, K., Carter, A. and Kasak, D. (2009). The Effect of Curriculum, Coaching, and Professional Development on Prekindergarten Children's Literacy Achievement. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 30(1), pp.49-68. Moyles, J. (2010). The excellence of play. Maidenhead England: Open University Press. Mukherji, P. and Albon, D. (2010). Research methods in early childhood. Los Angeles: SAGE. Prettyman, S. and Lampman, B. (2011). Learning culture through sports. Lanham, Md.: Rowman Littlefield. Schousboe, I. and Winther-Lindqvist, D. (2013). Children's Play and Development. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Stephen, C. and Edwards, S. (2015). Digital play and technologies in the early years. Early Years, 35(2), pp.227-227. Suzanne L. Burton., (2011). Learning from Young Children. Rowman Littlefield Education. Thomas, G. (2009). How to do your research project. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. vanOers, B. (2012). Developmental Education for Young Children. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Williams, J. and McInnes, K. (2014). Planning and Using Time in the Foundation Stage. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Wilson, H. (2015). Albon, D., Rosen, R. (2014). Negotiating Adult Child Relationships in Early Childhood Research. The Journal of Educational Research, 108(5), pp.432-433. Wood, E. (2013). Play, learning and the early childhood curriculum. London: SAGE.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Spartacus free essay sample
A comparison of the movie Gladiator versus the story of Spartacus. This paper examines the story of Spartacus in light of the popular movie Gladiator. It explores his career as a soldier, statesman and warrior and the effect he had on the Roman Empire. It shows how his life as a gladiator was similar to that depicted in the movie and presents us with an understanding of Roman history. The success last year of the movie Gladiator made a number of people turn their attention to what might be called the Ur Roman History Movie Spartacus. But while most of us know the film for Charlton Hestons lean, pre-NRA president look or for the fact that it enjoys a cult standing among gay men of a certain age, very few of us have probably thought much about the real history that lies behind the movie. Indeed many people may well not even know that there was a real person named Spartacus who did in fact lead the Gladiatorial War against Rome in the years 73 to 71 BCE. We will write a custom essay sample on Spartacus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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