Tuesday, November 26, 2019
My Life Is Made of Three C’s
My Life Is Made of Three C’s My Life Is Made of Three C’s I do not remember who told this wise saying Life is a sum of all your choices but in some case it has a reason. Life always provides several ways to resolve any problem or several paths to go. And the only step we take defines next events and processes of our life. I used to believe in an assumption that lives of everyone are already written down in a so-called destiny book and nothing can be changed as it goes how it was predicted by higher reason. But while I was growing older my world perception was changing. I understood that there are two more important factors that have the same influence on human life and my life in particular. These are chances and changes. Together with choices they create a unique system which regulates everything and controls everyone. Chances come from nowhere. At least it seems so. But they come in a moment they are needed the most. For the first time I realized this secret in a high-school when I was thinking about higher education. Knowledge I was receiving was like fresh water for me because I always remembered the words of my mother that knowledge is the essential thing in life in the way to success. I studied hard, I did my best but in one moment I understood that it was not so easy to achieve the precious goal. I realized that my dream began to melt like an ice-cream. I was despaired and did not know what to do. And then I got a chance. It appeared like light in the darkness. The only chance defined my whole life. But it was only a proposition. Then I made a choice. Making a choice always requires responsibility. I realized the risk of a serious step I was going to make. At the same time I recognized the benefit this chance could bring. So having evaluated all pros and cons I made a decision. I clearly remember that moment. I did not have any hesitation. I just knew it was right. Right time, right place and right opportunity. The most important thing was that I was ready to accept that chance. And I can say that chances come when we are ready to meet them. The same happened with me. Sometimes people refuse to take choices and pretend they do not see number of excellent opportunities life provides them. Actually this happens not because they are not attentive or they are exactors. Fear of uncertainty and inability to foresee the future after taking decision makes them hesitate and delay happy destiny. I was always fighting with such fear because I realized that it was spoiling my life considerably. While having a psychological struggle I got an experience of driving out fire with fire. It was really an effective method. I grew older and I grew wiser. I understood that nature of human satisfaction in life depends on changes that occur in life. Good changes bring motivation of further actions. Bad changes break any dream and take away any willingness to self-improvement. That is why I think about the consequences any decision can bring. Changes that came after making choice influenced greatly my life. I have received a new goal and plan of actions. I began to think about how I can improve myself and how can I bring benefit to people and world around me. I do believe that everyone fells more need to be useful to other people than to earn a lot of money. I do believe that I have made the right decision. In conclusion I would like to say that human life is short and my life is not an exception. To fall down is a part of life, to fall on knees means to live itself. To be alive is a gift. To be happy is a choice. I change myself in order to have happy and rewarding life. I get chances and make choices. I do it now because there are two times in a life: now and too late. And I do not want to regret about the lost opportunities.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Why You Should Avoid These Racial Terms
Why You Should Avoid These Racial Terms Ever wonder which term is the appropriate one to use when describing a member of an ethnic minority group? How do you know if you should refer to someone as â€Å"black,†â€Å"African American,†â€Å"Afro American†or something else entirely? Better yet, how should you proceed when members of the same ethnic group have different preferences for what they’d like to be called? Say you have three Mexican American friends. One wants to be called â€Å"Latino,†the other wants to be called â€Å"Hispanic,†and another wants to be called â€Å"Chicano.†While some racial terms remain up for debate, others are considered outdated, derogatory or both. Find out which racial names to avoid when describing people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. Why â€Å"Oriental†Is a No-No What’s the problem with using the term â€Å"Oriental†to describe individuals of Asian descent? Common complaints about the term include that it should be reserved for objects, such as rugs, and not people and that it’s antiquated- akin to using â€Å"Negro†to describe an African American. Howard University Law Professor Frank H. Wu made the comparison in a 2009 New York Times piece about the state of New York banning the use of â€Å"Oriental†on government forms and documents. Washington State passed a similar ban in 2002. â€Å"It’s associated with a time period when Asians had a subordinate status,†Professor Wu told the Times. He added that people link the term to old stereotypes of Asians and the era when the United States government passed exclusion acts to keep Asian people from entering the country. Given this, â€Å"For many Asian Americans, it’s not just this term: It’s about much more†¦It’s about your legitimacy to be here,†Wu said. In the same piece, historian Mae M. Ngai, author of Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America, explained that, while the term â€Å"Oriental†isn’t a slur, it’s never been widely used by people of Asian descent to describe themselves. â€Å"I think it’s fallen into disfavor because it’s what other people call us. It’s only the East if you’re from somewhere else,†Ngai said, referring to â€Å"Oriental’s†meaning- â€Å"Eastern.†â€Å"It’s a Eurocentric name for us, which is why it’s wrong. You should call people by what (they) call themselves, not how they are situated in relation to yourself.†Due to the history of the term and the era it evokes, it’s best to follow the leads of New York State and Washington State and delete the word â€Å"Oriental†from your lexicon when describing people. When in doubt, use the term Asian or Asian American. However, if you are privy to someone’s specific ethnic background, refer to them as Korean, Japanese American, Chinese Canadian and so forth. â€Å"Indian†Is Confusing and Problematic While the term â€Å"Oriental†is almost universally frowned upon by Asians, the same isn’t true of the term â€Å"Indian†when used to describe Native Americans. Award-winning writer Sherman Alexie, who is of Spokane and Coeur d’Alene ancestry, has no objection to the term. â€Å"Just think of Native American as the formal version and Indian as the casual one,†he told a Sadie Magazine interviewer who asked the best term to use when referring to America’s indigenous peoples. Not only does Alexie approve of the term â€Å"Indian,†he also remarked that â€Å"the only person who’s going to judge you for saying ‘Indian’ is a non-Indian.†While many Native Americans do refer to each other as â€Å"Indians,†some object to the term because it is associated with explorer Christopher Columbus, who mistook the Caribbean islands for those of the Indian Ocean, which were known as the Indies. As a result of the error, people indigenous to the Americas overall were dubbed â€Å"Indians.†Also problematic is that many hold Columbus’ arrival into the New World responsible for initiating the subjugation and decimation of Native Americans, so they don’t want to be known by a term that he’s credited with popularizing. It’s worth noting, though, that the term â€Å"Indian†is far less controversial than the term â€Å"Oriental.†Not only haven’t states banned the term, there’s also a government agency known as the Bureau of Indian Affairs, not to mention the National Museum of the American Indian. On that note, the term â€Å"American Indian†is more acceptable than simply â€Å"Indian†because, in part, it is less confusing. When someone refers to â€Å"American Indians,†everyone knows the people in question don’t hail from Asia but from the Americas. If you’re concerned about the kind of reception you’ll receive by using the term â€Å"Indian,†consider saying â€Å"indigenous peoples,†â€Å"native peoples†or â€Å"First Nations†peoples instead. But the wisest thing to do is to refer to people by their specific ancestry. So, if you know a particular person is Choctaw, Navajo, Lumbee, etc., call him that rather than using umbrella terms such as â€Å"American Indian†or â€Å"Native American.†Spanish Is Not the Catch-All Term for Spanish-Speaking Peoples Ever heard a person referred to as â€Å"Spanish†who isn’t from Spain but simply speaks Spanish and has Latin American roots? In some parts of the country, particularly cities in the Midwest and on the East Coast, it’s commonplace to refer to any such person as â€Å"Spanish.†Sure, the term doesn’t carry the baggage that terms such as â€Å"Oriental†or â€Å"Indian†do, but it’s factually inaccurate. Also, like the other terms covered, it lumps diverse groups of people together under an umbrella category. In actuality, the term â€Å"Spanish†is quite specific. It refers to people from Spain. But over the years, the term has been used interchangeably with the various peoples from Latin America that the Spanish colonized. Due to intermixing, many of the colonized peoples from Latin America do have Spanish ancestry, but that’s only a part of their racial makeup. Many also have indigenous ancestors and, due to the slave trade, African ancestry as well. To call people from Panama, Ecuador, El Salvador, Cuba and so on as â€Å"Spanish†is to erase large swathes of their racial backgrounds. The term essentially designates people who are multicultural as one thing- European. It makes about as much sense to refer to all Spanish-speakers as â€Å"Spanish†as it does to refer to all English speakers as â€Å"English.†Colored Is Outdated but Continues to Pop up Today Think only octogenarians use terms such as â€Å"colored†to describe African Americans? Think again. When Barack Obama was elected president in November 2008, actress Lindsay Lohan expressed her happiness about the event by remarking to â€Å"Access Hollywood,†â€Å"It’s an amazing feeling. It’s our first, you know, colored president.†And Lohan’s not the only young person in the public eye to use the term. Julie Stoffer, one of the houseguests featured on MTV’s â€Å"The Real World: New Orleans,†also raised eyebrows when she referred to African Americans as â€Å"colored.†More recently, Jesse James alleged mistress Michelle Bombshell McGee sought to defuse rumors that shes a white supremacist by remarking, I make a horrible racist Nazi. I have too many colored friends. What’s to explain for these gaffes? For one thing, â€Å"colored†is a term that never completely exited American society. One of the most prominent advocacy groups for African Americans uses the term in its name- the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. There’s also the popularity of the more modern (and appropriate) term â€Å"people of color.†Some people may think it’s okay to simply shorten that phrase to â€Å"colored,†but they’re mistaken. Like â€Å"Oriental,†â€Å"colored†harkens back to an era of exclusion, a time when Jim Crow was in full force, and blacks used water fountains marked â€Å"colored†and sat in the â€Å"colored†sections of buses, beaches, and restaurants. In short, the term stirs up painful memories. Today, the terms â€Å"African American†and â€Å"black†are the most acceptable to use when describing individuals of African descent. Still, some of these individuals may prefer â€Å"black†over â€Å"African American†and vice versa. â€Å"African American†is considered more formal than â€Å"black,†so if you’re in a professional setting, err on the side of caution and use the former. Of course, you can also ask the individuals in question which term they prefer. You may also encounter immigrants of African descent who wish to be recognized by their homelands. As a result, they prefer to be called Haitian-American, Jamaican-American, Belizean, Trinidadian, Ugandan or Ghanaian-American, rather than simply â€Å"black.†In fact, for the 2010 Census, there was a movement to have black immigrants write in their countries of origin rather than be known collectively as â€Å"African American.†Mulatto Is a Don’t Mulatto arguably has the ugliest roots of the antiquated terms on this list. Historically used to describe the child of a black person and a white person, the term reportedly originates from the Spanish word â€Å"mulato,†which, in turn, originates from the word â€Å"mula,†or mule- the offspring of a horse and a donkey. Clearly, this term is offensive, as it compares the union of human beings to that of animals. Although the word is outdated and offensive, people still use it from time to time. Some biracial people use the term to describe themselves and others, such as author Thomas Chatterton Williams, who used it to describe President Obama and rap star Drake, both of whom, like Williams, have white mothers and black fathers. While some biracial people don’t object to the term, others balk at its use. Due to the word’s troublesome origins, refrain from using this term in any situation, with one exception: When discussing opposition to interracial unions in early America, academics and cultural critics often refer to the â€Å"tragic mulatto myth.† This myth characterizes mixed-race people as destined to live unfulfilling lives in which they fit into neither black nor white society. When speaking about this myth, those who still buy into it or the period when the myth arose, people may use the term â€Å"tragic mulatto.†But the term â€Å"mulatto†should never be used in casual conversation to describe a biracial person. Terms such as biracial, multiracial, multiethnic or mixed are usually deemed non-offensive, with â€Å"mixed†being the most colloquial word on the list. Sometimes people use the terms â€Å"half-black†or â€Å"half-white†to describe mixed-race individuals. But some biracial people take issue with this because they believe these terms suggest that their heritage can be literally split down the middle like a pie chart when they view their ancestry as completely fused. So, as always, ask people what they wish to be called or listen to what they call themselves.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Surrealism in Fashion Elsa Schiaparelli and Yang Du Essay
Surrealism in Fashion Elsa Schiaparelli and Yang Du - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism in Fashion Elsa Schiaparelli and Yang Du" analyzes fashion and surrealism. The paper looks at the shift from the manifestation of the ‘future’ in the historical past to near subsequent dream world of Surrealist response, whereby the future as depicted in Salvador Dalà ’s distorted timepieces in Persistence of Memory, removes the logic of ‘progress’ prior Modernist movements toward an organic incorporation of technology, rather than mere orchestration of the future. Influenced by both conventions of Italian Futurism and French Surrealist aesthetics, Elsa Schiaparelli’s designs in speak to this moment of transition in Inter-War History. The second half of the essay is an examination of current theoretical debates on the cumulative, and necessarily disjunctive quality of cultural productions, or the so-called â€Å"crisis of representation.†Following Walter Benjamin’s notions of ‘Ur’ history, whe re things of the past leave their traces for further reproduction in the future, I will draw on the visual technologies of advertising imagery of Europe’s inter-war regime(s) to access fundamental links between capital, political ideology, technology and the bodies of fashionistas. Thierry Mugler’s work is a candid and cheeky derivative of this history; making fun of fascism whilst promoting its aesthetic as impenetrable, yet sexy. In both of these fashion designers’ work, inscription of power on ‘the body’ through haute fashion culture, serves as a historical trace. ... The emergence of Surrealism within fashion, for instance, was marked by the birth of parallel aesthetic cultures in commercial advertising, and especially the incorporation of art photography. The first coherent movement dedicated to aesthetic pastiche, Surrealism set the tone for later movements like Deconstruction. The first half of the paper looks at the shift from the manifestation of the 'future' in the historical past to near subsequent dream world of Surrealist response, whereby the future as depicted in Salvador Dal's distorted timepieces in Persistence of Memory, removes the logic of 'progress' prior Modernist movements toward an organic incorporation of technology, rather than mere orchestration of the future. Influenced by both conventions of Italian Futurism and French Surrealist aesthetics, Elsa Schiaparelli's designs in speak to this moment of transition in Inter-War History. The second half of the essay is an examination of current theoretical debates on the cumulative, and necessarily disjunctive quality of cultural productions, or the so-called "crisis of representation." Following Walter Benjamin's notions of 'Ur' history, where things of the past leave their traces for further reproduction in the future, I will draw on the visual technologies of advertising imagery of Europe's inter-war regime(s) to access fundamental links between capital, political ideology, technology and the bodies of fashionistas. Thierry Mugler's work is a candid and cheeky derivative of this history; making fun of fascism whilst promoting its aesthetic as impenetrable, yet sexy. In both of these fashion designers' work, inscription of power on 'the body' through haute fashion culture, serves as a historical trace intended to transcribe the collection of next season's
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Openning Trader Joe's in Canada Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Openning Trader Joe's in Canada - Assignment Example The mode of entry the company is focusing on is acquisition. This report discusses the viability of an international expansion into Canada utilizing the acquisition entry strategy. In order to penetrate a foreign market the managerial staff of a company must perform environmental scanning of the marketplace. Canada is the biggest market that is closest to the United States. The population of Canada is 32.32 million people whose gross domestic product per capita in 2005 was $32,645 (Studentsoftheworld). Canada is part of special trade treaty between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This trade treaty is called the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). NAFTA is a trade agreement that began on January 1, 1994 which removes most barriers to trade and investment among the three countries (Usda). The existence of this trade agreement means that Joe’s Trader would not have any problems gaining market entry through the acquisition mechanism. The people of Canada enjoy eating seafood and dairy products. Due to the French influence in its culture cuisine food items such as pea soup, French pastries, breads, crepes, special cheeses, lamb and veal are some of the food items Canadian citizens utilize in their homes on a daily basis (CultureGrams). The eating habits and preference for gourmet items is aligned well with the product offering of Trader Joe’s. The food market in Canada just as in other parts of the world is very competitive and profit margins are very low. Joe Trader has a product selection of upscale organic products, fresh vegetables and dairies, and many other cuisine food items that gives this firm a product differentiation which will enable to attract customer in market saturated with traditional supermarket stores. The chosen strategy for entry into the Canadian marketplace is acquisition. An acquisition is good strategy for Joe Trader because it would enable fast access for the company into Canada. An
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hamlet Essay Example for Free
Hamlet Essay Hamlet is unique in its revenge genre as it has more than one revenge plots occurring within it. The Dominating one is of Hamlet and his desire to avenge his Father by killing his uncle. Throughout the play we see Hamlet in ideal situations to carry out his revenge, but choosing not to do so. In Act III Scene II we see Hamlet using the play that has been set up to try to test the innocence of his Uncle and king by gauging his reaction to a staging of the events of how he supposedly murdered Hamlets father. In this scene we see the so called ‘Mousetrap’ being played out as Hamlet witnesses Claudius reaction to the play and witnesses his reaction, from this he draws accurately that Claudius is guilty. He has confirmed the ghosts message as true, ‘O good Horatio I’ll take the ghost’s word for a thousand pound,’ and has from that found his resolve and is now fully willing to avenge his father by killing Claudius. From Claudius sudden exit ‘The king rises’ and his poor reason for doing so ‘Give me light. Away! ’ it leaves Hamlet and the audience fairly certain of Claudius guilt. This leads us to disagree that Hamlets methods of enacting revenge are ineffective as the ‘Mousetrap’ was very successful for Hamlet in finding his resolve and evidence for him to exact his revenge. To some extent though the Mousetrap was only effective for Hamlet as it convinced him that of Claudius’ guilt but it doesn’t wholly convince the audience and possibly Horatio, as we can see from Horatio’s lack of enthusiasm and joy but instead simply agreeing with Hamlet on what he saw not what he has drawn from it; ‘Hamlet: Upon the poisoning, Horatio: I did very well note him’. He like the reader, the queen and other members of the court will more likely to assume that it was Hamlet’s incessant taunting and insults that has disturbed the King and caused him to leave it in such a manner. The intended audience of this play which was a late Tudor/early Stuart one also may be more drawn to it as the idea of killing a brother, or uncle such as Hamlet intends, as one of the greatest atrocities of which man was capable which comes, like revenge, from the Romans, and may be more hesitant to accept that someone in such a position of power and noble birth should be incapable of. Also it seems far more likely that it is Hamlets taunts that has caused the kings unrest as the Mousetrap does not provide solid evidence of Claudius’ guilt and that it is more a dramatic imperative that Claudius is guilty of killing Hamlets father as otherwise the play would not fit the criteria of its genre and lead it on to a far cry from what is intended. From this we can see that Hamlet’s methods are ineffective but they have to be correct for the play to carry on. In Act III Scene we see Hamlet finding himself in an ideal situation to carry out his revenge, he has just discovered that Claudius is guilty of murdering his father and now has Claudius alone and unaware; prime for the kill. However Hamlet for some reason stays his blade, and chooses that this type of revenge is not for him, either a clash between his Christian ideals of ‘do unto others as done to you’ and his Renaissance Roman ideals of revenge. Somehow this culminates in Hamlet seeing this revenge as not being up to scratch as he sees it as leading to Claudius forgiveness in the eyes of God, ‘To take him in the purging of his soul, when he is fit and seasoned for passage? ’ Hamlet’s choice to not kill Claudius here leads to his own death as well as the needless death of all the other characters, it also shows how his methods of enacting revenge are ineffective as he was basically given Claudius on a silver platter but refused to kill him due to his ideals contradicting his desires. One can see Hamlets actions during the final scene to show his methods of revenge as being very effective. After witnessing the death of his mother and Laertes confessing to Hamlet about what Claudius has done, ‘The King, the King’s to blame. ’ Hamlet wastes no time in avenging his mother as he forces Claudius to finish the poison, ‘Here, thou incestuous, murderous, damned Dane, Drink off the potion. This also could suggest that Hamlet’s previous delays in enacting his revenge were based only on non-conclusive evidence which in such a mind as Hamlets could very easily have manifested itself into doubt about what he had to do. But finally having conclusive concrete evidence of Claudius Hamlet does not delay in slaying him. Hamlets ability to carry out revenge seems to depend greatly on the presence of his mother and whether she is involved. We can see that when Hamlet is sent to speak with his mother after the Overall we can see in this that Hamlets methods of enacting revenge seem rather dependant on his state of mind, whether he is thinking rationally with a level head which leads to him procrastinating and overthink and subsequently be ineffective, or if his he is enraged, forced to react quickly, or spurned on by the presence of his mother whose presence infatuates and aggravates him. Overall though one must admit that Hamlet did in fact manage to kill Claudius which means to some extend are effective though not greatly as in doing so it lead to the deaths of almost all of the main characters in this play. Had Hamlet been more like his Fortinbras, who can be seen as a foil character, then he would have reacted upon learning immediately of Claudius guilt and slew him whilst he prayed but instead Hamlet delayed it and led to a more ineffective method of revenge.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Response of Fredrick Douglass to Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher S
Fredrick Douglass' Response to Uncle Tom's Cabin    Frederick Douglass was arguably the most prominent African American abolitionist during the mid-19th century. He established his notoriety through his narrative entitled Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave published in 1845. Frederick Douglass also produced an African American newspaper, Frederick Douglass' Paper, which highlighted the reception and critiques of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Frederick Douglass praised Uncle Tom's Cabin through not only his writing but in the critiques and letters contained in his newspaper. It is important to look at these reviews to understand Douglass' intentions. However, C.V.S. from the Provincial Freeman critiques Douglass' hypocrisy in his critique of Uncle Tom's Cabin.       Douglass provided a forum in his newspaper for critical reception of book. The first critique of Uncle Tom's Cabin that appeared in Frederick Douglass' Paper was by William G. Allen in the form of a letter. Overall his letter praised the novel; however, he did respond negatively to the colonization and racialism in the text. Another regular contributor to Douglass' newspaper named William J. Wilson, signed Ethiop, wrote a review praising the novel's reception in New York City. Ethiop writes, "This species of abolitionism finds its way into quarters here, hitherto so faced over with the adamant of... ...e Harris." Provincial Freeman. 22 Jul. 1854, unpaged. Douglass, Frederick. "Letter to Mrs. Stowe." 8 Mar. 1853. Frederick Douglass' Paper. 2 Dec. 1853, unpaged. Ethiop. "Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin." Frederick Douglass' Paper. 17 June 1852, unpaged. Harriet Beecher Stowe Center. 24 Mar. 2002  http://www.harrietbeecherstowecenter.org/. Levine, Robert S. "Uncle Tom's Cabin in Frederick Douglass' Paper: An Analysis of Reception." Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. Elizabeth Ammons. New York: Norton, 1994. 523-542. Railton, Stephen. Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture: A Multi-Media Archive. 24 Mar. 2002 < http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/utc/. >  Response of Fredrick Douglass to Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher S Fredrick Douglass' Response to Uncle Tom's Cabin    Frederick Douglass was arguably the most prominent African American abolitionist during the mid-19th century. He established his notoriety through his narrative entitled Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave published in 1845. Frederick Douglass also produced an African American newspaper, Frederick Douglass' Paper, which highlighted the reception and critiques of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Frederick Douglass praised Uncle Tom's Cabin through not only his writing but in the critiques and letters contained in his newspaper. It is important to look at these reviews to understand Douglass' intentions. However, C.V.S. from the Provincial Freeman critiques Douglass' hypocrisy in his critique of Uncle Tom's Cabin.       Douglass provided a forum in his newspaper for critical reception of book. The first critique of Uncle Tom's Cabin that appeared in Frederick Douglass' Paper was by William G. Allen in the form of a letter. Overall his letter praised the novel; however, he did respond negatively to the colonization and racialism in the text. Another regular contributor to Douglass' newspaper named William J. Wilson, signed Ethiop, wrote a review praising the novel's reception in New York City. Ethiop writes, "This species of abolitionism finds its way into quarters here, hitherto so faced over with the adamant of... ...e Harris." Provincial Freeman. 22 Jul. 1854, unpaged. Douglass, Frederick. "Letter to Mrs. Stowe." 8 Mar. 1853. Frederick Douglass' Paper. 2 Dec. 1853, unpaged. Ethiop. "Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin." Frederick Douglass' Paper. 17 June 1852, unpaged. Harriet Beecher Stowe Center. 24 Mar. 2002  http://www.harrietbeecherstowecenter.org/. Levine, Robert S. "Uncle Tom's Cabin in Frederick Douglass' Paper: An Analysis of Reception." Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. Elizabeth Ammons. New York: Norton, 1994. 523-542. Railton, Stephen. Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture: A Multi-Media Archive. 24 Mar. 2002 < http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/utc/. > Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How important is that we are certain about what we claim as knowledge? Essay
How important is that we are certain about what we claim as knowledge? According to my opinion, it is crucial to identify what we claim as knowledge. The world has a lot of information but not all of them can be claimed as knowledge that is suitable to. Everything from your opinion to the life changing decisions you make are dependent on the knowledge that you identify as your own through your own perspectives and also through your experiences. To me, unnecessary knowledge is something a person does not have to have and does not need to be claimed by a person. To distinguish between necessary and unnecessary knowledge one must know what he or she believes in and would need to be steadfast to that topic. By doing this your knowledge will be refined, rather than flooded. By saying this, it does not mean that the knowledge you can collect should not be collected it is just that the knowledge that is refined to your stature is definitely going to help you better than any other knowledge that you collect that does not come under your scope. The importance of what we claim as knowledge differs from person to person and in the end the basic background and culture the person is from, will determine what knowledge he identifies and adores. All in all the knowledge that you have does not merely state what you know, it describes what kind of a person you are and how your life has been and will be! How important is that we are certain about what we claim as knowledge? According to my opinion, it is crucial to identify what we claim as knowledge. The world has a lot of information but not all of them can be claimed as knowledge that is suitable to. Everything from your opinion to the life changing decisions you make are dependent on the knowledge that you identify as your own through your own perspectives and also through your experiences. To me, unnecessary knowledge is something a person does not have to have and does not need to be claimed by a person. To distinguish between necessary and unnecessary knowledge one must know what he or she believes in and would need to be steadfast to that topic.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Chicken Ala Carte Essay
Thousands of people die every day due to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left this people. It clearly displayed that hunger and poverty kicks as main problem of the society and some people are too blind to see it. The videography of the film was too shaky and some parts are blurry. This is actually effective for me as for the fact that it is a documentary and it made me feel like I am in the real setting of the event. Another element is the actors in the film. They portrayed their roles truly and they were really convincing which made the film so sympathetic and melancholic. The songs used in the later part of the film also added to the mood. The setting of the film was very dirty and crowded, enough components to represent a place where poverty is happening. The kids in the squatters’ area were also good representations of hunger and malnutrition in an isolated community. The most powerful part of the story, for me, was when the father tapped his kid on his hands, which cannot wait to eat, just because he forgot to pray. This showed me that even though things are getting to worse than expected, we still have to give thanks to Him for we are blessed that we still live this life with His spirit guiding us. It also displayed to me the spirituality of a man and his faith that is strong enough to continue living their lives. Furthermore, this film made me realize that I am so blessed. Many people out there struggle for food while I can easily buy them anywhere I wanted to. I can choose where to live while they cannot because they cannot afford a concrete shelter. These people are the ones in need and we must have time to reach out for them to have their chance of having a life with comfort. In addition, I couldn’t stop myself from having sympathy for those who are on the overlooked portion of our country for they are the ones who deserve to benefit the profit our country has earned. In this kind of situation, you can’t really avoid to demand that those people should be the one our government should be focusing on improving one’s life due to the fact that since they pursue themselves to the politics, it is their duty to serve their countrymen first before anything else. Aside from scarcity, I believe education is also the key to keep away from those kinds of circumstances in life because if you are a well-educated person, you will be aware of family planning and most especially you have the capability to earn money and buy foods in order for you and your family to survive.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How are the monetary tools used to stimulate THE ECONOMY when unemploy
How are the monetary tools used to stimulate THE ECONOMY when unemploy How are the monetary tools used to stimulate THE ECONOMY when unemployment is high? When addressing the problems of unemployment, the monetary tool, expansionary monetary policy comes into play. Expansionary policy makes every effort to stimulate the economy by increasing the sum of money in motion, along with equivalent reduction in interest rates. Expansionary monetary policy is put into motion by the central bank through the open market operation. This is the process of purchasing government bonds to increase the supply of money and lower interest rates. Lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply are done to help with the incentive for businesses to lend, invest, and overall expand. Because the banks and institutions that sold the central bank the debt have more cash, it is easier for them to make loans to its customers (Boundless). Interest rates for loans initially go down, allowing businesses to use the money for expansion. Expansion leads to more jobs to be filled, reducing unemployment rates. How are the monetary tools used to reduce or prevent inflation? The Federal Reserves most import job is to manage inflation while preventing a recession. Contractionary monetary policy is the type of monetary policy the Fed uses in attempt to slow down economic growth. Economic growth can be slowed when the money allowed into the market is limited. This action makes receiving loans more expensive. Most commonly monetary tool used to prevent inflation is the open market operation, which is the process of the Fed buying and selling securities. To prevent inflation securities are sold, forcing banks to buy them, to reduce capital and allow higher interest rate charges. Another tool is the process of raising the Reserve requirement. Raising the amount of money banks are required to reserve allows more to be kept out of rotation. Another tool used is the option of increasing the discount rate. This is the interest rate the Fed itself charges to allow banks to borrow funds from the Fed's discount window (Amadeo). The last tool the Fed may use is the Fed funds rate. This is the interest rate banks charge for loans they make to each other to maintain the Reserve requirement (Amadeo). Usually the Fed will change the Fed funds rate, before making changes the reserve requirement and discount rate. This monetary tool is a simple and gives the same results from raising either the reserve requirement or discount rate. Reference Amadeo, K. (n.d.). How Interest Rates Are Determined. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from http://useconomy.about.com/od/interestrateindicators/p/interest_rate.htm Boundless. The Effect of Expansionary Monetary Policy. Boundless Economics. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved 03 Mar. 2015 from https://www.boundless.com/economics/textbooks/boundless-economics-textbook/monetary-policy-28/impact-of-fed-policies-119/the-effect-of-expansionary-monetary-policy-471-12567/
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8 Steps to More Concise Writing
8 Steps to More Concise Writing 8 Steps to More Concise Writing 8 Steps to More Concise Writing By Mark Nichol You know you must streamline your writing, but the devil’s in the details. Here are some specifics about what to look for: 1. Remove Redundancy Avoid double-teaming terms like â€Å"a period of one week,†â€Å"end result,†â€Å"free gift,†and â€Å"personal opinion.†Watch for phrases that echo the quality in question: â€Å"oval in shape,†â€Å"larger in size,†â€Å"shorter in duration,†and the like. Omit redundant words that are already implied as part of an abbreviated term, such as machine in â€Å"ATM machine.†2. Reduce Phrases to Words Replace a descriptive phrase following a noun with a one-word adjective that precedes the noun: â€Å"People who experienced at traveling know better than to label their luggage,†for example, can be revised to â€Å"Experienced travelers know better than to label their luggage. A modifying phrase, similarly, can be reduced to a simple adverb: â€Å"Sympathizing with her concerns, he nodded in response to her complaint,†for instance, is more concisely expressed as â€Å"He nodded sympathetically in response to her complaint.†Delete extraneous phrases such as â€Å"which is†and â€Å"who were,†as shown here: â€Å"We drove down Lombard Street, which is considered the crookedest street in the world†is easily simplified to â€Å"We drove down Lombard Street, considered the crookedest street in the world.†3. Omit Gratuitous Intensifiers and Qualifiers Use adverbs that intensify or qualify in moderation: â€Å"They had an extremely unpleasant experience†isn’t accurate unless a subsequent explanation justifies the intensifier extremely, and â€Å"I was somewhat taken aback†isn’t necessarily an improvement on â€Å"I was taken aback.†4. Expunge Expletives â€Å"There are†or â€Å"there is†is a weak way to start a sentence. â€Å"There is a telling passage toward the end of the story†lacks the focus of (and the more vivid verb in) the sentence â€Å"A telling passage occurs near the end of the essay.†5. Negate Nominalizations â€Å"The report gave an analysis of the accident†uses a phrase where a single word suffices. (This is known as a nominalization, or smothering a verb.) When you see a â€Å"(verb) a/an (noun)†construction, convert the noun into a verb and replace the phrase with it. In this case, â€Å"The report analyzed the accident†is the more concise result. As with deletion of expletives, a stronger verb is an additional benefit. 6. Delete Superfluous Phrases â€Å"At the present time,†â€Å"for all intents and purposes,†and â€Å"in the event that†are just a few of many meaningless phrases that clutter sentences. Trim them to tighten your writing. 7. Avoid Cliches Likewise, â€Å"face the music,†â€Å"litmus test,†â€Å"tried and true†and other timeworn phrases add nothing to your writing but words; they’re useful only for padding a word count, but instructors and editors (and readers) will notice. 8. Eschew Euphemisms Generally, words that disguise concepts degrade language, which is all about expressing, not repressing, meaning. For example, â€Å"collateral damage,†in reference to warfare (and, by extension, to all interpersonal relationships), invites derision. However, use of some euphemisms, such as those for human disabilities, is a well-meaning effort to preserve the dignity of the disabled, though some people argue that such cosmetic wording actually harms people by diminishing the seriousness of their condition, or that it is for the benefit not of the disabled but of people who would rather not be reminded of the disabled. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†Latin Words and Expressions: All You Need to KnowSit vs. Set
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Final Project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Final - Statistics Project Example It is the researcher’s belief that other data sets (particularly those about student aid) must be utilized to find out how government budget can affect enrollment in college or universities in the country. In an op-ed piece written by Jeff Madrick (2004), he said â€Å"higher education†¦will cure just about anything, from globalization and outsourcing to technological change and income inequality†. This view is of course subscribed to by many organizations and are calling for increased budget for education and other related programs. In fact, the University of Washington has published a report (University of Washington, 2011) showing the importance of financing higher education so as to ensure that the state of Washington will continue to allot budget for the university’s operations. Through government funding, the universities can maintain the excellence and access to research, hence continuing to enrich communities. To answer the questions above, we will use data on education from the National Data Book (US Census Bureau, 2011). Data from 2003-2008 will be used in this study. Because we want to determine the effect of government expenditure to enrollment in higher education, all figures presented focused only on public colleges and universities. We will use regression analysis in determining the trends in college enrollment, charges and expenditures in higher education institutions, as well as discovering the relationship between government funding and college enrollment while descriptive statistics will be used to describe the sample further. Table 1 below shows that between 2000 to 2009, about 66% of all high school completers enrolled in college. Meanwhile, average enrollment in all higher education institutions slightly exceeded the 17,000,000 mark. Average annual tuition fee and in the US between the years 2000 to 2009 was at $3,443 while dormitories cost $3,251.20 on the average. School expenditures
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bruce Smith is a totally incompetent manager Essay
Bruce Smith is a totally incompetent manager - Essay Example The essay hereby proffers theories and concepts that aim to evaluate Bruce Smith’s performance as a manager of the Printery Section of Paper Partners, a small printing firm located in regional Queensland, owned and managed by Paul Southey Case Background Paul Southey is currently in a dilemma in terms of providing an appropriate evaluation for Bruce Smith, the Printery Manager of his firm, Paper Partners. As a manager, Smith’s subordinates rate him as exemplary and provided positive ratings. However, as a colleague and a co-manager, Smith was rated as a nightmare to work with, rude and with utter disregard of the other sections of the company. When confronted with his behavior, Smith admitted his primarily focus on his Printing section with minimal regard to the sales or packaging sections. In this regard, Southey needs to evaluate his behavior and determine the best course of action to solve the problem. Is Smith really an incompetent manager, as contended by other man agers of other departments? Or is Smith an effective manager but a poor colleague? Definition of Terms To support one’s arguments that Bruce Smith is considered a totally incompetent manager, one needs to qualify the definition for incompetence. The online dictionary defines incompetence as â€Å"the quality or state of being incompetent; want of physical, intellectual, or moral ability; insufficiency; inadequacy; as, the incompetency of a child hard labor, or of an idiot for intellectual efforts†(Webster, 1913). The term identifies insufficiency in qualifications. According to Alaspa (2008) in his article entitled Identifying incompetence,†Margaret Heffernan has assembled this list of the ten habits of total incompetence, to wit: (1) an inability to act; (2) failure to divulge crucial concerns; (3) oversensitivity; (4) refusal to deviate from procedure; (5) preference for weak candidates; (6) focusing on minute tasks; (7) inability to comply with deadlines; (8 )lack of recruitment skills; (9) reliance on consultants; and (10) work the longest†(Alaspa, 2008, pars. 2 – 11). The list however, identified habits or patterns of behavior that one has been accustomed to do. In analyzing the insufficiency of a manager to categorize him as totally incompetent, one needs to evaluate not only one’s technical skills, but interpersonal skills, as well. Robbins, et.al. (2008) averred that managers, to be effective, need to perform functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling (p.5) and assume ten roles grouped into interpersonal relationships, transfer of information, and decision-making (pp.5 – 7). Using these concepts, Smith’s performance can be evaluated first as a manager, using the comments from his subordinates and identifying the functions or skills manifested in the theories provided in various literatures. After which, Smith’s performance will also be evaluated as a colleague. Evaluation of Bruce Smith as a Manager The comments of Smith’s subordinates are enumerated and summarized, and the following managerial functions and skills manifested are identified as follows: SUBORDINATES COMMENTS MANAGER’S FUNCTIONS/SKILLS Nella McDonald Great to work for; gives Interpersonal skills (leader) credit for ideas and motivates Stephen Dye Good leader and problem Interpersonal skills (leader) solver Decisional (disturbance handler) Alex Brown Gives
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