Monday, September 30, 2019
Determinism and the benefits of Taylor’s theory Essay
In Metaphysics Richard Taylor outlines the different views on the concept of freedom. The traditional view is that of the compatibilists which states that freedom is the ability to act, or not to act, according to the determinations of the will. It is so defined to make it compatible with the theory of determinism, which essentially states that all actions have a causal explanation due to the state of the world in the moment previous. However, the definition is clearly inadequate due to the fundamental flaws of determinism and its failure to account for deliberation or personal choice. A superior alternative is offered by what Taylor calls the theory of agency, but is more commonly known as libertarianism. In discussing a theory one must start with some data in order to prove the validity of the theory, and in discussing determinism this is no different. Two suitable criteria dealing with the decision making process are: firstly that we at times deliberate with the view of making a decision , and secondly regardless of whether I deliberate I sometimes have a personal choice in the decision making process. These criteria are ideal because they are both things that we as individuals are fairly certain of so any acceptable theory must account for them in some way. For common sense, a virtue in argumentation, suggests that it is easier to accept the veracity of partial self-determination in the decision making process than an abstract philosophical theory. To asses the applicability of the data to determinism a more in depth examination of determinism is needed, which Taylor defines as having three tenets: Firstly, that the theory of determinism is true. Secondly, that voluntary behaviour is free unless constrained, and finally that causes of voluntary behaviour are certain states, condition, decisions, and desires. The principle problem of determinism is precisely this last tenet, for what are the causes of the inner states that cause my actions? Where do they come from? Are they under my control? If determinism is true then the problem of infinite causality arises for the causes of the actions must themselves have causes. When applied to the two original data the infinite causality of determinism renders these data false. Take deliberation as an example. I can deliberate only about future actions, but there are always causes to everything I do making the outcome of the deliberation inevitable and the process itself irrelevant. The incompatibility of determinism and deliberation does not bode well for the second datum, as if I am to have a personal choice in an action then I must be able to concretely execute any of the options associated with the action. But if determinism is true there can again only be one option due to the chain of causes thus negating the option of personal choice. A better theory, one that incorporates these two essential data is what Taylor calls the theory of agency, but is more commonly known as libertarianism, which postulates that human beings are frequently, but not always, self-determining beings. To further understand the theory of agency and thus its advantages it is first necessary to examine how it deals with the causation of actions. If an individual is relatively free in his decision making it follows that the individual agent can be considered a cause for the resulting action. For example, if I move my hand then the obvious cause of the motion is me and not some infinite series of causes. The lack of such a sequence of causes, unlike the one put forward by determinism, is an advantage for it allows the theory of agency to be rid of the problems of determinism discussed above. Moreover this allows libertarianism to incorporate the two criteria originally put forth. Under libertarianism deliberation becomes not just possible, but quite logical as it makes sense to ponder a matter over which I have control of the outcome. Then obviously, if I am at least a partially self-determining entity then I have a fair amount of personal choice in what course of action I should pursue. Aside from avoiding the problems of determinism, perhaps libertarianism’s greatest advantage is its common sense appeal. For example, if I am considering whether to order a Big Mac for lunch or a McChicken, it makes much more sense to me that through deliberation I can choose which sandwich I would like to eat, rather than the existence of some infinite chain of events that pre-determines that I will eat a Big Mac. It is of course necessary to acknowledge that common sense and simplicity are not absolute truths, but as Bertrand Russell wrote, in support of common sense, in The Problems of Philosophy, â€Å"Since this belief [in the existence of physical objects] does not lead to any difficulties, but on the contrary tends to simplify and systemize our account of our experiences, there seems no good reason for rejecting it.†(Russell, 24) While Russell was addressing another problem the logic of common sense he applied most definitely applies to the case at hand as well. As a concluding argument in favour of libertarianism consider, the very fact of reading and grading this essay. If determinism were true then this essay’s grade would have long been pre-determined by a series of causes stretching back to before its very creation thus rendering useless the whole process. Texts Cited Russell, B. Problems of Philosophy. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1997. Taylor, R. Metaphysics. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Fitzgerald’s use of diction in The Great Gatsby Essay
The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, uses a specific choice of words along with selection of detail to develop the characters of Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. This essay will cite specific examples that correspond to Fitzgerald’s use of diction and details. Although this passage does not emphasize on Tom Buchanan, his character is developed through the use of literary techniques. Tom’s character speaks three times during the course of this scene, and all three times his words make him sound as if he is superior to everyone. †‘It’s a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here’s your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’ â€Å"(Page 28) In this quote, diction and a specific choice of words is apparent through the use of the word ‘decisively.’ Using this word creates the feeling that Tom is authoritative and commanding. This citation also serves as an example of Tom’s mannerisms throughout the novel. He speaks to an elderly person with contempt by telling him that he is wrong and that he should buy ten more dogs with the money he gives him. A parallel can also be drawn between Myrtle and the dog in that he looks at the dog in the same degree of importance as Myrtle. Tom’s lack of patience can also be seen in his retort to the old man’s answer. Another citation, which serves to magnify Tom’s superiority over others in the novel, is when Nick tries to leave Tom and Myrtle. â€Å"No you don’t,†Tom interposed quickly. â€Å"Myrtle’ll be hurt if you don’t come up to the apartment. Won’t you, Myrtle?†(Page 28) Yet again, this citation serves to demonstrate Tom’s commanding personality. More specifically, he answers for Myrtle as if she couldn’t have answered herself. As a result of Fitzgerald’s effectual use of diction and word choice, the passage is able to effectively develop Tom’s character. Tom’s domineering and forceful persona is further enhanced in this passage through the demonstration of his gestures and dialogue. Although Tom does not play a major role in the selected passage, his persona is greatly shaped through the author’s use of language. Much of this chapter is dedicated to the augmentation of Myrtle’s character. The author uses imagery, dialogue, and diction to create her personality. The use of imagery is seen in the beginning of the passage: â€Å"She had changed her dress to a brown figured muslin, which stretched tight over her rather wide hips†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Page 26) Myrtle’s actions also have a lot to say about her character. An example was when she â€Å"let four taxicabs drive away before she selected a new one.†(Page 27) This type of behavior serves to contrast her true lifestyle of being married to a poor and hard working garage man. â€Å"Is it a boy or a girl?†she asked delicately. (Page 28) This citation from the passage builds onto Myrtle’s sensitive side. It also shows that she cares about the unimportant sides to life and is very materialistic. â€Å"Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and other purchases, and went haughtily in.†(Page 28) This quote, along with many others made in this selection make great use of adverbs to create the character of Mrs. Wilson. The use of the word ‘haughtily’ adds to the arrogant character that she displays. This again contrasts her true lifestyle and emphasizes her dual personality. Other adverbs that were used in this passage to characterize Myrtle were: eagerly, enthusiastically, delicately, and earnestly. All of these adverbs in one sense or another characterize Mrs. Wilson’s actions and character. Accordingly, the author’s language uses imagery, adverbs, and actions that create her arrogant and contrasting personality. In conclusion, F. Scott Fitzgerald effectively employed diction and selection of detail to develop the characters of Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. He did this by using various literary techniques and parts of speech to emphasize the character’s personality. For example, he uses imagery, irony, adverbs, dialogue, actions, adjectives, and mannerisms to bring out the arrogance of Myrtle and indifference of Tom Buchanan. Thus, the author properly uses diction and selection of detail to serve the purpose of developing the characters of Mrs. Wilson and Tom Buchanan.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Voice of america Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Voice of america - Essay Example VOA is amongst the five international broadcasters of the US that are civilian are function directly under the supervision of Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). The programs by VOA are offered in some 44 languages on all sorts of mediums including Internet, TV and radio. Number of languages broadcast in TV out of these 44 languages is 26. There are distinct websites for the different language services of VOA and they make use of a whole range of social media websites including Youtube, Facebook and Orkut to approach the audience and share views with them. Contents of the programs broadcast include but are not limited to culture, news, education, live calls and discussions. Every week, 1500 hours of news are produced by VOA that cater for the concerns of some 123 million people all over the world. Facilities of VOA include 33 studios for recording and production, 20 studios for the broadcast of radio, 32 suites for the editing of videos and 4 television studios. President Gerald Ford signed a law in 1976 according to which VOA should play the role of a consistently authoritative and reliable news channel. The news-center of VOA is spread over an area of 30000 sq. ft. Every day, as many as 150 news reports are generated by the news-center about different programs and in different languages. In addition to about 90 part-time reporters, VOA has 13 overseas and 48 domestic reporters. VOA’s system of integrated digital audio is the greatest of all across the globe. There are about 1180 employees of VOA. Many of them are quite aged and are likely to expire within the next decade. Most of them will be replaced by federal employees or contractors. The annual budget of VOA amounts to $207 million. Since the start of the 21st century, there has occurred a tenfold increase in the TV audience of VOA, of which 1/6th are English people. About 10 per cent of the total budget of VIA is spent upon the internet. Number of visits made in
Friday, September 27, 2019
Listening to a new radio station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Listening to a new radio station - Essay Example Generally, I listen to all types of music. I like to sample the various offerings of radio stations and enjoy variation. Admittedly, my favorite types of music are Rock and Metal. I am able to tolerate all types of music but country music is the exception to the rule. I hate the "twang" of the accent and don't find the music to be inspirational at all. To prepare and complete this assignment, I set my cell phone and car radio to country stations. On my phone I usually listen to the internet radio and I have my personal favorite radio stations saved. I created and added a country station to my favorites and listened to the stations for the same amount of time that I would normally listen to my preferred stations. The second day listening to country music was actually funny, I got in my car in a hurry, when I turned on the ignition started playing country and without thinking I turned off the radio, then I remembered why it was on that station. I turned it on again and struggled all th e way to work, the same happened with my phone, I turned it on and off so quick! I can't believe how desperate I was to avoid this assignment! I think that while I love the messages that the country songs attempt to convey, the music is just so depressing.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Treatment for Tobacco Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Treatment for Tobacco Use - Essay Example Chantix was developed specifically for smoking cessation and is a highly selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist. Chantix affects the sites in the brain that are affected by nicotine and aid by reducing the craving for nicotine. Being a partial agonist means that is has both a stimulating and a blocking effect on the receptor it is attracted to. Pfizer received a priority FDA review because of its potential to offer substantial improvement in the public health. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), trials took place in 2003-2004 at 6 US and 18 International medical clinics that were experienced in smoking cessation. The participants were chronic smokers who averaged smoking 21 cigarettes per day. The trials were designed as a 12-week treatment program with an extended follow-up period. Participants were given carbon monoxide testing to verify their claims of abstinence. In a trial reported by JAMA, after 52 weeks 43.6% of the participants that received varenicline had continued not to smoke. This compared to 36.9% of the participants that received a placebo. Other studies have reported a success rate of 21.9% for varenicline versus 8.4% for the placebo. The difference has been attributable to the design of the study.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Country Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper Assignment
Country Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper - Assignment Example Nice blend of coffee serving in presence of amusing environment should be accompanied by the highest serving quality. Price: Since Indian coffee market has a good history, its market is supposed to have few fearsome competitors for Starbucks. Pricing becomes very important in this respect. General attitude of locals towards pricing is very strict; thus lower the price, greater the market share. Place: Starbucks' most vulnerable market comprises of middle class Indians who live in high streets of posh and developing areas of large cities. Therefore, it is of immense value to target the market of Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, and Jaipur etc specially those places which are near colleges, bus stops, cinema theaters, railway stations etc. Distribution and Supply Chain Risks may be termed as the major risk factors for Starbucks in India. Effective resource planning becomes very crucial since distribution through independent sources may become highly cost effective. Abundance of highly educated manpower in this regard can be the key for solution. India is a mixture of various different societies comprising of thousands of ethnic, cultural, religious and social groups. Thus, social and cultural risks are very high due to immense differences in these groups.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Exam on Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Exam on Business - Essay Example The research was based on the premise that both the layout and location of Ikea stores were indeed intentional, but only in so far as they serve the function of operations management to advance the strategic thrust of the firm. The strategic goal of Ikea is to provide quality furniture at reasonable cost; its target market includes people of all walks of life, particularly those who could not afford the high cost of conventional, ready-made furniture. Its product design employs knocked-down assembly type furniture which may be stored in compressed flat packs. The product design and manufacturing process are all intended to serve the principal philosophy behind Ikea – to reduce production costs while maintaining quality, and engaging the customer in the production process by leaving the assembly of the furniture to them. The location and layout of Ikea stores are but an extension of the production strategy. The flat pack design of the furniture assembly kits enables their stora ge in compressed areas; a system that facilitates quick location and identification of particular products supports the warehouse-type storage area adjacent to the show area. The store layout is consistent with the firm’s self-service philosophy, so customers decide on their choice of purchases in the show area and locate their own goods in the storage area. As mentioned in the report, the principal complaint of consumer groups is that Ikea’s layout forces customers to go through their entire display and entices them to make impulse purchases against their intentions. Research fails to substantiate this allegation, however. Customers who do not wish to buy anything are certainly not forced or intimidated into doing so. It just happens that visitors to Ikea usually find something else that they decided they needed or wanted. The layout therefore facilitates customers’ view of Ikea products to enable them to find what they may not have intended to purchase at the beginning, but which they considered they wanted to buy anyway. The layout helps customers decide what to purchase, it does not compel them to purchase – at least, not any more than any other store that markets retail merchandise. In the choice of location, principles of operations management require the consideration of the following factors: adequacy of market potential, accessibility to customers, potential for growth, business interception, attraction to customers, compatibility with surroundings, minimisation of competition, and site economics. Of these, the principal complaint of competitors has to do with the minimisation of competition. That this has been accomplished by Ikea’s entry into the locality is not disputed; the question is, whether it has been done ethically or not. Whether unethical practices were employed in getting local administrators to permit Ikea to open at their locations is not supported by proof, and to decide in this direction is prejudici al not only to the company but moreso to the local authorities. As far as the research uncovered, Ikea’s location in the locality afforded the immediate community or city significant advantages in terms of employment and access to reasonably priced goods and services. The location of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Stat Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Stat Essay - Assignment Example Moreover, the constant service time for each of the customer is 2 minutes. Therefore, the maximum total time consumed by the customer in availing the service is 8 minutes. Therefore, it can be stated that customer waiting time in seconds will be 480seconds in average. Single-phase queuing system is a type of queuing system where there is a single server, which provides service to the customer entirely. There are two types of single phase queuing system. One is of single channel i.e. the presence of a single server for every customer in the waiting line. While, the other is of multi channel i.e. the presence of multiple server, but each server is providing service to the customer. Single phase queuing system is appropriate when a single server delivers all the desired requirement of the customer. This type of system is appropriate when there is no requirement of multi specialized service providers (Ozcan, 2009). For instance, this type of system is mostly seen when a person goes to hair dressing saloon. A single service provider of the saloon provides the desired requirement of the customer at his/her own. This system is diagrammatically shown below. On the other hand, Multi-phase queuing system is a type of queuing system where there are multiple servers to provide service to the individual customers one after another i.e. in phases. There are two types of multi phase queuing system. One is the single channel, where the entire customers pass through a single set of servers. The other is the multi channel, where there is a presence of multiple sets of servers. Multi phase queuing system is appropriate when there is a requirement of multi specialized service providers. Here a specific task of the service is provided by a service provider or a group and the rest is performed by the different service providers at phases. Here each service provider is specialized at his/her work. This type of system is prominently
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Management Journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management Journals - Essay Example According to the first hypothesis, managers’ beliefs about vision clarity, appropriateness and execution are positively correlated with job satisfaction and organizational commitment and negatively correlated with turnover intentions and role ambiguity. According to the second hypothesis, individual sentiments towards vision clarity, appropriateness and execution will interact to influence job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentions and role ambiguity. The researchers administered the survey instrument to a Fortune 500 company which was undergoing a transformation process. The survey was applied to 245 respondents inclusive of officers, directors and managers. The authors have mentioned the common method bias as being one of the limitations. According to the findings, a three way interaction between vision clarity, appropriateness and execution can impact upon job satisfaction, turnover intentions and role ambiguity. These findings confirm predictions abou t such interactions. For example, if the organizational change is perceived to be appropriate and well-executed, it increases job satisfaction. In this manner the findings have linked the three change sentiments of vision, appropriateness and execution with the four affective outcomes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentions and role ambiguity. ... The research sample consisted of upper and middle level managers who were involved in a large-scale organizational change initiative. The study has a considerable level of practical implications for managers in the present day business environment which is characterized by a fast pace of change both in terms of technology and management techniques. Therefore change management has become one of the key success factors of operating in the present day business environment. The findings of the study will help managers in creating an organizational culture the building blocks of which are necessarily change sentiments and their affective outcomes. An organizational culture that is based upon the interaction effects of change attitudes upon key job-related outcomes will have a more successful experience of organizational change. Organizational change is a complex process which to be successful should incorporate inputs from managers and employees at all levels of the organizational hierarc hy. This study will help management understand how the three change sentiments can affect the success of organizational change. The interaction effects of vision clarity, appropriateness and executive can impact upon job satisfaction, turnover intentions and role ambiguity. These three affective outcomes must be taken into account in successfully conducting organizational change. According to the study, organizational change has clear implications for individual change attitudes. By taking these interactions into account, today’s organizations can have a more effective change management framework which is a key success factor. Mathisen, G. E. and Einarsen, S., 2010. A review of instruments assessing creative and innovative environments within
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Boeing Company Essay Example for Free
The Boeing Company Essay Soon to celebrate a 100-year anniversary, The Boeing Company was founded in 1916 and had 28 people on its payroll. Today, The Boeing Company has more than 170,000 employees, in 50 states and 70 countries and is the largest manufacturer of commercial airplanes and military aircraft (â€Å"The Boeing Company,†2012). Boeing is structured around a business model that sets it apart from other companies. This model consists of six parts. They are chart the course, set high expectations, inspire others, find a way, live Boeing values, and deliver results. These six parts fall into the four categories of trust, conflict resolution, commitment, and accountability. Every Boeing facility adheres to this model, whether it is the Commercial Division or the Defense/Space Division. This is called the â€Å"One Boeing†approach with everyone working together for the common goal. Following this business model has allowed Boeing to become an industry leader. Employees are encouraged to work together and to trust and respect one another. Communications are expected to be honest, candid, and open. Above all, integrity and ethics are insisted upon. Every employee makes an ethics commitment each year. Boeing fosters an atmosphere were issues are focused on, not titles or positions. New ideas and ways to do things are welcomed and implemented if possible. Goals and objectives are clear and teams work together to define steps to get there. Quality is also focused upon an expected. If a quality defect is found, Boeing and its employees step up immediately even when it is uncomfortable to do so because it is the right thing to do, always. Diversity is celebrated and each person’s skills and strengths are added to the knowledge base. Even though there is an official hierarchy, Boeing continues its cultural theme into communication by keeping an open-door policy. Employees know that they can take their questions and concerns to anyone, even the president and CEO of Boeing, without fear of retribution. Internally, employees receive news updates every day via e-mail. These updates may include information on new customer contracts or aircraft deliveries, or they may include articles on individual or team accomplishments. There are weekly and monthly video broadcasts within each division, Commercial and Defense, that give a status of the company and on-going projects. Externally, Boeing maintains an extensive public website, advertises in magazines and on television (with actual employees doing the acting), and even publishes its own Frontiers magazine that is available to the public online and printed for customers, suppliers, and employees (â€Å"Frontiers Online Magazine,†2012). Boeing sites also support their local communities. Employees volunteer their time with many charities and events, such as Earth Day clean-up projects, Habitat for Humanity, food banks, and education programs with local school children. When recent, weather related, incidents tore through the Midwest and damaged some of the homes of its employees, Boeing sites around the country immediately pooled together to send household goods and monies to help their fellow coworkers. Sites near to the affected areas sent people to help. It is not unusual for the Boeing family to pull together to help each other. The company’s core values are not just a flowery statement to satisfy customers and shareholders. Boeing’s values are the core of its business and its employees. There was recently a defective electrical panel found on a military aircraft as it was about to take its first flight. Boeing employees were mobilized within minutes of notification and had a replacement unit en route within an hour. An investigation was conducted and safeguards put in place to ensure the error never occurred again. In April 2011, a Southwest Airlines plane made an emergency landing in Arizona when a hole developed in the fuselage. Within minutes of the incident, thousands of Boeing personnel were already working on the problem. That particular airplane had been in service for 15 years, yet every Boeing employee stepped up to stand behind the product. These examples illustrate that Boeing and its employees live the Boeing values every day. With an established organizational culture that emphasizes working together as one cohesive unit and with open honest communications, it is no wonder that Boeing and its employees have set themselves apart as an industry leader. As stated on the Boeing website, â€Å"†¦our culture mirrors the heritage of aviation itself, built on a foundation of innovation, aspiration and imagination.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Perspectives on Vulnerability in Childhood
Perspectives on Vulnerability in Childhood The aim of this assignment is to discuss critically the principles of working with vulnerable children or young people by using an anonymousness case study. The plan is to illustrate the key concepts of vulnerability and resilience, consider the impact on the childs mental health and to look at different legislations. Scenario Mary is a five-year-old child who lives at home with her Mum and Dad. In view of the recent recession, Marys Dad has lost his job and is displaying negative emotions and this is causing friction with his wife. Mum has mild learning difficulties but is able to hold down a part time job, taking on more hours to compensate for the loss of earnings and leaving Dad to attend to Mary. Mary attends school but recently her attendance has been erratic, on several occasions Marys homework as not been done. School staff has noticed Mary turning up to school dirty, smelly and appears to have lost weight in recent weeks. The teacher has tried on several occasions to arrange a meeting but Mum claims to be too busy with work and Dad shows no interest. Vulnerability An explanation by Appleton (1994) describes vulnerability as a complex concept where there are many interacting factors. Appleton (1994) suggests vulnerability can be viewed as a scale where families at different periods in life can be more susceptible to both internal and external stress factors. In comparison, The United States Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (USAHCPR 1998) suggests that the environment may contribute to the vulnerability of people through various phases of life. More specifically different people may be vulnerable in a variety of ways due to health issues, age, communication problems and the house and community where they live. Equally important a recent concept of vulnerability suggests that parents or carers inability to provide basic needs, such as love, warmth, shelter and a healthy diet may affect the childs all round development. (Cleaver et al 2007). One cannot deny that everybody at some point in his or her life may be vulnerable. However, according to some experts how old you are can also be an influence. In other words, infants and children are considered more vulnerable because they rely on parents or carers to provide their basic needs. The reason for this is young children do not have the verbal language to communicate for their own needs (Aday 1993, Gitterman Shulman 1994, Miller 1995). Nevertheless all concepts advocate a similar meaning and according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) article nineteen, states that every child has the right to be protected. Young children need to be nurtured and guided by parents or caregivers to provide them with the basic needs to develop into participating young adults in society (Cleaver et al 2007). So it is vital that all nurses, midwifes and health visitors should have the skill and knowledge to identify indicators of vulnerability in children and be responsible t o pursue any concerns with the appropriate person (Stower 2000). Resilience In the science of human development, resilience has comprehensive and different meanings, including recovery from traumatic experience, overcoming divorce and withstanding stress to function well in the tasks of life. It is clear from those facts that resilience refers to patterns of positive adaptation or development manifested in the context of adverse experiences (Masten Gewirtz 2006). Masten and Gewirtz (2006) suggest that resilience is a dynamic balance between risk and positive factors. In addition, how individuals, children, and families cope in the face of adversity. This led us to believe through research that early childhood is a significant time where parents can nurture the characteristics of the children in promoting and understanding resilience (Masten Gewirtz 2006). Furthermore, Masten and Gewirtz (2006) suggest that resilience may come naturally to some children where other children may need help in acquiring those skills. One should, nevertheless consider resilience from another angle where existence of protective factors may explain why one child may cope better with adverse life events than another (Getting it Right for Every Child 2008). Protective factors are those variables that safeguard against the effects of risk factors, the presence of one or more factors of negative outcome for a child or young person. Protective and risk factors can be divided into four groups, child, family, school, and community factors (Durlak 1998). An example of a risk factor would be insecure attachment and the protective factor would be attachment to a family (Durlak 1998). With new information and understanding of resilience in individuals there seems to be a shift from the emphasis on factors and variables to mechanisms and processes. This shift looks at how well an individual processes and copes in the face of adversity (Rutter 2007). Furthermore, this refers to mental operations, for example coping skills, as well as individual characteristics and experiences (Rutter 2007). On reflection, it seems more accurate to say that considering not only characteristics and experiences but also the age and stage of development of the child. In addition, for example children aged five and less has a reduced repertoire of coping mechanisms. Similarly, Schoon (2006) suggest resilience is not only dependent on the characteristics of the individual but interactions from the family and the wider community may also play a part. On the other hand, Brooks (2006) points out that the family is at the centre of providing care and this has the greatest influence on the development of resilience in children. In relation to the scenario, Marys all round development at this moment may be vulnerable. As highlighted above how old you are can also be an influence because children aged five and less has a reduced repertoire of coping mechanisms and the increased of vulnerability in this age group in terms of physical and emotional development. Mary is dependent on her parents to provide her basic needs, food, warmth, shelter, and love. The effects of neglect can have a long-term influence on Marys quality of life. However, some children cope with and overcome the socio-emotional effects of child neglect. Mary may have protective factors within the family, such as a Grandmother, who may help to reduce the effects of neglect and foster resilience. The family dynamics have changed within the family where Mum is now working full time and Dad is the main caregiver. In view of the recent recession, Marys Dad has lost his job and is displaying negative emotions. This may have an impact on Marys all round development and her mental health because are social skills and needs is not being met. Mental Health In relation to the scenario, Mary is showing signs of neglect. To begin with, according to Horwath (2007) there have been many publications about neglect. However, not one was able to give a clear definition on what is neglect. In addition, analysis from these definitions agrees that neglect is an omission, or failure on part of the parent or carer to provide the basic needs for the child, such as healthy diet, and love (Horwath 2007). Likewise, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC 2007) agrees that neglect is difficult to define and describes it as a complex phenomenon. However, both the NSPCC (2007) and Horwath (2007) agree that neglect in practice can present short term to chronic and severe neglect. Furthermore, periodic failure or one-off incidents can have a significant effect on a child. These periodic and one-off incidents may be indicative of developing neglectful behaviour. Another possibility it may be an indication that the family is suffe ring from stress, or a temporary crisis because of parenting issues (Horwath 2007) such as Marys Dad has been made redundant. When people hear the word neglect, they usually think of parents not providing their children with food, clothes, or a safe environment to live in. Alternatively, parents can neglect their children (Horwath 2007) in other ways. Furthermore, Horwath (2007) suggests that there are a variety of parenting behaviours that may be classed as forms of neglect such as, medical, nutritional, education and emotional. Parents or carers who emotionally neglect their child fail in providing physical or emotional affection and do not develop the childs sense of self-worth and positive identity (Horwath 2007). More specifically, it affects the childs all round development including their mental health. Mental health can mean different things to different people. For children to be mentally healthy they need to be loved, healthy diet, and opportunities to make choices, protection from risk, and shelter. However, the list is exhaustive but more specifically according to young minds (2002) children who live life to the full, creative and sociable lives, cope with difficulties and frustrations are mentally healthy. The foundation for building emotional understanding skills has been found to develop within the parent-child relationship (Parke et al 1992). According Edwards, Shipman, and Brown (2005) through the parent-child relationship children learn from their parents how to label and interpret motions in different situational contexts, when it is appropriate, how to show and evade emotional experiences as culturally indicated. The ability to interpret the emotional behaviours of others may mean reading their facial expressions, by the tone of voice or body language, not necessarily words (Edwards, Shipman, and Brown 2005). In addition, children who developed emotional development at a young age are more likely to settle well into school, work cooperatively, confidently and independently, and behave appropriately (Townley 2002). A child with poor social and emotional development is at risk of poor relationships with peers, academic problems (Horwath 2007). There is a difference between emotional neglect and emotional abuse. According to Iwaniec (1995) suggests that emotional neglect is non-deliberate where abuse is deliberate. Furthermore, parents or carers can emotionally neglect their children in a number of ways such as, inadequate attention to the childs needs, need for affection, and lack of emotional support (Iwaniec 1995). All children are individuals and may experience mental distress in different ways, such as the inability to cope with problems and feelings, low self-esteem and self-confidence, worsening school performance, and social withdrawal (Honeyman 2007). Emotional resilience is a valuable skill for all children. It is about being in control and believing in ones ability to work through setbacks and risk situations in a capable, effective manner. This capacity for resilience empowers the child to develop coping behaviours, to persist in the face of failure, to bounce back with confidence and a healthy self-esteem (Townley 2002). Children need a certain amount of resilience to be able to cope with the difficulties that occur as part of living and other strong emotions, in order to do this children develop a number of coping strategies (Landy 2002). For the first five years, children rely on their parents or caregivers to provide support in dealing with intense negative emotions and eventually learning to control or manage their emotions alone by using a range of emotional resilience or coping strategies (Landy 2002). Therefore, children need to understand how to regulate their emotions, recognize emotions in others, and handle relationships with others if they are to be well-adjusted, contented, positive, and resilient individuals (Townley 2002). They need to learn that all emotions are okay, and that they are entitled to their emotions (Cassidy et al 1992). However, it is also important children recognise that other individuals emotional needs can differ from their own (Horwath 2007). Another aspect to consi der is how the parents socialize with their children and display emotions. If the parent or caregivers display positive life skills rather than displaying anxiety or depression therefore the childs capacity to emotionally regulate would not be impaired (Landy 2002). Mental health affects all aspects of life how Mary forms relationships, interact with her peers and how she copes with the rough and tumble of life. A child who is ignored may seek other ways to draw attention, and the ability to cope may be hinder leading the child to have a strong tendency to use externalizing and maladaptive coping skills. Marys life is loaded with tension, negative moods, unpredictable parenting at this moment in time. In addition, the school have contacted both parents to discuss issues relating to Marys education and well-being however, her father is not interested and Mum claims to be busy with work. The expression both parents are portraying now about school is indicating to Mary that school is not important and she may be less likely to seek emotional support from teachers or her peers. On the other hand, up to now one may assume Mary has had a stable upbringing and with additional support and with protective factors in place may help her through the present crisis within the family. Legislations There are different legislations in place to protect children and young people in todays society. Such as, Protecting Children and Young People: Framework for Standards (Scottish Executive 2004), The Children (Scotland) Act 2004, and Sharing Information About Children at Risk of Abuse and Neglect: A Guide to Good Practice (Scottish Executive 2004). There are many more policies but advocates that all children have the right to be protected. According to CAMHS Standard, National Service Framework for Children, Young People, and Maternity Services (2004) suggests multi-agency services work in partnership to promote childrens mental health, provide early intervention, and meet the needs of the children that are identified with problems. It also goes on to say that, staff who are working with children and young people have sufficient knowledge, training and support to promote the psychological well-being of children, young people and their families and to identify indicators of difficulty . However, this seems not to be the case and according to Honeyman (2007), it is a much-neglected subject in child health. The Nursing and Midwifery Code (2002) states that this lack of knowledge in mental health may be seen as a barrier When making decisions about a child it is paramount, they are at the heart of the discussion in all considerations and decisions. Professionals throughout the planning and actions taken must demonstrate this (Edinburgh and Lothians Inter-agency Child Protection Procedures Section 2, 2007). Furthermore, working with a family where they may be issues of the child or development professionals must co-operate to enable proper assessment of the childs circumstances, provide any support needed, and take action to reduce the risk to the child. Sometimes this may require sharing information with other professionals. In addition, all professionals or agencys are required to keep confidential information given by parents and must not be shared without the persons permission (Edinburgh and Lothians Inter-agency Child Protection Procedures Section 2 2007). Getting it right for every child (2008) is a network of support to promote the well-being of every child or young person to get help at the right time. This network will also include the family or carers. This may involve other agencies to be involved and if this is the case a lead professional will be nominated and they will co-ordinate help, such as making sure the family, child or young person understands what is happening and to promote teamwork between the agencies and with the family, child or young person. The Getting it right for every child Practice Model consists of three elements, Eight Well-being Indicators, My World Triangle, and The Resilience Matrix. The Eight Well-being Indicators, this identifies all areas where a child or young person needs to progress in order to do well now and in the future. This enables professionals to structure information that may highlight areas of concerns and needs and to structure planning (Getting it Right for Every Child, Section 4, 2008). My World Triangle introduces a mental map, which enables the professionals to understand the whole world of the child or young person. In relation to Mary, using My World Triangle can be used at every stage to think about Marys world. Information may be used from other sources, possibly school, to identify the strengths and pressures in Marys life. This will not only identify the negatives but also the positives as well. My World Triangle looks at the whole child, physical, social, educational, emotional, spiritual, and psychological development (Getting it Right for Every Child, Section 4, 2008). Using My World Triangle, the professionals can consider systematically how Mary is growing and developing, what Mary needs from the people around her, and the impact on Mary in the wider community, family, and friends. To conclude the professionals may use The Resilience Matrix. The Resilience Matrix can be used in a single or multi-agency environment. This allows the professionals to gather the information on Mary, from My World Triangle and other sources and plot it on a blank matrix so that the balance between vulnerability and resilience, and adversity and protective factors can be weighed. The City of Edinburgh Council, Guidelines for Pupil Support Groups (2004) are committed in working in partnership with the parents, Social Work, Education and others to provide integrated support to children or young people and their families. Mary is in Primary one at school and the teachers and staff are in a good position to observe Mary in her education, socialising with her peers and her general well-being. Conclusion Many researchers have highlighted that vulnerability and resilience are difficult to define. Through my research for this assignment, I have been introduced to a number of concepts in relation to vulnerability, resilience, and mental health in relating to a young person or child. It is the job of any paediatric nurse not to diagnose but be able to recognised symptoms of children with mental distress in order to refer them to the appropriate professional or agency. In addition, how important it is for the nurse to understand the age and stage of development the child goes through. Prolonged emotional neglect or any type of abuse may be harmful to the child. It has been highlighted through research that it may affect the childs all round development and the presence of protective factors may explain why some children are resilient and why others are not. Resilience can be enhanced through extensive and appropriate practical and emotional support, intervention, and life chances. In orde r to enhance resilience professionals must establish the vulnerabilities and protective factors that exist for the child them consider the course of action to take to enhance resilience. .
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Britney Spears’ Promotes Potentially Abusive Relationships in Her Song,
Britney Spears’ Promotes Potentially Abusive Relationships in Her Song, Baby, One More Time In her Top 10 hit ". . . Baby, One More Time," Britney Spears posits the song’s persona as a passive naà ¯f. Continual references to blindness and hitting metamorphose the song from a teen-targeted summer pop tune into ideology enslaving young women into dangerous, constrictive views of relationships--and themselves. Using feminist and Lacanian theory allows us to see the speaker’s entrance into the Symbolic and the problems thereof. The speaker rues over a terminated "love" affair. She (although arguable, this critic finds the speaker’s notion of and adherence to gender roles distinctly "female") supplicates for a "sign" of his (again, heterosexuality is an assumption made for the sake of discussion) persevering proclivity. This sign is to come in the form of a "hit." References to the speaker’s death ("killing me") are frequent, as are other indications of mistreatment. The speaker begins addressing "baby," her lover. She claims ignorance of the troubled relationship, thus displaying her quiescent predisposition: "how was I supposed to know / that somethin’ wasn’t right here." Because of her passivity, she appears as an innocent victim. The poor, helpless speaker is not to be blamed for anything. One might picture a little girl shrugging her shoulders and asking, "what could I do?" when caught eating a whole cake. This denial of responsibility is commonly seen on The Jerry Springer Show when someone maintains, "I didn’t mean to have an affair. It just happened." Placing the locus of control outside oneself causes one to naturally become a victim. Yet the speaker seems apprehensive in her inveterate paralyzed role. She pro... might create? By attempting to erase the "hit me," someone tried to cover up the overtones of violence. Yet simply changing the title cannot efface the masochism and vapidity of the song’s speaker. The speaker’s complete yield of self to a potentially abusive lover is deleterious for teens still forming an identity, especially those seeking guidance and advice about sexual relationships. The effects of Spears’ song remain to be seen; yet this critic feels that the message sent is a harrowing one. The speaker’s recognition of self-worth cannot eventuate too quickly. Works Cited Haywood, Susan. Key Concepts in Cinema Studies. Routledge: London, 1996. Spears, Britney. ". . . Baby, One More Time." . . .Baby, One More Time. Audio CD. BMG: 1999. Works Consulted Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits: A Selection. Trans. Alan Sheridan. Tavistock: London, 1977.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
College Admissions Essay: A Happy Memory Never Wears Out :: College Admissions Essays
A Happy Memory Never Wears Out "Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out." Because some of my happiest memories have developed through my volunteer work, I agree with Libbie Fudim. It's always delightful to remember the way a face lights up after I have completed a job for someone. Since my freshman year of high school, I have been involved in over 100 hours of volunteer work. Some areas I have worked in are helping teachers, campaigning for lieutenant governor, University of Mississippi and building houses with Habitat for Humanity and World Changers with my church youth group, working at Countyseat Animal Hospital, and assisting with the Special Olympics at Hernando Middle School. I plan to attend the University of Mississippi and participate in a study abroad program. As a person with a college major in dentistry and a minor in Spanish, I can give back to my community in numerous ways. First, dentists have the opportunity to give back to their communities in monetary ways such as buying equipment for the local athletic organizations, medical clinics, and homeless shelters. Without donations, these places could not survive. Because I love to learn about new cultures, I plan on creating a scholarship fund for students to study abroad. Also, I will participate in mission projects where I buy supplies and give the needy dental care. In my own clinic I will choose a certain day and do pro bono work. "¿ Quieres Jugar al futból?" With a degree in Spanish, I'll start a soccer team for the rapidly growing Hispanic culture in DeSoto County, Mississippi. With the education from college Spanish classes, I will be able not only to communicate with my players but also to translate for the opposing teams that speak English. Also, this will allow people in my community to share other's cultures. Since soccer is a very popular sport in Hispanic countries, my efforts will allow the Hispanic minority to be active and adjust more easily to the United States. I will also volunteer at Baptist DeSoto Hospital by translating information to the patients, doctors, and nurses and at the First Regional Library or the DeSoto Literacy Council, where I can help Spanish-speaking people read, write, or do homework. I have been blessed with a wonderful family who know that succeeding is very important.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Dead Man Walking Book Review :: essays research papers
Dead Man Walking Dead Man Walking, a story by Sister Helen Prejean, is a superb book, presenting most of the aspects regarding capital punishment. According to my opinion the unique thing about this book, is its ability to make people reflect upon and even question their earlier thoughts concerning the death penalty. Many different points of view are presents, but the book doesn’t pick sides. Dead Man Walking manages to remain objective even when we approach the painful end. The book is based on Sister Helen Prejean’s experiences with inmates on death row. Sister Helen receives a letter from prisoner Matthew Poncelet. Due to a horrible murder to which he claims only to have been an observer, he is now on death row, waiting for his execution. He requests her to come visiting him. In the next few days we follow Sister Helens conversations with Matthew, his family and the families of the two teenagers brutally raped and killed. In spite of the fact that Helen meets a lot of anger and sorrow for her being so involved with Matthew she keeps on fighting for his life. But the appeal gets rejected and the execution gets closer There is one statement in the book that I think summarizes the theme. A lawyer observes: â€Å"it is easy to kill a monster, but hard killing a human being.†I think that one of the reasons Sister Helen Prejean wrote this book is to bring more knowledge about the complex death penalty to the public. While the rest of the Western world has abolished this, in my opinion, old-fashioned punishment has become an asset to US politicians in order to gain trust from the American voters. Sister Helen Prejean and the condemned Poncelet are defiantly the main characters of this book. Even though few people can identify themselves with Poncelet, his grief and despair occurs before and during the injection and reminds us that less than few are totally in lack of emotions. Sister Helen is a Nun who spends much of her time doing charity in her poor neighborhood. She is having a hard time not letting her to Poncelet’s actions dominate her spiritual relationship, but manages to remember the Christian message: â€Å"Every man is worth more than his worst actions.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Choosing a Right Major to Create My Future
Rupeng Yang Choosing a right major to create my future Undergraduates have the higher educational level than high school student, but have the lower educational level than graduates. The time we spend in college is the most important time in our lives. During this period of time, we have been changing ourselves a lot. Because we get more information from our professors and our schoolmates to make us to become â€Å"critically thinking adults†(P85). We do not want to dependent on our family very much. We are trying to think about our future independently. We want to be more independent.So we obtain a lot of information from outside world, ignoring the information is good or bad. The most important thing we are thinking about is our majors. We are lack of experiences how to make a right choice on our majors. We do not know what we can do in our future. Now we are suffering from selecting majors. We really need to get help from professors or tutors in our college. Last semester w as my first semester in baruch college. When I met new classmates or new professors, the most question to me is what my major is. My answer was always I do not decide or I do not know.Many freshmen have the same situations as me, even some second year students. Why do not we choose majors? We Yang 2 want, but we do not know what we can choose. In baruch, the first two years classes have not any relationship with our majors. We have few chances to get information about majors from our classes. Because we are always busy with studying. Some students have part time jobs. They need to focus on not only their study, but also their jobs. Because they need to make money to support their education. They have little chance to know about their majors.Why do we want to attend to college? Because we want to know about our world well and obtain more knowledge to know what we are able to do or what we are interested in doing in the future. I know we have advisers in baruch. But that is not enough to so many students. We need more professional advisers to help us to analyze what the employment situations in the world now and what it will be like after we graduate, or help us to find out what are really interested in. Baruch college is famous at accounting major. But not everyone comes here for becoming an accoutant.I do not want to be an accountant too. I hope my major is about finance. Finance comprises many branches. I need a more specific major. My question is how I can use my advantages better if I choose a major. I am good at math, but I do not want to be an accountant. What can I do in the future? Baruch college pays a lot of money to the library resources every year to give students more knowledge and help us to study well. But if we do not know what we will do, or what our life will be like in the future, what is the destination for studying well? Our majors are like our dreams about our life.We need to spend a lot of time on our major. Because our majors connect wit h our working, Yang 3 and our working connects with our life and family in the future. That is why I am really concerned about choosing a right and propriate major. Many of my family members and friends told me that the major I choose is what I am really interested in. Because I need to spend more than four years on the major, and the first formal job I find is about my major. With an old saying in China, â€Å"Man needs to select the right major, and woman needs to get married with the right man. As far as I know, it is not easy to change major in college. If you did, it really takes time to finish another major. So we hope we can make right decisions at the first time. We do not need to change our decisions and use more time and energy to finish our education. â€Å"A more serious problem for faculty at many state and city colleges is the scarcity of resources. Because schools cannot easily hire more faculty members, they increase the workloads of those they have. †(P86) B aruch college does not have that problem.We have enough and professional faculty members, and good resources and computers in the library. Every student would not say, â€Å"There is no class for me to choose. †Every student can become full time student. If baruch college can put more professional advisers in it, that would be better. We have a good student academic consulting center. There are good professors and tutors to help students with their study, such as English, mathmatic, foreign language and so on. But few people think about if we have professional advisers to help us with our majors, we can get the best benefit.Yang 4 If I know what my major is, I will make my goals clearly for my life. I can make sure what I need to learn, what I do not need to waste time on. That makes my study more efficient. Although my parents and friends gave me some suggestions. those are not professional enough. I need a professional adviser to help me clear out my struggle. I appreciate that baruch has enough faculty members, good resources and beautiful basketball playgrounds. I hope baruch can add more professional advisers in it to help our students with their majors.
Exercises in Scientific Writing: Coordinators, Subordinators
The full PDF (with exercises) can be downloaded from http://louisville. edu,'faculty/ lwolf02,' writing-about-data Joining Sentences with Subordinators One of the biggest differences between mature, effective writing and more basic writing is that mature writers use subordinators to show relationships between ideas. The more complex the information that you are writing about. the more important subordinators are. unfortunately. when beginning writers start using subordinators, they often produce sentence fragments or punctuate sentences incorrectly.Therefore, this chapter has the following goals: 1. Encourage you to use subordinators to connect ideas together. 2. Show that subordinators can be used in either the beginning or the middle of sentences. 3. Ensure that you understand the correct rules for punctuating subordinators. What is a subordinator? Subordinators are words that join sentences and help us highlight a variety of relationships between ideas, including cause,'effect rel ationships, contrasts, conditions, and concessions.Here are the subordinators we use most Often: Subordinator although, though, even though, While, whereas because, since Logical Relationship Contrast/concession Cause/ResL11t Condition before, after, when, Time henever, until, as soon as Example While we can model X-ray emissions, such an approach is often laborious, time-consuming, and impractical. The tuff absorbed a great amount of water after the earthquake because it consisted of porous material. The stress cannot be reproduced if the blocks are too large.Some heart attack victims in our study confessed that they phoned clients and rescheduled meetings before they called an ambulance. When we put a subordinator in front of a sentence, we change the sentence from an independent clause to a dependent (or subordinate) clause. Here's a quick review of ndependent and dependent clauses. Independent clause: Contains a subject and verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. An inde pendent clause is a sentence. Examples of independent clauses: Jim studied. It was very noisy. Our class meets at 9:00 in the morning.Dependent clause: Contains a subject and verb, but can not stand alone as a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Examples of dependent clauses: When Jim studied. Because it was very noisy. After our class meets at 9:00 in the morning. Copyright 2006-2007 Joanna Wolfe. Support for these materials provided by -the Engineering Information Foundation. -3- Note that all of the dependent clauses above begin with a subordinator, such as when, because, after. To turn these dependent clauses into complete sentences, we he became anxious. ependent clause independent clause†can stand as a complete sentence Because it was very noisy, he got into a fight with his roommate. After our class meets at 9:00 in the morning, I need coffee. These sentences can also be written so that the independent clause comes first: Jim became an xious when he studied He got into a fight with his roommate because it was very noisy. I need coffee fter our class meets at 9:00 in the morning Punctuating subordinate clauses 1 . When the dependent (subordinate) clause comes first, it is always followed by a comma. Because the study sample is small , additional research is needed.If the blocks are too large , the stress cannot be reproduced. Before you start, make sure you have all the needed parts. Whereas a hoist can only lift and lower, a crane can move loads in horizontal and vertical planes. 2. When the dependent (subordinate) clause comes second, a comma is not used†unless a contrast or concession subordinator is used, in which case the comma is ptional. Additional research is needed because the study sample is small. [no comma] The stress cannot be reproduced if the blocks are too large. [no comma] Make sure you have all the needed parts before you start.. no comma] A crane can move loads in horizontal and vertical p lanes whereas a hoist can only lift and lower. [comma optional because contrast subordinator (whereas) is used] Presenting Bad News: Joining Sentences to Show Concession We use the contrast subordinators although, though, even though, while, whereas to show contrast. But they do more than contrast: they de-emphasize the points they re attached to and show concession. Concessive subordinators are very useful for presenting â€Å"bad news†: they concede that a problem or shortcoming or flaw exists while de-emphasizing this problem.Emphasizing the good news Concessive subordinators are particularly useful in emphasizing a study or test's good points while still acknowledging mistakes or flaws. For instance, we might write: Although the study's design has some flaws, problem conceded Although the tests were done in a lab, the results are promising the findings should be applicable to the real world. good point emphasized These sentences use the subordinator although to concede so me points, but still leave the reader on a high note†the promising nature of the studies.Emphasizing the bad news Sometimes, however, you want to emphasize the problems. This is especially important when you want to warn readers about potential safety issues. In this situation, you should attach the good point to the concessive subordinator and put the problem in the main clause. Although the findings are promising, good point conceded the tests were done in a lab and may not be applicable to â€Å"real use†situations. roblem emphasized This sentence, in contrast to the examples above, ends on a negative point.No emphasis/Equal emphasis If you want to stress the good and bad news equally, use one of the contrast coordinators, but or yet to Join the two clauses. The results are promising, but the design has some flaws. This sentence stresses neither the results nor the flaws. The two clauses are given equal emphasis. Note that a comma precedes the coordinator. -8- Summa ry of contrast and concession words Word Type Subordinators Coordinators Contrast Although Even though Though While But, yet Concession Note that whereas generally works better for emphasizing contrasts than for emphasizing concessions.Subordinators: Join two clauses and de-emphasize the clause they are attached to. Coordinators: Join two clauses and give equal emphasis to the ideas they Join. Punctuation: If the subordinator appears in the first clause, use a comma: Although the study's design has some flaws, the results are promising. If a subordinator appears in the second clause, do not use a comma. (exception: an optional comma may be used before the contrast/concession subordinators although, even though, though, while, hereas): The study's design has some flaws even though the results are promising.If a coordinator†such as but, yet†connects two independent clauses (complete sentences), a comma should be placed before the coordinator: The study's design has some fl aws, but the results are promising. -12- Coordinators, Subordinators, and Transitions The English language has three basic types of linguistic patterns for connecting main ideas: coordinators, subordinators and transitions. The table below summarizes the purposes and differences among these connectors. Connector type Structure Where they connect Emphasis and nor but yet One sentence Middle of Give equal emphasis to two closely connected clauses.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Election 2013
Three Debatable Issues On November 6, 2012 American’s will have the opportunity to decide on the next President, current President, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. There are three major issues being debated during the 2012 election, which are same sex marriage, abortion and healthcare. Each candidate has an opposite stance on each issue being discussed. One of the hot button issues is same sex marriage. In 1996, Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which outlaws same sex marriage, and union between two men or two women.Currently ten states allow same sex marriage; five states recognize civil union and six have domestic partnerships. The election of 2012 will allow voters in eighteen states to decide on weather to add or ban same sex marriage. Obama is supportive on same sex marriage. Internally he struggles due to his Christian and social beliefs, however he publicly announced his endorsement on May 9, 2012. Obama, as our current President, doesn’t support the Defe nse of Marriage Act. He has directed his administration to stop defending the act in Courts. Romney is against same sex marriage.He believes marriage is between and woman and a man, going back 3000 years ago. He feels same sex marriage would destroy America and it’s youth. He is very supportive of Jones2 the Federal Marriage Amendment, which prohibits same sex marriage. Another major deciding issue is Abortion. Abortion is the purging of an unborn fetus, by choice or accident, in a woman’s womb. Abortion is a very highly debated as it touches on one’s right to live and one’s right to decide. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled a woman has the right to abort her pregnancy.Romney is Pro-life, which rejects the idea of abortions based on religious, moral and ethnic grounds. He supports the rights of the unborn child. He previously supported a woman’s right to decide, however now is against abortions unless rap, incest or to save a mother’s life is involved. Obama is Pro-Choice, which takes away the governments involvement or influence and allows the mother to make the choice. He believes the government should not intrude on private family matter. The choice is given to mother to make this decision. Lastly, an issue that affects all Americans is taxes.Taxes are predetermined of money that each person has to pay on revenue-generated money. Romney supports a budget that will cut taxes for the middle class, people earing less than 200,000 a year, and individuals aged sixty five or older. He also proposes that he will remove taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains, which will in turn results in more money for the middle class. He will also remove the death tax, in which he states makes no sense a all. Current President Obama wants to work to make the tax fairer to the middle class and eliminate loopholes for the wealthy class.He is in favor of progressive tax system, which simplifies the tax code. This will allow for a more equal tax rate as currently people who make less money Jones3 could end up paying more in taxes than a wealthier person or family. Whether you agree or disagree with the issues stated previously, same sex marriage, abortion or taxes; we all have a choice to make. Each candidate has strong opposing views against each other. These topics can become a deal breaker for how our American people vote. Election 2013 Three Debatable Issues On November 6, 2012 American’s will have the opportunity to decide on the next President, current President, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. There are three major issues being debated during the 2012 election, which are same sex marriage, abortion and healthcare. Each candidate has an opposite stance on each issue being discussed. One of the hot button issues is same sex marriage. In 1996, Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which outlaws same sex marriage, and union between two men or two women.Currently ten states allow same sex marriage; five states recognize civil union and six have domestic partnerships. The election of 2012 will allow voters in eighteen states to decide on weather to add or ban same sex marriage. Obama is supportive on same sex marriage. Internally he struggles due to his Christian and social beliefs, however he publicly announced his endorsement on May 9, 2012. Obama, as our current President, doesn’t support the Defe nse of Marriage Act. He has directed his administration to stop defending the act in Courts. Romney is against same sex marriage.He believes marriage is between and woman and a man, going back 3000 years ago. He feels same sex marriage would destroy America and it’s youth. He is very supportive of Jones2 the Federal Marriage Amendment, which prohibits same sex marriage. Another major deciding issue is Abortion. Abortion is the purging of an unborn fetus, by choice or accident, in a woman’s womb. Abortion is a very highly debated as it touches on one’s right to live and one’s right to decide. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled a woman has the right to abort her pregnancy.Romney is Pro-life, which rejects the idea of abortions based on religious, moral and ethnic grounds. He supports the rights of the unborn child. He previously supported a woman’s right to decide, however now is against abortions unless rap, incest or to save a mother’s life is involved. Obama is Pro-Choice, which takes away the governments involvement or influence and allows the mother to make the choice. He believes the government should not intrude on private family matter. The choice is given to mother to make this decision. Lastly, an issue that affects all Americans is taxes.Taxes are predetermined of money that each person has to pay on revenue-generated money. Romney supports a budget that will cut taxes for the middle class, people earing less than 200,000 a year, and individuals aged sixty five or older. He also proposes that he will remove taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains, which will in turn results in more money for the middle class. He will also remove the death tax, in which he states makes no sense a all. Current President Obama wants to work to make the tax fairer to the middle class and eliminate loopholes for the wealthy class.He is in favor of progressive tax system, which simplifies the tax code. This will allow for a more equal tax rate as currently people who make less money Jones3 could end up paying more in taxes than a wealthier person or family. Whether you agree or disagree with the issues stated previously, same sex marriage, abortion or taxes; we all have a choice to make. Each candidate has strong opposing views against each other. These topics can become a deal breaker for how our American people vote.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Articulate Thought Essay
â€Å"Articulate speech marks [people] out as [individuals] and in some settings, this can be rather dangerous because people are often suspicious and frightened of articulateness. †(Humanities). Articulateness describes a person’s ability to express an idea coherently. A well articulated idea, concept or opinion, does not use proof based on a fallacy to back up its view. When people speak or write articulately, they are able to convey a message to others in a way that cannot be distorted. It can even be said, â€Å"[a]rticulateness builds the human community. †(Humanities) Without the ability to understand each other there would be no way for a society to function. Each person would not be able to communicate a message from his or her thoughts to another person, thus any sort of teamwork would be impossible. It is the understanding of others’ ideas told to a person in a way more specific than basic gestures or grunts that allows humans to be more successful in groups than any animal. Properly expressed thoughts are the best way to communicate in any form of society, because failing to articulate properly often leads to misinterpretation. A lack of articulation, and thus a lack of complete understanding, leads to people being misinformed. Sometimes people in power use the ability to misinform others to their advantage. By deliberately explaining campaigns vaguely so that the general public does not fully understand, people in power, or people who wish to be in power, can skew facts in their favour. â€Å"We are taught to read and write so that we can obey the traffic signs and to cipher so that we can make out our income tax†(Humanities), but people are deliberately expected to maintain only a level of intelligence sufficient to allow them to participate in society at a minimal level. People are kept in a docile state so that they will not question generally accepted ideas proposed by the government. People are only provided with education to a level insufficient to challenge the inarticulate ideas of those considered superiors. The general public is expected to automatically respect the opinions of superiors, and the people considered more powerful in society are thus able to fool the unintelligent general public. If campaigns proposed by governments were explained articulately, the people would be able to understand the true intent and make fully informed decisions. Privileged to all of the information, the general public would be able to spot any deceptions and each campaign would be subjected to scrutiny. Inarticulateness is nearly as powerful a tool as true articulateness, in some respects. By extending the human capacity of knowledge further than allowed in fundamental schooling, it is possible to overcome the system that attempts to keep society unintelligent. People are able to absorb and think about ideas of others that they have not physically met or spoken to through reading well-written literature. The more people read and are able to understand literature, the more they will develop their own articulate ideas. â€Å"As we challenge ourselves to read more and more difficult literature, we become able to extend ourselves further†(Literature). Literature allows people to â€Å"[leap] over the boundaries that usually separate us from other selves and worlds†(Literature) and increase each person’s base of knowledge substantially. It is only with prior knowledge of a subject that humans are able to intelligently articulate their ideas. However, society is not quick to embrace the powers that articulate thought gives individuals. People do not wish to pick up books unless they are necessary for their immediate success in a submissive society. â€Å"A society like ours doesn’t have much interest in literacy†(Humanities). Governments work to keep society in a level of cautious unintelligence, and are hesitant to embrace articulate ideas because they are truly powerful things. Powerful and well articulated ideas often lead to change, and change is something most people are apprehensive of. People with individual thoughts are marked out and scorned by the masses, and in many less democratic countries than Canada radical thinkers are silenced by means of intimidation or imprisonment. â€Å"Understanding and articulateness lead to [government’s] destruction†(Humanities). The government, as we know it, the system that works in a way which is not always beneficial to the general public because society remains afraid to challenge, could not exist. A well-articulated idea that goes against the government can cause upheaval in society. If people were to act on those ideas and rebel against laws put in place by the government, any sort of order would be in a state of constant flux, moving from one extreme to another. Without radicals, there would be no forward movement in humanity. Radicals such as Aristotle, who believed that there was a proper way to think and that many of the things society automatically accepts as truths are nothing more than fallacy, were scorned during their lifetimes. Many scholars’ ideas were immediately dismissed because people were frightened of their ability to articulate ideas that were radically different from those commonly held. In society there is a nature ingrained into each person, a feeling that one singled from the group will be defenseless and vulnerable. This instinct may be a result of evolution, something that humans needed in order to survive. Now it could be said the need that humans feel to conform to a group because it is presumed safer, is holding society back. Radical thinkers move humanity forward. The need for acceptance, and the desire to fit in rather than stand out in a community is something common to each person. â€Å"Young adolescents today often betray a curious sense of shame about speaking articulately†(Humanities). There is an almost paralyzing fear shared by many people, most noticeably in school children but in adults as well, of not only public speaking but also even raising their hands in a classroom setting. A child asked to give a speech to a classroom of peers about a topic, to share ideas and opinions unique to that child, will often become frightened that his or her opinions will not be shared by the rest of the class. The need for acceptance is often greater than the need to articulate and stand out. People in many cases would rather believe and agree with an idea that they have valid reason to believe to be false in order to be part of a community than voice their own opinion and be rejected. Fallacies are a barrier created by the structure of society in order to discourage articulate thought. People are often afraid of articulateness because it conveys well-formed and direct ideas, something uncommon in society. Humans are naturally afraid of something that is unfamiliar to them. An intelligent individual who thinks differently from the masses, even if his or her idea is perfectly valid and conveyed in such a way that makes their reasoning clear, are often ridiculed because society tends to accept fallacies as proof of validity. An example of a commonly believed fallacy is Circulous probando, or â€Å"thinking in circles†(Think). This term created by Aristotle, â€Å"often entails joining an intellectual herd charging round and round†(Think). The drive that humans have, the instinct to stay equal with the group both in a physical sense and an intellectual respect, leads society to want to believe in fallacies. The notion that if â€Å"everybody thinks such and such; it must be so for the simple reason that everybody thinks it is so†(Think). is safe. If everyone in the group believes a fallacy, those people are all on the same level intellectually, and there is safety in numbers. No one in the group will be singled out. The more people believe in something, be it fallacy or truth, the more likely it is that other people will believe the same simply because it is commonly accepted. This way of thinking can be detrimental to a group of people, because if the group believes in commonly held fallacies over intelligent articulate thought. â€Å"The surest way to destroy freedom is to destroy the capacity to articulate freely. †(Humanities) Without articulate freedom, human society will never progress or evolve.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Evaluate the formal mechanism whereby law is changed Essay
Evaluate the formal mechanism whereby law is changed - Essay Example One source of laws in the U.K. is the Parliament which gets bills passed through parliament and transformed into law – these are known as statute laws. Another source of law is common law, which comprises a body of law that has been developed over several years on the basis of judgments given in the courts in previous years – this is known as common law.1 Constitutional law in the UK is based upon constitutional conventions, which may not have statutory authority but do have binding force, much like judicial precedent.2 Laws are made by Parliament, where an MP or Lord can introduce a bill. When a bill is passed, it becomes an Act of Parliament and has statutory force. The process of getting a bill passed through the U.K. Parliament and being transformed into law is a long process3. Bills are drafted by lawyers at the Parliamentary Council Office and may be preceded by Green or White Papers.4 Before the actual drafting of a bill, the Government initiates a period of consultation with experts and the draft of the provisions of the to-be bill are made available to concerned members of the public and to organizations so that they can propose their suggestions. Issues raised in Green and White papers may be debated in Parliament before a bill is drawn up. Therefore, when a bill is presented in Parliament, it is no longer a rough draft but a polished document. A bill in Parliament passes through seven different stages before it becomes law5. A bill originates in the House of Commons, where any member may propose it. The First reading is the stage where the title of the Bill is read out in Parliament and copies are printed and circulated. The next is the Second Reading stage where the House debates upon the principles and points contained in the bill. At the Committee stage, the House examines the Bill in detail subjecting it to a line by line scrutiny and making necessary amendments so that its language will be
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Short case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Short - Case Study Example This article seeks to explore some of the problematic details in the relationship with specific reference to the value of unions to the Canadian economy. The general thinking behind the establishment of trade unions is the safeguarding of the welfare of workers. In the rush to make profits and enhance their corporate profile, companies may engage in trade practices that contravene their moral obligations to the workers. Proponents of trade unions including United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) work under the philosophy of protecting workers from the excesses of corporate practices (Business Case 8). Comparative evidence, case reviews and situation analyses indicate a gap in trade union activity between the United States and Canada. Unlike Canada, there has been a significant decline among workers in the United States to join trade unions (Bronfenbrenner, 2007). Differences in corporate culture and working practices have been cited a determining factor of the differences between the United States and Canada. Critical questions continue to attend to the question regarding the value of unions in the Canadian economy. Although collective bargaining agreement are meant to secure the interest of workers, past incidences show and precedence shows that companies would not easily cede to the demands by workers, which may lead to dire consequences on the economic front (Segerlund, 2010). Basically, collective bargaining denies the corporate world of the individual initiative and competition within the work force. This is because the workers are conditioned to operate under some common laws, which do not inspire the nurturing and growth of individual enterprise. One case that is easily recalled was the tussle that pitted Walmart and UFCW in 2009. Walmart refused to accept the condition set by the arbitrator and chose to close down its stores. Walmart’s action illustrated a growing resistance by the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Innovation Essay and Reflective Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Innovation and Reflective Report - Essay Example The management of creativity is highly problematic. As may be inferred from Trott (2005), among others, the concepts of management and creativity appears to be antithetical with the notion of managing creativity' emerging as something of a paradox. Expounding upon this, Burns and Stalker (1961) emphasise that creativity is fundamentally founded upon freedom while management is premised upon control with the implication being that the management of innovation/creativity is synonymous with the control of freedom. Even while conceding to the somewhat oxymoronic character of the stated, the fact remains that within the organisational setting creativity has to be directed and managed in order to avoid its descent into purposelessness. Management is fundamental to the direction, as opposed to control, of creativity. Generic definitions of creativity, as proposed by Drazin et al. (1999:287) maintain it "as the process of engagement in creative acts, regardless of whether the resultant outcomes are novel, useful, or creative." This definition, even though it is a valid and legitimate descriptor of creativity, is indicative of a form of creativity and innovation which organisations strive to avoid. Within the organisational context, and as may be inferred from several researchers, creativity must be novel, useful and innovative (Singer and Adkins, 1984; Amabile, 1996; Drazin et al., 1999; Kennedy, 2001). Accordingly, the management of creativity
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Marketing planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marketing planning - Assignment Example In addition, there are approximately 20,000 garages and other service outlets, which involve in selling of new tyres as a segment of a broader service offering. The whole industry combined employs near about 16,000 people. The tyre retail sector is also engaged in the sales of replacement tyres. The value of sales amounts to about  £3.2 billion a year. Even though automobile tyre industry is an exuberant sector, which has witnessed an unprecedented growth over the past few years, concentration of internet retailers, often termed as e-retailers, remains quite small (3%). However, in the recent past, concentration of the same seems to be growing at a rapid rate with many players entering the already competitive market. With the scenarios presented above, it is quite clear that the competition that Guildford Tyres Co. Ltd. deals with is immense. They are tyre retail and automotive service specialist, who have been in service since 1967. It is a family owned and administered business, which has become the leading autonomous tyre specialist in the county of Surrey within the United Kingdom (Guildford Tyre Company, 2012a). The products sold by the company ranges from car tyres, 4x4 tyres, van tyres, cycle tyres, motorcycle tyres, wheels, brakes, batteries to shock absorbers (Guildford Tyre Company, 2012b). The services offered by the company includes tyre fitting, mobile tyre fitting, wheel alignment and servicing, puncture repairs, tyre wholesale and other associated services (Guildford Tyre Company, 2012c). The political landscape of the UK is established in the ethos democracy and steady framework of governance, which ensures a certain degree of uniformity in its policies. After the world wars, the UK established itself as a major global force, which was stimulated by a swift economic development. One of the major contributors of this development was the tyre industry and it continues to be the same in the contemporary society. UK’s strong trade
Monday, September 9, 2019
Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
Globalization - Essay Example Although liberal economies are very crucial, there is a great need of defending the consumers from exploitation especially on basic commodities. The government should not allow her people to be exploited by the sellers simply because of anticipation or may be as a way of making maximum profit from a situation such. The current issue of Obama-care is a good example of a move that tends to interfere with liberalism theory. American dream is based on universal right to existence, freedom, and contentment. This is the dream of every individual in the world and its pursuit is everyone’s responsibility. All these visions are based on an individual’s health hence proving the importance of a healthy body and mind. The reason there is no universal healthcare is the attitude that most people do have that healthcare is more like socialism, which do not imply democracy. Sebelius (2013), explains that the political elites have continuously disagreed on the importance of universal he althcare being that they do not even feel the pinch when faced by sickness and diseases due to their financial advantage (Web). Do they really care for the common person? Lots of money is spent on wars than healthcare services. All the companies in the healthcare sector are clearly in the business of making profit without even thinking of the welfare of their clients thus making diseases and sickness big business. In fact, the US healthcare is the most costly due to the players in this fundamental sector thus making it unproductive to throw money in this system (Sebelius, 2013). Demand for healthcare has since been limited by demand because it is provided in the market and any attempt to provide it freely can only be limited by rationing which happens in most countries practicing this system such as Spain, South Korea, France, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Most people would be given appointments with the doctors, which may in turn take a very long time hence causing death to the patients . Patients who could have gone to their doctors with their money now die because they cannot pay for their own doctors’ visit and buy efficient drugs rather than ineffective or expensive drugs pushed by companies to hospitals (Sebelius, 2013). Countries that have adopted this kind of system make their citizens get lesser service than the normal sufficient service due to long waits for doctors, lack of medicine and bureaucratic procedures. Not every citizen can get best possible care regardless of one’s salary or socioeconomic status. Generally, living standards in most countries particularly in Eastern Europe have increased hugely because of economic growth. Globalization has actually helped many nations across the globe to access many markets for their exports. Every nation is trying to access international market by employing unique techniques. In fact, laxity can only be the reason for an individual’s country failure in this error of globalization. Countries like china have currently dominated African market and this is really vital in her rapid economic growth. China exports a lot of products and USA is amongst her biggest market as well as Africa as a continent. They have actually instituted laws that encourage investments and even manufacturing of export products (Sutter, 2013).
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Teenage Pregnancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Teenage Pregnancy - Essay Example Worldwide, rates of teenage pregnancy range from 143 per 1000 in some sub-Saharan African countries to 2.9 per 1000 in South Korea. (Treffers, 2003, UNICEF. (2001) ).Among OECD developed countries, the United States and United Kingdom have the highest level of teenage pregnancy, while Japan and South Korea have the lowest.( national master, 2008) In countries such as India the majority of teenage births occur within marriage.( Mehta, 1998, UNICEF, 2001) in developed countries this is mostly outside a marriage and is regarded to be an illegal pregnancy but in US and UK a huge number of these pregnancies though occurring at teenage are taken to term and children are delivered. Age at the first child birth is very important prognostically for a woman's gynecological history as well as other general health issues but this aspect has not been addressed the way it is needed. Most of the developing countries where early marriages are very common are the ones have a higher maternal and infan t mortality and morbidity rates due to prenatal, antenatal and postnatal complication. With pregnancy there are a number of risks associated and they all have an impact on the outcome of the pregnancy and most of those disorders like pregnancy induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, and low birth weight babies occur if the mother's age is less than 15 years. In UK young girls mostly have poor intake of nutritional food and they are more for putting their self on diet and for that reason their bodies are not prepared for conceiving. If we see for a woman to turn into a healthy mother she needs time to get prepared for becoming a mother and if she becomes a mother all of sudden without prepreparation she will obviously not be ready to handle the responsibilities. Pregnancy needs a close follow ups for antenatal care but if the mother is immature to the extent that she does not understand the importance f this aspect then how can a pregnancy be helped with antenatal care provision That is so important for a pregnancy to go healthy till its term. Child bearing duration of a female has a significant impact on a family's structure, economic status, health of that family, and even its particular social class and if taken at a larger scale it has a profound impact on a country's economy. If a woman starts producing children at the age of 15 she is getting 25 plus potential years to be fertile which can potentially be leading to a good number of increases in a nation's population. Pregnancy at an early age is very unhealthy in terms of its hazardous impact on the mother's and child's health, its impact on country's economy and the social issues associated to this phenomenon. Pregnancy is regarded to be a medical condition and it has to be given the due attention of a potential killer if not taken care of properly. Pregnancy is a much altered state of physiology of a woman. Pregnancy itself carried a significant risk to a mother's health whether at occurs at any age or later. However; there are additional medical concerns for younger mothers, particularly those under 15 and those living in developing countries. (Mayor, 2004) A pregnant mother undergoes through a transition for 40 plus weeks and then gets able to give birth to a child. During all these nine months of continues transition the first three months are very important for a few medical conditions like pregnancy induced hypertension
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Chinese people and Classical Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chinese people and Classical Music - Essay Example Music is one of the most fundamental elements of the culture and reflects the various trends which are typical of a nation. And when it comes to China that is for sure one of the oldest civilizations of the world, carrying out research in this area seems even more reasonable because of the fact that China is viewed as the pioneer in the fields of music, sculpture, art and poetry, and the Chinese have introduced divergent forms of music in the history specially during the Zhou and Han regimes, which won applause and popularity in different areas of the world. Having said this, the significance of the topic can easily be estimated. This is principally a qualitative research. The methodology was based on such research tools as interviews, desk study and brainstorming. As you can see on the poster, I started my research on the association of the youth of China with the Classical music of the past in two ways. First, I started to study and analyze the research conducted by various scholar s in the past in the same area. I believe it is always a good idea to refer to the history of literature about the areas of knowledge you want to explore. For this purpose, I tried my best to work out all related researches from the past and somehow, I managed to lay my hands on quite a lot of the required stuff.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Improving the processes of patient care to improve outcomes Essay Example for Free
Improving the processes of patient care to improve outcomes Essay Improving the processes of patient care to improve outcomes is fundamental to quality patient care and requires skills in change management. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 3). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. The term innovation, rather than change, is often used to gain attention and infer that something new and special is happening. One of Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 4). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. the reasons there are significant variations in the descriptions of change and innovation can be attributed to the various underlying assumptions about the environment and the nature of change. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 4). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. Linear change does not recognize the multiple, unanticipated human actions and communications that occur and the dynamic context in which the change is occurring. As a consequence, the linear perspective often becomes rigid, control driven, frustrating, and unsuccessful. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 5). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. The world is in continual motion, and movement occurs in more than linear ways. A change in one area can result in numerous, unanticipated changes in areas not considered. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 5). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. Interactions in a complexity perspective are characterized by creativity, interdependence, unpredictability, and collective knowledge. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 6). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. Change is †¦ †¢ Something new or different †¢ To make or become different †¢ To alter; to make different; to cause to pass from one state to another; as, to change the position, character, or Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 6). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. appearance of a thing; to change the countenance †¢ To alter by substituting something else for, or by giving up for something else; as, to change the clothes; to change one’s occupation; to change one’s intention †¢ To give and take reciprocally; to exchange; followed by with; as, to change place, or hats, or money, with another Source: Webster’s Dictionary (1991). Innovation is †¦ †¢ Anything that creates new resources, processes, or values or improves a company’s existing resources, processes, or values (Christensen, Anthony, Roth, 2004) †¢ The power to define the industry; the effort to create purposefully focused changed in Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 6). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. an enterprise’s economic or social potential Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 6). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. evidence-based practice, linkages between clinical practice and scientific standards, the quest for consistency, minimizing idiosyncrasies, and providing a scientific basis for policy construction are the basic reasons for a change in health care. Using an evidence-driven model serves to provide focus and organization of change initiatives; evidence-based practice is the platform for nurses’ work. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 10). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. chaos is normative in health care. Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 14). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. Personal knowledge and accountability for one’s own strengths and limitations specific to change and innovation, including technical capability and computer literacy †¢ Understanding the essence of change and innovation concepts as well as the tools of innovation †¢ The ability to collaborate and fully engage team members that is, relational competencies Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 14). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition. †¢ Competence in embracing vulnerability and risk taking Porter-OGrady, Tim; Malloch, Kathy. Leadership in Nursing Practice (p. 14). Jones Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
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