Saturday, August 31, 2019
Sexual Harassment Policy
It shall remain to be the policy of this organization that no employee shall be intimidated by colleagues, male or female on sexual issues. When such incidents are reported, they shall be treated as cases of sexual harassment punishable by the measures outlined in this policy. In the case of this organization sexual harassment shall be considered to be unwelcome or unwarranted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors as well as all other verbal or non verbal (physical) conduct of sexual nature directed to an employee without his or her consented wish (Conte, 2008).This company shall therefore take the following issues as sexual harassment and shall all be punishable in equal measure without discrimination, favor or fear of contradiction; ? Any form of touching or any other body contact that may be sexually suggestive. This includes but is not limited to, o Grabbing any employee around the waist o Patting or scratching or another persons back o Pecking, tickling among other things ? Unwelcome gestures, jokes use of offensive and unsolicited comments on clothing? Unwanted flirting and repeated request for dates that are turned down ? Playing suggestive music ? Display of sexually suggestive posters, pictures or objects ? Transmitting emails of suggestive nature (Koss, 2008). Procedure for Reporting Sexual Harassment Unlike other complains that this company strictly demands that the clear channel of authority be followed, cases of sexual harassment can be reported to any person above the victim’s rank who the victim feels open and free to share the details of the harassment.After the senior officer has received these details, he is expected to channel those complains to the human resource department within eight working hours for investigation to be conducted. The human resource department shall take the case to its committee and initiate the initial fact finding mission that shall provide the facts to the case. After the facts have been gathered and the re is clear evidence that the accused is guilty of sexually harassing a colleague, he or she (offender) shall be summoned and his side of the story listened.He or she shall also be expected to either approve that the misconduct he is accused to have committed are true as the case is, are true but are exaggerated, or refuse to accept the allegation. If he or she accepts the happening of the misconduct, a chance for a formal defense shall be offered where his side of the story shall be listened and contrasted with the facts given by the complainant. After cross examining the accused as well as the victim, the committee shall then take the appropriate action depending on the nature of the harassment and the facts established.Severe cases shall be punished through termination of contract and a request to the relevant state authorities for trials in the judicial systems. This policy is expected to promote the laws that emphasize equal employment opportunities. The Equal Employment Opport unity Commission (EEOC) is the agency mandated to promote equal employment opportunities to all qualified citizens. It therefore discourages any form of discriminate against Sexual Harassment Age, National Origin, Disability, Race, Pregnancy, Religion, Sex or Gender.The commission also roots for Equal Pay among the workers irregardless of gender while at the same time gets to evaluate the response towards cases of Sexual Harassment Claim (Bohlander, 2007). Reference: Conte A. (2008), Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Law and Practice, Vol. 5, New York; Panel Publishers Koss P. , (2008) Changed Lives: The Psychological Impact of Sexual Harassment. New York; University of New York Press. Bohlander, G. W. (2007), Managing Human Resources; New York, Thomson Publishers
Friday, August 30, 2019
Sally Jameson
To: Prof. Chalmers From: Travis Ramme and Meghan Smith Date: April 26th, 2007 Re: Ms. Chalmers’ Compensation Choices 1. Ignoring taxation and other constraints, Ms. Jameson is better off taking the options. The stock currently trading at $18. 75 and the exercise price is $35. This may seem drastically far away. However, 5 year T-Bill rates are currently at 6. 02%. Combined with a current stock volatility of approximately 42%, this allows each option to be valued at approximately $4. 93. At this amount, Ms. Jameson’s options would be presently worth $14,790 were she to sell them. Where she to hold them instead, Ms. Jameson’s potential upside is limitless. Her possible gains would be equal to her number of options multiplied by the difference between the stock price and her exercise price of $35, assuming that the stock price is higher than $35. There is risk involved, however. If Ms. Jameson decides to hold onto the options and not sell them, it would be possible for her to earn nothing. If the stocks price where to stay below $35 dollars, Ms. Jameson’s options would be worth nothing. Comparatively, the $5000 cash bonus, where it to be invested over the 5 years at the risk free rate of 6. 02%, would yield only $6697. 44. 2. If Ms. Jameson was not allowed to sell her options before the allotted 5 years, the choice to take the options would have much more inherent risk. The current value of the options is derived from their market value. This market value means nothing if Ms. Jameson cannot sell the options. If this where the case, Ms. Jameson’s potential profits would be created solely by the Telstar stock rising to a price that was greater than $35 by the end of 5 years. In fact, to equal the $6697. 44 value of the bonus she could have chosen instead, the stock would have to reach a price of at least $37. 23. This value would allow the 3000 options to be exercised for a profit of $6697. 44. This, however, is ignoring the fact that Ms. Jameson would have to pay taxes and transaction fees. If Ms. Jameson was not allowed to sell her options, she should choose the $5000 up front bonus. It represents a less risky asset. 3. Companies are often inclined to use stock options to compensate employees rather than exhausting cash flow. It does not directly cost a company anything in terms of â€Å"accounting costs. †There is, however, an implied economic cost equal to that of outside investors’ costs. The cost of a stock option is more or less a perceived cost, as the true value is not concrete and is virtually unknown at the time of issuance. This is due to the length of the option and specified strike price being of possible value at expiration date. The current value of an option is dependent on the performance of the company and its stock price, that is, in the future. Executive stock options help align an executive employee’s monetary compensation with both individual performance and the overall performance of the firm. In this sense, an executive is encouraged to act in the best interests of the firm and to also to take some risks to grow the company in which they work for and thus, increase the company’s stock prices. Stock options are an effective way to correlate performance and compensation, but mainly only for employees that are in positions that can have an affect on the company’s performance. Employees in executive, decision-making positions have the ability to impact the profitability and growth of the organization, whereas administrative assistant positions would not be as likely to improve performance due to being compensated with stock options. Companies could better individualize compensation packages for different positions. Executive positions fit the stock options benefit plan while administrative assistants may prefer stock purchasing rights rather than options. Other employees that fall somewhere in the middle would be better suited for a combination of monetary compensation, stock options and stock in the firm. In addition, stock options with a lessened length of time to the expiration date may prove to drive option-holding employees to set short-term, achievable goals. Employees would be given successive stock options to promote their care for the company without feeling as though they are being forced to stay with the organization. This set up of granting stock options would also help to encourage performance of employees to lead to both the short and long term success of the firm. . If Ms. Jameson decided that the option was a better deal, but was concerned with being too committed and reliant on the fortunes of Telstar, she could modify her compensation package to better suit her individual needs. Ms. Jameson would be taking considerable risk by keeping all of her bonus in Telstar for stock options with such a lengthy expiration date a nd also due to the historical data of Telstar showing that only stock prices reached $35 (the exercise price) only once. Instead of holding on to all 3,000 issued stock options, Ms. Jameson could keep a portion of the stock options and trade some in the market. Keeping some Telstar stock options would help keep her tied to the company without making her feel that she is bound to the company for the next five years or that she is facing enormous risk of losing her bonus altogether. By doing this, Ms. Jameson would provide herself with the opportunity to make investments outside of Telstar, and thus, better diversify her investments.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Role and Function of Law
The Role and Function of Law James Williams Law/421 January 7, 2012 Gail B. Jabber Role and Functions of Law According to Melvin (2011), â€Å"A generally accepted generic definition of the law is a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having legal binding force†(p. 4). The scope of modern law is broad with tentacles that reach into every area of public and private dealings. Essentially law furnishes a process by which the rulings and directives to regulate certain behaviors, disagreements, plus unlawful acts are available to individuals for use in resolution of disputes and to enforce promises.Law weaves into practically every aspect of the daily activities of businesses as well as individuals within the society. The evolution of law from basically a way to protect property rights to the intricate and complex system it has become is astounding. The research will examine the numerous roles and functions of law in relation to business and society. Laws govern many facets of business. They regulateâ€â€business operation, environmental standards, treatment of employees, workplace requirementsâ€â€to name a few.The broad design of the law is to discourage against predatory business practices and to protect the consumer from fraudulent advertising or receiving inferior products as well as provide remediation to victims when necessary. To accomplish this, the federal as well as state governments have policing powers to enforce the rules a society chooses to govern itself. This law incorporates into the fabric of the society. For example, there are federal and state laws that control e-business commerce plus international business dealings.Congress derives its power to regulate the flow of commercial activity along interstate and intrastate highways likewise railways together with the vehicles that transport the goods from the commerce clause. The application of these powers varies. According to Melvin (2011), â₠¬Å"However, the direct and broad power to regulate all persons and products related to the flow of interstate commerce is the fundamental source of its authority. †Furthermore, manufacturing, distribution, shipping, employment, patents, trademarks, and copyrights are under government regulation as well.Federal law supplants state law when they conflict in intrastate matters, e. g. Cipollone versus the Liggett Group, Inc. Laws hold companies responsible for product safety. Therefore, manufacturers as well as sellers are liable to consumers for damaged or defective products as well as injuries or deaths that may result from their use. For example, the government establishes laws to standardize the quality of food, drink, and medicines consumers ingest while issuing additional laws to control the mechanical quality of automobiles and appliancesâ€â€home and commercial.Enterprises employ these laws throughout the production process to ensure compliance. Consequently, the publi c is safer from injury and disease through quality control of products. There are numerous federal agencies that regulate business (the Federal Trade Commission, U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, The United States Trade Commission, plus The International Trade Commission), to name a few. Finally, antitrust laws keep businesses from monopolizing markets, price fixing, similarly cornering an industry.Laws touch every aspect of social behavior across walks of life. For example, the activities of a typical day may include waking at home, preparing breakfast, getting children to school, and arriving at the workplace unmindful of the laws that manipulate these acts. The day continues with the use of an identification badge to park, clock-in for work, and in some cases to access restricted areas of the building. The day concludes with a stop at the local grocery store to purchase a few items for dinner and pay for them with a bank card giving no t hought of the numerous laws that govern this business transaction.After all, the design of the law is to function in society and business in such a way that following them requires little thought. Laws provide order and a tool for the government to enforce satisfactory behavior with a precise set of rules (public laws) for citizens to adhere to, such as civil, criminal, administrative, and constitutional laws. By the power of public law the government imposes penalties (fines or incarceration) for breaking the law through civil and criminal court actions upon members of the society.The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church has a rigorous set of laws, policies, procedures, and committee to vet potential ministerial candidates. However, since 1984 state law requires a criminal background check from the state law enforcement agency where the candidate resides before working in a day-care facility for children or senior citizens. The law further requires a one million dollar insurance rider for sexual misconduct charges that could result from counseling or visitations.The church complies with the intent of this legal mandate to protect the congregants from predators, and to avoid potential lawsuits that could bankrupt the church. In conclusion, the influence of law upon individuals’ lives begins at birth, and ends following death and the settlement of the estate. Law functions in marriage, separation, divorce, custody of children, birth certificates, and death certificates. To start a business, a person needs a permit, business license, and an attorney. Indeed the law influences people through the entirety of life.References Melvin, S. P. (2011). The legal environment of business: A managerial approach: Theory to practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Azria, S. M. (2008). Wills, Trusts, Estates & Taxation. Wills, Trusts, Estates & Taxation  Research Starters Business, 1. Bednar, J. (2006). Making Dollars and Sense. Businesswest, 23(5), 18. Bod en, D. (2008). How to take (legal) action. International Financial Law Review, 27(5), 96-99. Flynn, S. I. (2008). Business Estate Planning. Business Estate Planning  Research Starters Business, 1.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Employee Health Plan 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Employee Health Plan 2010 - Essay Example The Employee Health Department would schedule check-ups and administration of annual PPDs, (kindly spell out) vaccinations such as Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella and Influenza through regular correspondences and memoranda. This 2010, the Kennedy Health System is considering administering Pertussis Vaccine to those with risk of exposure. Further, a wellness program would be launched this year with the objective of maintaining good health and improving one’s lifestyle through awareness of health risks and practice of well balanced nutritional diet and enough physical exercise. The 2010 Kennedy Health System Employee Health programs focuses on associate vaccination programs assisting in following up on body substance exposures, injuries, and communicable diseases and maintaining employee health records as required by NJDOHSS, OSHA, AOA, and the Joint Commission. In addition, pursuant to the requirements of OSHA and the Joint Commission of Accredited Hospitals Organization, standards on the Safe Patient Handling Act would be highlighted and required orientation and training, as required, would be administered. The wellness programs (weight and stress management, smoking cessation, cardiovascular health management) would be launched on a self-directed approach making it free, voluntary and addresses unique issues tailored to each employee’s needs. The EHP focuses of measuring its effectiveness through performance evaluation reports and regular assessments specifically in areas of high risk exposures such as Sharps/Fluid Exposure; Communicable Diseases; Influenza Vaccinations; Hepatitis Vaccinations, MMR Vaccines, Varicella Vaccines, among others. With the upcoming implementation of the administration for Pertussis Vaccine to those with risk for exposure, appropriate standards and rules of administration would be outlined for dissemination and appropriate guidelines. Benefits for the EHP are available to all new and
What can be done to curb concussions in hockey Explain your reasoning Essay
What can be done to curb concussions in hockey Explain your reasoning - Essay Example Concussion is the most common type of hockey-related injury. According to the National Hockey League, the reasons for the increased incidences of concussion include accidental hits, players being struck by pucks, collision with teammates, or striking the ice or the boards after being hit legally (Syd and Johnson, 1). Education and bodychecking has been implemented to curb concussions in hockey but the incidences of concussion just doubled which led a number of studies to conclude that bodychecking only result in worsening of concussions among hockey players in Canada. In fact, Canadian data suggest that bodychecking accounts for 45%-86% of injuries among youth ice hockey players (Emery et al., 2265). So, what can be done to curb concussions in hockey? The answer is simple: that is, elimination of bodychecking in children younger than 15 years. There is considerable evidence that bodychecking is the most common cause of all ice hockey injuries, particularly concussion. We understand the need to check the skills of the players in order to become effective and complete players but bodychecking should not be applied to children younger than 15 years due variations in size, physical maturity, and strength that may lead smaller players at risk for injuries due to mismatched with larger players in the same bracket (Syd and Johnson, 2). Thus, bodychecking at a younger age may only lead to substantial harm and that it should be eliminated and not be taught among these groups. Supporters of the rule which eliminate bodychecking at a younger age argue that lowering the age limit for bodychecking enables young hockey players to develop other hockey skills such skating, puck- and stick-handling, receiving, and shooting (Cusimano et al., 58). Aside from enhanced hocking skills, bodychecking will reduce current incidences of concussions among children and injuries at older ages because the repeated reinforcement of proper technique will teach hockey players on
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
BPA in composites and plastic bottles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BPA in composites and plastic bottles - Article Example To systematically compile and critically evaluate the literature charac-terizing BPA content of dental materials; to assess BPA exposures from dental materials and potential health risks; and to develop evidence-based guidance for reducing BPA exposures while promoting oral health. The extant toxicological literature and material safety data sheets were used as data sources. BPA is released from dental resins through salivary enzymatic hydrolysis of BPA derivatives, and BPA is detectable in saliva for up to 3 hours after resin placement. The quantity and duration of systemic BPA absorption is not clear from the available data. Dental products containing bisphenol A derivative glycidyl dimethacrylate (bis-GMA) are less likely to be hydrolyzed to BPA and have less estrogenicity than those containing bisphenol A dimethacrylate (bis-DMA). Most other BPA derivatives used in dental materials have not been evaluated for estrogenicity. BPA exposure can be reduced by cleaning and rinsing surf aces of sealants and composites immediately after placement. On the basis of the proven benefits of resin-based dental materials and the brevity of BPA exposure, we recommend continued use with strict adherence to precautionary application techniques. Use of these materials should be minimized during pregnancy whenever possible. Manufacturers should be required to report complete information on the chemical composition of dental products and encouraged to develop materials with less estrogenic potential. Title: Doctors Warn Women Against Hot Drinks with Plastic Covers Proponents: China Post Writers Source: China Post 13 Feb. 2011. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 24th March 2011. Abstract: The China Post news staff -- Doctors have warned people, women in particular, against sipping hot beverages through the small holes in plastic cup covers which, when heated, may release the harmful compound bisphenol A (BPA), a report said yesterday. Chien Chi-cheng from Taiwan's association of gynecologists and obstetricians, said BPA can be found in many plastic products and long-term intake of the toxic chemical may seriously harm one's health, the United Evening News reported. BPA can accumulate in the body and cause harm to women's hormone systems, menstruation, and pregnancy, he said. Like other environmental hormones, BPA can pass onto pregnant women's babies. Chien noted that examinations of babies' umbilical cord blood over the past few years have returned unexpected results. Their blood contains a few hundred chemicals, including many environmental hormones such as BPA. The association pointed out that of the recyclable plastic products, categories No. 3 and No. 6 will release BPA under high temperatures X 70 degrees Celsius and above. It noted that many major chain stores use No. 6 plastic covers for their hot coffee. Chien was cited by the paper as saying he is worried every time he sees a woman sipping hot coffee directly through the small hole in such pla stic covers. Although one cup of coffee may only produce a very small amount of environmental hormones, long-term exposure will accumulate to a frightening level, Chien reportedly said. Meanwhile, another doctor noted that environmental hormones found in automobile exhaust may cause male infertility. Chen Si-yuan, a professor from the gynecology
Monday, August 26, 2019
Short Report on Ancient Athens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Short Report on Ancient Athens - Essay Example Finally it concludes that the system was indeed democratic. The assembly, court, and council comprised the political institutions which governed ancient Athens. Throughout the history of Athens, the assembly remained the main avenue for political activity. It functioned to protect the integrity and security of the city state. It also had the power to negotiate or break treaties with foreign powers. The council was responsible for preparing the laws which would be passed by the assembly. The legal system was extensive and developed for that time period. The total population of Athens is reported to be around three hundred thousand people. Out of this population an estimate fifty thousand males were eligible for voting and participating in the political system. Pericles said in a speech that the Athenian system of government favored the majority of the citizens (â€Å"Pericles Funeral Oration†). One problem faced by the Athenian democracy was the clash between the court and assembly. A law was passed in 416 BC in which the courts could block or veto any law passed by the assembly. Any assembly member who had proposed the law could also be punished by the courts. This law restricted the power of the assembly. It also became a source of tension and frustration. Another problem faced by the city state was that ordinary citizens had too much power concentrated in running the affairs of the state. Pericles stated that the Athenian system provided â€Å"equal justice†for all of its citizens (â€Å"Pericles Funeral Oration†). The lack of professional civil servants, lawyers, judges, and politicians hindered the day to day affairs of the city state. It led to the inefficient allocation and use of resources as the citizens had direct power to pass or draft laws. An example of this would be the fact that amateur citizens could reduce taxes which might have been necessa ry for the survival of the government. The citizen initiator
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Employability Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Employability Report - Essay Example Moreover, I have learnt to be responsible in all the activities since I am the one in charge of all the stock and ensuring that they are in good order. Second is that I am a good problem solver and decision maker. In this regard, I have been a Waitress in Harvester Restaurant regarded as one of the high-ended restaurants. Being a worker at the restaurant for at least two year has groomed me into a critical thinker and a decisional maker as I was delegated with the responsibility of taking orders and serving our guests and dealing with any problem that arose during my time on duty. This ensured that we remained competitive in all our undertakings as compared to our competitors. Third is that I have gained interpersonal relation skill. This is the skill I achieved while working as a customer service assistant at the Standard Bank. Educationally, I have attained a lot. I have gone through our educational system and am currently taking a course in financial mathematics. This has imparted a lot of knowledge by creating an urge to apply theoretical knowledge practically in my field of expertise. In addition, I have undergone computer training at the university. During this time I gained skills on Mat lab and Microsoft Office especially on Excel. I have also worked on projects on Mat lab that were quite challenging but still made it. On Excel application, am quite equipped since that is the technique we use in the assignment tackling. To create an edge and be more competent, I have attended classes on other languages such as German and therefore, can fluently converse in these foreign languages. With such achievements I believe I am now a metropolitan individual who can work in diverse cultures and understand different individuals and the best way to treat them in different circumstances. This will enable the organization have competitive advantage
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Factor of Implementation that Caused Toyota Company Assignment
Factor of Implementation that Caused Toyota Company - Assignment Example Toyota is a company that started in the year 1937 is successful globally. It is among the largest, known auto manufacturers in the world. It manufactures high-quality vehicles through the setting of high standards in the production. The company ensures that there is efficiency in the day-to-day life of all the people in the world. Since the company started, it has sailed through as a successful business through innovation and coming up with unique and modern products that do well in the foreign market. For the past 47 years since the company started, it showed the best sales income in all months. This success is attributing to the good implementation of the strategies set for the growth of the company. A lot of innovation took place in order to produce new and unique products that attracted customers. In the race of achieving the mission and vision of the company, the problem of poor implementation of one of the factors of strategic implementation led to a safety scandal of the products. The factor that the company did not realize that there was no proper implementation is the control factor. This lead to the production of vehicles with mechanical problems associated with braking systems that lead to acceleration when the driver is least aware. Control involves checking of the quality of the products produced. For the production of high-quality products, production system and management are vital and important. However, the quality of the production system and the materials used during production must reach the highest level of quality. Though the mission of the company is all about quality, safety, and expansion of the company globally, the company failed in ensuring that quality control was as before (Mohin, 2012). In the process of production, something went wrong in the fixation of the floor mats that made the brake pedals ineffective and caused unwanted acceleration that caused injuries and deaths to the users of the vehicles.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
Critical Appraisal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Appraisal - Assignment Example In addition, the care giver also records the measures that he has taken in response to the patient’s needs, evidence that he has comprehended and pleased the responsibility of care, has taken all reasonable steps to care for the patient and that any action or exclusion has not put into compromise patient’s health. The documentation also includes a record of any arrangements the nurse has made for the continuing care of a patient or client (Delaune & Ladner, 2006, p68). The documentation process in nursing is carried out for various reasons that may include some of the following. The law in most of the countries requires that health practitioners who come into contact with patients should keep health records of the patients that they handle, these records are supposed to include a brief record of the patient’s medical history and the care that the health practitioner gives the patient (Guido, 2006, p72). In addition, the number of litigations against nurses has in creased due to the increased public awareness of their rights therefore the documents act as evidence in courts of law of the care that the nurse gave the patient. Keeping of proper medical health records also has an implication on the quality and type of care that the patient will receive from other nurses since they are likely to dwell on the medical history of the patient written by other nurses who handled the patient. This report will critically analyse three journal articled relating to the field of documentation in nursing. Nursing Documentation: Frameworks and Barriers This paper written by Wendy Blair and Barbara Smith deals with barriers to safe, timely and accurate documentation for nurses and chooses the best framework to handle the problem of documentation (Blair & Smith, 2012, p65). This article involved studying of various literature on frameworks that ensure documentation in nursing fulfil the requirement that it should show the rational and critical thinking behind clinical decisions and interventions while still providing written evidence of the progress of the patient, some of these frameworks include narrative charting, problem-oriented approaches, clinical pathways and focus notes. Review of the literature on the frameworks that are used in documentation was the process that this article used to come up with the best framework to be used. The first framework that they reviewed was the narrative charting, which is the recording of interventions and their impact in a chronological order. They found out that this method had serious shortcomings especially in the modern practise since it involves writing a lot of notes making it difficult to retrieve relevant information, in addition, due to the large number of notes, the process is time consuming. The article also analysed the VIPS model and found out that it was time consuming among the nurses therefore not appropriate since it meant that less time would be spent giving actual care to the pa tients. The SOAP framework, which works well for single problem entries, was found to be ineffective to use since most of the nursing processes involves references to multiple problems making the documentation look disorganised. Clinical pathways such as the integrated Care Pathway (ICP) can be used to standardise the documentation process
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Letter to Friend Congratulating on Sucess Essay Example for Free
Letter to Friend Congratulating on Sucess Essay It gives me great pleasure that you have topped the list of successful candidates in the Board Examination. It is all the more delightful to learn that you have secured distinction in all the subjects and in Mathematics you have secured 99% marks. Your grand success is a matter of pride for your family, friends, teachers and our school as well. It is, in fact, the result of your hard work and dedication, sacrifice and concentration. You have been very consistent all along your studies. You never ignored your studies. It has paid well now. Indeed, it is a moment of celebration particularly for your parents who have been very careful for all your needs and comforts. This success has opened up the door to various opportunities for your career. You can get admission in any of the good colleges in India. A bright future awaits you. Your bright success has secured your career. Again my heartiest congratulations on the happy occasion I am confident you will maintain this performance in future. Keep upthespiritand be careful to your health and performance. We will met soon to have a treat. With lots of good wishes for a bright future. Yours sincerely, Rishika My Dear Pramod, I am glad to see your result in today’s Rakasthan Patrika. Your outstanding performance in the RAS examination has secured you a good rank. I conveyed this happy news to my father who was sitting beside me. He too was overjoyed. I thank god for his kindness and wish you a bright future. You have been intelligent and diligent in your school and college days. Certainly, your success is due to god’s grace as well as your hard work and timely guidance of your respected parents. Keep it up! You will be of great asset to your family and more over to this nation. Please guide your sister also to overcome her IAS examinations which are due in November. Please convey my respectful compliments to your parents. Again, congratulations to you! Yours sincerely, Raj Kumar
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Political Science link with English Essay Example for Free
Political Science link with English Essay Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to provide the reader a clear understanding on the political views on estrangement. This will further be discussed by comparing and also contrasting the different views of Aristotle and Hobbe. And how might each of these philosophers have analyzed the problems on Pitcairn Island. Political Science link with English It is very common to all of us that when we decide on something, we sometimes immediately knew what we would prefer or choice and then we decide from it. This is common in the sense that every one of us has our own personal judgment, even sometimes we have the same decision with others, but the reason why we have decided it is different from that person. But, there are still other people that just tend to follow decisions and would not anymore would want to expand his mind in thinking why he needs to decide ion such things, but in fact we all been given that luxury of making up our mind on the decisions we want to have. This is also part of the key areas that will be focus on in this paper the political vision of estrangement. This will be further be discussed and explained in this paper through the different views of two famous philosophers: Aristotle and Hobbe. These two well respected philosophers will provide their own views which will eventually the basis of what was used at in the present. Lastly, these two philosophers will also be presented in this paper on how they have analyzed the problem in the Pitcairn Island. Estrangement just like a choice or decision refers to disunity due to following of different ideology. In true human reflection, this usually happens in politics, where there is always disunity that is happening. One for the administration and the other is for the opposition, or it can also be divided into majority group and the minority group. Estrangement is very evident and was said to be beneficial in an organization because this is the only way that it strikes the balance. Balance that would help like for example the government through disagreements made by the different sector of government. Or public upheaval that was initiated due to certain idea and belief that no balance of attention is given to staffs or employees in a company instead what happened was favoritism and lack of respect to others. Estrangement actually may not be present to humans, only if we have leaders who will stand for peace and equal rights across all groups, but this remains to be an ideal vision only and still people tends to work his own liberated way of thinking and pursue on what he or she desires. Take for instance people that are successful, even though they succeeded in life they lack relationship and that starts for finding somebody to compensate the sadness. Then this results to separation from the main ideology of the family. For the English philosopher, Hobbe, estrangement has a lot to do with human life, in the sense that every man is against other man, there are no central government that overrules this ideology and man should not find luxury instead grief in keeping company. Life is such a state which was considered a famous political theory that man should know his state and act on it. For Hobbe, there are two main levels of estrangement: the first level and that refers to the surface is psychological, which means that humans are estranged because they have egos to feed in and this is because they always think that they have to preserved their lives more and always the most important one. The second one is prestige and wealth and this may not be possible to achieve without practicing power. This is the most common standard of human life that every one of us will do anything just to succeed in what we do. But this also creates a person to be more selfish and self-centered. (Adler, Ronald and Russell, Proctor II, 2006, pp. 23-27). For Aristotle, it was an opposing view of Hobbe, and he said that human beings are essentially united. As the founder of political science, he made this belief more popular these days than that of Hobee. That there are more progress and developments that can happen if people work together as one. He even considered during the emergence of the city-state in the Greece, he finds views that for humans not considering in the involvement of exchanging ideas and beliefs are only those who can classifies themselves either Gods or beast. He even strongly stated that regardless of your status in the society, like slave, laborers or artisans, you can still allow to unite with different groups since you also bear the same ideology and principle. This principle or belief was then been carried on for years and it was very beneficial in war as people can easily know the greater importance of unity instead of working individually. (Adler, Ronald and Russell, Proctor II, 2006, pp. 28-29). But the main focal point is that does human beings are estranged in essence. Based on the two philosophers, it is hard to mention what is more effective; instead it is more on the faith of the individual that counts the most. That is contrasting the two different ideology has its own personal purpose, humans should strike the balance. In other words both have its own main advantage provided it will be used appropriately. In the Pitcairn Island novel, it was obviously a cast of different personality at the beginning, most specially for Christian, who always finds it interesting working alone but still effectively contributing to the team. Unlike McCoy, Smith, John and Martin, preferred more to work as a team and having to work in a more focus but more collaborative way is essential. In this novel, following Aristotle’s ideology would be easier, it was shown here that even after a little uprising happens that divides the followers, still there are loyal followers that remains and still succeeded in reaching its goal in arriving to Pitcairn Island. Unlike for Hobbe’s ideology it can still be helpful but instead of addressing the team as one, what he will do is to work each and every member and that will take much of his time and the time for his team to coordinate at one another, even though a higher efficiency for each individual will be achieved but the team work will suffer and in that time that is more important as there was already an uprising that happens. This is truly a call for leadership and unity for the team in the ship. The only used for Hobbe’s principle is for its leader of the ship, which he needs to look more on how he can find and implement rules more effectively and from there is that to establish the principle of Aristotle’s unity in achieving the over-all vision of the team. (Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, James Norman. (Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, James Norman, 1962, pp. 3-71). Work Cited Page Adler, Ronald and Russell, Proctor II. Looking Out, Looking In., US: Wadsworth Publishing, 2006. Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, James Norman. Pitcairn Island., Boston, USA: Little, Brown, and Company, 1962. Work Cited Bassman, E. (1992). Abuse in the Workplace: Management Remedies and Bottom Line Impact. Westport, CT: Stourum Press, 1992.
Gandhi The Legendary Leader History Essay
Gandhi The Legendary Leader History Essay The topic of leadership has generated excitement and interest from ancient times. Leadership has gained the attention of researchers worldwide. When people think of leadership, images come to mind of powerful dynamic personalities, who command victorious armies, shape the nations events, preach religions or direct corporate empires. How did a leader build such great armies, countries, religion and companies? How did Gandhi become such influential leader? Gandhi was a private man without wealth, without property official title. He was neither commander of army nor the ruler of vast land, even though he became the spokesman for country and all mankind. Gandhi, man who made humanity and truth, more powerful than empires (Albert Einstein).There is no universal definition for leadership because leadership is complex and is studied in different ways that requires different definitions. In the very beginning of movie it has reflected that how situation can influence a person to become a great leader. Movie shows how a person learns and sharps his ability as a leader with the time. It also shows the leaders ability to find best solution to the problem. Gandhis tools were non violence and peaceful protest for the legitimate right of equality and independence. Movie reflected Gandhis ability as a charismatic leader to mobilize people from all religion, cast and sex for freedom struggle. Gandhi visited to rural villages for his followers and indentified the problems and tried to solve it. He started spinning and wearing indigenous cloths. His innovative ways of protest and fight for independence like non cooperation, salt march etc against the strongest empire in the world makes him a transformational and motivational leader. His activities were without any consideration for economic benefits or self-gratification (need for power, achievement, and esteem) and his work f or different communities especially for untouchables establish him as a spiritual leader. Gandhi had kept fast twice protesting against violence and riots which reflects the character of ethical leadership. Till his death he kept thinking about the welfare of mankind. Gandhi reinvented the rule of the game to deal with a situation where all the existing methods had failed. He broke the tradition as he understood that it is not possible to fight for freedom with force. He decided to change the game in a fundamentally different way unleashing the power of ordinary people, inspired men and women of the country to fight for a unifying goal. He used non violence and peaceful protest to fight the battle for the country. Resource constraints did not bother him. His agenda was full independence that inspired him. His leadership style was follower centric and one that took into account existing conditions before determining the strategy. Gandhi leadership style was dependent on circumstances. By applying and understanding following theory we can explain his character and leadership style as well as the influence of environment on his leadership aspect. The word charisma is derived from the Greek word charismata meaning gift of grace (Conger, 1989; Weber, 1947). The neo charismatic emphasis on the characteristic of the leader ignores the nature and severity of the particular threat, the content of the radical vision and how it deals with that threat, and the magnitude and persistence of particular changes that are accomplished through charisma (Beyer 1999). Beyer attempted to precisely delineate Webers approach into four necessary and distinct steps for evolution of charismatic leadership is depicted in Table 1. Gandhi was a charismatic leader as he didnt impose himself on the people to follow him, but he succeeded to lead by his ways of life, like by using indigenous clothes, living simple life, non violence, love for total mankind etc. Without having any tools or weapons or governmental power he was the person who had the biggest power in the country and because of his charisma people followed him. One instance when he told masses not to buy British clothes, people stopped buying and they burnt British clothes. Whenever he started any movement people participated in it like non cooperation or civil disobedience. This characteristic of his proved him as a source of power where people submit their faith to extraordinary. He also succeeded in making a regime in the heart of people by encouraging then that they must struggle without violence to gain independence of their country. He said clearly for no cause he will support violence. He always kept his promise. He even stopped Non cooperation movement when mob killed policemen. By spinning for himself he displayed the example of self reliance and self employment to his countrymen. Needless to say, Gandhi has been a charismatic leader for which people followed him without thinking of consequences. Mahatma Gandhi is an excellent example of transformational leadership because he looked after the aspirations of his followers and instead of riding those needs to power, he remained sensitive to a higher purpose. During non cooperation movement against British rule, violence had broken out and being a proponent of non violence he was deeply troubled. He always said that for any cause he will not support violence because he believed violence triggers more violence. He started his first fast to stop the non cooperation movement as he believed people were not ready to get independence. As a result of his fast, non cooperation movement was stopped. In early part of movie he went to a small rural village on request of one of his follower where he chose to wear clothes made of indigenous materials. He inspired Indian people to boycott British clothes as a part of independence movement and this led to burning of foreign clothes as a public demonstration of Indian solidarity. He initiated s alt making campaign as a part of civil disobedience movement. After air and water, salt was considered to be most important for millions of poor people in India and the government was having monopoly over it. This movement was an act of defiant of British laws which shows the courage vision of Gandhi. This movement got a vast support from people of India and it acted as a serious blow to British Empire. Gandhi was arrested soon after the salt movement. But his followers kept breaking law and continued making salt. People from different religions worked together even in his absence and no violence broke out even when many were beaten by British soldiers. Gandhis followers had courage to do this because they were strong enough to do this on their own and the courage was built in them from the strong beliefs of Gandhi. 3.3 Spiritual Leadership The definition of spirituality includes two essential elements in a persons life (Fry, 2003, 2005) as shown and described in Table 3. Transcendence of self Manifest in a sense of calling or destiny and the belief that ones activities including work have meaning and value beyond being instrumental for obtaining economic benefits or self-gratification Fellowship Manifest in the need for meaningful relationships and being connected to others in a way that provides feeling of joy and wholeness Table 3: Elements of Spiritual Leadership Both elements involve altruistic love and faith. By doing things to help satisfy the two essential needs for transcendence and fellowship in the workplace, spiritual leaders increase their intrinsic motivation, confidence and organizational commitment. Gandhi was able to bring spiritualities into his leadership style. He promoted love and peace at time when other leaders were calling for an eye for an eye. He did not hate any one. Rather he believed in offering the other cheek if someone hits on first. He strongly believed that this attitude of his will reduce the anger of enemy and increase respect. He served the society and worked for the welfare of untouchables. As shown in the movie Gandhi always worked for his followers. While working in South Africa as well as in India he worked a lot for the weaker section of society and empowerment of women which motivated them and eventually, they participated in the freedom struggle. 3.4 Servant Leadership The service to follower is the primary responsibility of leaders and is the essence of ethical leadership. Services include nurturing, defending and empowering followers. Servant leader must listen to followers, learn about their needs aspirations and be willing to share comfort in their pain and frustration. Leader must stand for what is good and right. Social injustice and inequality should always be opposed. Even weak and marginal members of society must be treated with respect and appreciation. Leader must empower follower instead of using power to dominate them. Trust is establish by being completely honest and open, keeping actions consistent with values, and showing trust in followers. Gandhi worked for the empowerment of woman as well as for the lower castes. He spent whole of his life fighting against injustice social evils. He always maintained trust of his followers by striking to his principal of non violence. Larry Spears (1998), CEO of the Greenleaf Centre, concluded that Robert Greenleafs writings incorporated ten major attributes of servant leadership. The Table 4 lists those ten attributes. Listening Empathy Healing Awareness Persuasion Conceptualization Foresight Stewardship Building Community Commitment to growth Table 4: Attributes of Servant Leadership The below Diagram 2 depicts the structure of Servant Leadership and its interrelationships Diagram 2: Structure of Servant Leadership 4 Power and Influence tactics of Gandhi The Power and Influence tactics of Gandhi has been described in two separate sub headings as follows 4.1 Analysis of Power The term power is usually used to describe the absolute capacity of an individual agent to influence the behaviour or attitudes of one or more designated target person at a given point of time (French Raven, 1959). Different kinds of power described by French and Raven are depicted in Table 5 as below Reward Power The target person complies in order to obtain reward controlled by the agent Coercive Power The target person complies in order to avoid punishment controlled by the agent Legitimate Power The target person complies because he/she believes the agent has the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to comply Expert Power The target person complies because he/she believes that the agent has special knowledge about the best way to do something Referent Power The target person complies because he/she admire or identifies with the agent and want to gain the agents approval. Table 5: Different kinds of Power Gandhi did not have any military or economic power. Gandhi was a small man who despite repeated imprisonment refused to submit to British authority and defeated the most powerful empire of that time with the help support of his followers. Charismatic leader like Gandhi are usually perceived to possess referent power. His principal of non violence, satyagrah, civil disobedience was referred as soft power. He was a man of character and integrity who refused to surrender against injustice. His integrity is reflected by his truthfulness and by set of values that he had. Even British recognised his power when they set him free from prison to stop the violence. He never supported violence for any reasons. He called back non cooperation movement due to violence outbreak. Because of his strong referent power he influenced so many people without any explicit effort. 4.2 Analysis of Influence Tactics Influence is the primary ingredient in effective leadership (Covey, 1990; Malphurs, 1996; Maxwell, 1998; Yukl, 1998). The true measure of leadership is influence nothing more nothing less (Maxwell, 1998 p11). The type of behaviour used intentionally to influence the attitude and behaviour of another person is usually called as influence tactics. The broad categories of Influence tactics are depicted in Table 6. Impression Management Tactics Influence people to like the agent or to have a favourable evaluation of the agent. These tactics can be used by leader to influence followers or by followers to leader Political Tactics Influence organizational decision or otherwise gain benefits for an individual or group. Political tactics are also used to defend against the opponents and silent crisis. Some political tactics include manipulation abuse of power Proactive Influence Tactics Immediate task objective involves change in procedure used for current task, provide assistance or support proposed changes, task compliance by using a simple request based on legitimate power Reactive Tactics It resists an unwanted influence attempt to modify the agents request or proposal to be more acceptable to the target person. Table 6: Types of Influence Tactics Gandhi was the most influential Indian leader. His not only influenced Indian politics but also the world. He influenced his followers to mobilize and fight for their legitimate rights and against discrimination inequality in India as well in South Africa. His influencing tactics were proactive in nature. He used logical argument and factual evidence to influence and motivate his followers. For example his idea about non cooperation and civil disobedience movement were very logical. His inspirational appeal influenced people tremendously. In South Africa he fought against injustice for which British beat him and imprisoned him but could not take his obedience. He also used pressure tactics with his followers when violence broke out he opted to fasting to stop it. The movie reflected the power and influence tactics by Gandhi very well. 5 Leader Follower relationship Leader- member exchange (LMX) theory describes the role making processes between a leader and each individual subordinate and the exchange relationship that develops over time (Dansereau, Graen, Haga, 1975; Graen cashman, 1975). The basic premise of the theory is that leaders develop a separate exchange relationship with each subordinate when the two parties mutually define the subordinates role. A leader is likely to establish a high exchange relationship or a low exchange relationship with each subordinate. The development of high exchange relationships occurs gradually over a period of time through reciprocal reinforcement of behaviour when the exchange cycle is repeated over and over again. The relationship begins with an initial testing phase in which the leader and subordinate evaluate each others motives, attitude and potential resources to be exchanged and mutual role expectations are established. If the relationship proceeds to second stage, the exchange arrangement is refi ned and mutual trust, loyalty and respect gets developed. At third stage wherein exchange was based on self interest is transformed into mutual commitment to the mission and objective of the work unit. According to Graen and Uhi-Bien (1991) the third stage corresponds to transformational leadership. In the movie there are many incidents which show how to develop relationships with the followers. Gandhi biggest follower was his own wife. She always followed him in every walk of his life. She actively participated in all the movements started by Gandhi. She even participated in community development program for the welfare of human kind. She went to jail number of times together with Gandhi and she even died in jail. Meera Ben is another person in the movie who became a big follower of Gandhi. Even though she was a British and daughter of an English admiral, she came to India because she had deep faith respect for Gandhis principals and causes. Nehru was another follower who first evaluated the motive attitude of Gandhi then exchanged his loyalty towards him then worked together on mutual commitment to the mission. 6 Evolution Development of Gandhi as a leader While going to South Africa, Gandhi was travelling in first class and he was forcefully thrown out of first class just because he was an Indian even though he had the right tickets. That was the beginning of transformation of an ordinary man into a great leader. Injustice done to him made him aware about discrimination in the British Empire and he started raising his voice against it. He started mobilizing people and made them aware of their rights. He started working for community development especially for untouchables and women empowerment as he knew without unification of society revolution was not possible. He always believed that fighting with an evil is duty. He advocated non violence as a weapon to fight against British Empire. His principal of non violence served two purposes firstly, he protected his followers from strongest army in the world secondly, this principal made his demands more acceptable to rest of the world. This shows his vision power. When he came back to India, he started wearing Indian made clothes because he wanted to get associated with common Indian man. Before taking any responsibility, he visited different parts of India and came across various problems and their possible solutions. He said without the involvement of common men in the freedom movement, independence is not possible. He kept on working for community development woman empowerment in India contributed magnificently to bring unity among people from different religions. Gradually, he emerged as a leader because of his character, principals and values he believed and was unanimously accepted by the whole nation. He went to Motihari, a rural place on request of follower and started spinning clothes and encouraged to boycott British goods as part of freedom movement. He himself started spinning to lead the country with an example. His movement like non cooperation and salt march united the whole country dented British image to rule India. He even kept fast till death to stop communal riots during Indias partition after independence. 7 Conclusion Movie Gandhi shows the transformation of a common man into a legendary leader. It shows how situation can inspire a person to fight against injustice and inequality. Gandhis leadership style proves that to achieve a good end, means should be equally good. Gandhi had a vision which was accepted by his followers. His charisma led to Indian independence. His contribution towards the weaker section of society is unforgettable and unmatchable. His teaching of non violence is very much relevant even in todays world. For the contribution and sacrifices he made for the Indias independence, upliftment of weaker sections, woman empowerment and unity among different religions, he has been given the title of Mahatma by his nation and is called as Bapu that is Father of the nation.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
the consequences of sin :: essays research papers fc
The Consequences of Sin â€Å"The theme of the stories has been variously stated as the reality of sin, the occurrence of evil, the secret sin and hypocrisy of all persons, the hypocrisy of Puritanism, the results of doubt or disbelief, the devastating effects of moral skepticism, or the demoralizing effects of the discovery that all men are sinners and hypocrites†(McKeithan 93). Although â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†both deal with the obsession with sin, Nathaniel Hawthorne illuminates the different consequences. First of all there are many similarities in â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. One of the many similarities is that both towns seem to be corrupt with sin. Mr. Hooper knows that everyone is not perfect in his town. Although it very well shows in the end of the story when Mr. Hooper expresses himself, â€Å"I look around me, and, lo! On every visage a Black Veil (Minister 882).†Young Goodman Brown knows that he has been raised by Puritan ideals yet he sees his mentors going against everything he has taught him. Goodman Brown’s account of when he was at the witch meeting was, â€Å"The fiend worshippers were seen; the smile of welcome gleamed darkly on every visage (Young 1040).†Both Mr. Hooper and Brown also have the same ideals. They both believe in Puritan ideas and beliefs but they both have some kind of conflict with sin. â€Å"For the hardened Puritan, his humanity was sinful enough, end he wore it the way a medieval penitent would his hair shirt. Anything less than absolute perfection was absolute corruption (Morsberger 456).†Another relation that Hooper and Brown comprise of is that they both lose the girl they adore in the short stories. Hooper loses his girl, Elizabeth by not taking off the veil that everyone in town is talking about. Brown on the other hand loses his girl, Faith from the very beginning when he left her at their home. The differences in â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†are numerous as well as their similarities. One of the differences is how both characters dealt with sin. Reverend Hooper tries to deal with the sin that he may have committed by wearing a black veil that covers his face till the day he dies. â€Å"If I hide my face for sorrow, there is cause enough†¦ and if I cover it for secret sin, what mortal might not do the same (Minister 878).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sphere :: essays research papers
          Sphere Many people have questioned the existence of intergalactic intelligence such as time travel and aliens. Sphere takes all of these theories and rolls it into one novel. The main character in the novel is Norman Johnson a 56 year old psychologist who is very well known in his field. Norman plays a very important role in the novel, constantly changing the events for the better. Throughout the novel many changes occur to change his thoughts and his characteristics. Norman along with other scientists are called upon to work on a crash sight, but this wasn’t an ordinary crash sight that Norman was used to work on this was a crash sight of a UFO. The UFO is believed to be hundreds of years old. The investigation that they are working on is unknown to the eyes of the public. The main reason Norman has been selected to work on this project is due to his former work on the ULF project. The ULF was a project that gave recommendations for the human contact team to interact wit Unknown Lif e Forms. In Normans report it recommended a team of four an astrophysicist, a zoologist, a mathematician a linguist and a fifth member, a psychologist. The physiologist job would be to monitor the rest of the crew. Harold Barnes is the leader of investigation on the crash sight; Barnes essentially took Normans ideas on the ULF project and adapted it to the crash sight with Norman being the psychologist.      The group chosen for the investigation on the crash sight is a very diverse group, that’s what makes them successful. Out of the 4 other members on the crew, Norman is familiar with two of them. The crew consists of Ted Fielding- astrophysicist, Beth Halpern- zoologist, Harry J. Adams- mathematician, Arthur Levine- marine biologist, Norman Johnson- psychologist. Out of those members Norman has had past experiences with both Beth and Ted. Beth is a 36 year old zoologist who Norman had counseled in the past for personal issues. Norman knew Ted thorough the ULF project, Ted also work on that project. Norman’s main purpose is to keep the crew safe and sane through out all of there experiences.      From the moment Norman found out that there was a UFO spacecraft 3,000 feet under him he was eager to go down there and witness it for himself. Him and the rest of the crew members were wondering where the ship came from and how did it wind up 3,000 feet under the Pacific Ocean.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Depreciation And Sale Of Asset :: essays research papers
Depreciation is the decline in the future economic benefits of a depreciable non-current asset through wear and tear and obsolescence. It is an allocation process. It can be calculated by two main methods, each reflecting in a distinct prospect in the way the asset is used. Depreciation is to be treated as an estimated expense that does not set aside cash for the replacement of a non-current asset. In determining the cost of acquisition of the lathes, any capital expenditure made must be added to the purchase price of the lathes. This amount will be considered as the historical cost and will be used in calculating the depreciation expense Depreciation is the allocation of the cost of a non-current asset less its estimated disposal value against revenue over the assets useful life. A depreciable asset is an asset that will be used over more than one accounting period and will gradually contribute to revenue over its useful life. However, it will give rise to future expenses as their future economic benefits are used up or expired. Examples of depreciable assets include machinery and motor vehicles. Generally, most non-current assets, with the exception of land, decline in their potential to provide future economic benefit. There are three factors that contribute to this decline. They are, the deterioration of a non-current asset due to the use of it, technical obsolescence, whereby certain assets become out of date due to technical innovations and improvements on a comparative basis and the final, commercial obsolescence which is the process of certain non-current assets becoming redundant as the demands fall for the goods or service previously provided by the asset Depreciation allocates the assets cost or depreciable amount over the estimated useful life of the asset to the entity. It is not a process of asset valuation. The cost of the asset less the accumulated depreciation is not intended to give the current market value of the asset as the asset purchased is not intended for re-sale but use in the business. There are two methods of depreciating an asset, the straight-line method, and the reducing balance method. The straight-line method of depreciation allocates the same amount of depreciation expense being charged against revenue each accounting period of the assets useful life. This method is effective for assets that give a constant contribution of revenue per period. It provides a direct relationship between the depreciation expense and the asset cost.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Smoking In Pregnancy And Childbirth Health And Social Care Essay
Harmonizing to Fink ( 1998, pp.3 ) the literature reappraisal procedure can be termed as â€Å" a systematic method for placing, measuring and construing the work produced by research workers, bookmans and practicians †. Government Policy on smoke in gestation and after childbearing: There are three of import policies made by the British authorities in related to smoking in gestation foremost is kids ‘s wellness and good being, than malignant neoplastic disease bar and the decrease of wellness inequalities. To back up this policies there are assorted different policy paperss like Every Child Matter ( HM Government, 2004 ) , Maternity Matters: Choice, entree and continuity of attention in a safe service ( DH, 2007a ) , the Cancer Reform Strategy ( DH, 2007b ) , Health Inequalities: advancement and following stairss ( DH, 2008 ) , Smoking Kills ( DH, 1998 ) and the Implementation Plan for cut downing wellness inequalities in infant mortality: a good pattern usher ( DH, 2007c ) . In add-on to damaging the wellness of the female parent, antenatal smoke is associated systematically with a figure of complications during gestation ( Castles et al, 1999 ) and several possible conditions impacting the baby ( Cnattingius, 2004 ) . Smoking rate among pregnant adult females in the UK was 23 % in the twelvemonth of 1995, it declined to 19 % in 2000 and farther declined to 17 % in 2005 ( Baxter et al, 2005 ) . But RCM has noted an addition in gestation smoke rates since 2005 ( Baxter et al, 2009 ) . It is estimated that around 17 % and 23 % of pregnant adult females are estimated to smoke throughout gestation in the United Kingdome ( Owen et al, 1998 ) . It is of import that cost effectual intercessions are developed and disseminated so that smoking-related wellness complications can be avoided. While face to confront smoking surcease behavioral support is by and large available for pregnant tobacco users, attending rates are really low ( Taylor et al, 2001 ) . In instance when the pregnant adult females are non able to go to face to confront smoking surcease behavioral support the option is self aid intercessions ( Ussher et al, 2005 ) . Self aid intercessions are peculiarly of import due to their low cost and they can make wider group of population. Giving pregnant adult females brochures incorporating information of jeopardies of smoke is one of the common signifier, but they can besides include picture, telephone and computing machine based systems. A recent Cochrane reappraisal concluded that, compared with having no stuffs, self help stuffs on their ain addition surcease rates merely marginally among non pregnant tobacco users ( Lancaster and Stead, 2005 ) . Tailored ego aid stuffs were found to be increasing the quitting rates compared to standard stuffs used for intercession ( Lumley et al, 2004 ) . Tailoring is the usage of participant features to individualize intercession stuffs and is believed to be effectual because it increases the relevancy of the information to the person and heed to the message ( Dijkstra and De Vries, 1999 ) . Self aid stuffs are common constituents in behaviour intercessions for pregnant tobacco users and are considered to be of import to cessation reding aid to pregnant adult females tobacco users to discontinue smoke ( Ussher et al, 2004 ) . However it is ill-defined whether ego aid intercessions on their ain can increase discontinuing among pregnant tobacco users. Several reappraisals have confirmed that intercessions promotion smoking surcease during gestation can cut down smoking rates significantly ( Kelley et al, 2001 ; Lumley et Al, 2004 ; Mullen et Al, 1999 ) . Lumbley et Al ‘s ( 2005 ) reappraisal largest in this country to day of the month included tests supplying a assortment of surcease intercessions, including self aid stuffs, reding techniques, fiscal inducements and nicotine replacing therapy. Lumbley et Al ‘s ( 2004 ) indicated that hazard of smoking in late gestation was lower among intercession groups than usual attention groups. They besides found that intercessions of greater denseness determined by personal contact, added small benefit. Kelley et Al ( 2001 ) reported that the degree of reding provided within an intercession was non associated with efficaciousness. Sing the possible benefits of ego aid intercessions it is of import to find whether they can be effectual on their ain in mark group.Inclusion/Exclusion:As an ethical bookman my inclusion and exclusion standards explains my attack towards choosing a proper literature for my attack. As a pupil of Northumbria University my first attack was to travel through the diaries available on NORA. There was plenty data available on NORA for research articles related to my subject. I besides tried to get quality resources from other hunt engines every bit good. I searched through Cochrane library to acquire good reappraisal articles on my research subject.Search Engine:I used Nora, Wiley Inter scientific discipline, The Cochrane library, British diary of Psychology, Official site of Elsevier publication which enabled me to entree articles through scientific discipline direct, PubMed, CINAHL etc. I used my university login wherever required for the entree of articles. This hunt engines are choice assured and supply entree to high quality of international resources.Search footings:Four chief databases were searched through MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, Science Direct. Sear was done utilizing combination of keywords like ‘smok* ‘ , ‘tobacco ‘ , ‘pregn* ‘ , ‘cessation ‘ , ‘self help intercessions ‘ , ‘quit* ‘ and other proper equivalent word. A computerized electronic hunt was performed to place relevant articles. The hunt was conducted on Medline [ Jan 1997 to November 2010 ] , Embase [ Jan 1997 to November 2010 ] , CINAHL [ Jan 1997 to November 2010 ] , ScienceDirect [ Jan 1997 to November 2010 ] and PubMed [ Jan 1997 to November 2010 ] . PICO method was used to seek cardinal words to govern out the articles in each database. PICO is a method of hunt scheme that allows taking a more grounds based attack to literature seeking in database like CINAHL, ScienceDirect, etc ( Schardt et al. , 2007 ) . Electronic seeking yielded 1010 relevant articles of which 725 were extras and after testing of the commendation or mention 285 articles were published one. Based on the survey criteria 11 articles were related to self aid intercessions. 3 articles were eliminated due to type of qualitative or prospective survey. 4 articles were good, they were run intoing my inclusion exclusion standards but I was non able to entree them as they were paid articles. Finally, 8 to the full published articles were included in this assessment.Surveies included in Quantitative Synthesis ( narrative analysis )( n= 8 )Records excluded( n= 274 )Full articles excluded with grounds ( n= 3 )One article was related to cohort surveyOne article was related to assorted methodsOne article was related to pilot surveyFull articles accessed after eligibility( n= 11 )Records screened( n= 285 )Records after extras were removed( n= 725 )Records identified through database searchingMedline ( n= 127 )Embase ( n= 85 )PubMed ( n= 137 )CINAHL ( n= 225 )ScienceDirect ( n= 436 )Entire ( n= 1010 )Figure: Flow Chart of Systematic Appraisal Inclusion and ExclusionPICO Method:Population: Pregnant adult females smoking during gestation Intervention: Tests were considered if at least one of the experimental weaponries met the ego aid definition. The definition used based on Lancaster & A ; Stead ‘s ( 2005 ) defines self aid as the proviso of structured stuffs that assist the person in doing quit effort and prolonging abstention without important aid from a wellness professional or group support. Comparison: Comparison was done between different intercessions. Usual attention given to pregnant tobacco users during their ante natal attention was compared with ego aid intercessions. Besides usual attention was compared with picture based and brochures intercession. Result: Smoke results were accessed either in 2nd or during the 3rd trimester. The tests besides determined the smoke position either during late gestation or postpartum ( Moore et Al, 2002 ) .Features of Included surveies [ Ordered by Study Id ] :Aveyard et Al ( 2006 )State Focus of Study United kingdom To analyze whether, as predicted by the Transtheoretical Model of behaviour alteration ( TTM ) phase matched intercessions are more effectual than stage- mismatched intercessions in smoking surcease intercessions with pregnant adult females. Study Design RCT – matter-of-fact three armed test. Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology Participants were 918 pregnant tobacco users drawn from 16 of 19 obstetrics antenatal services in the West Midlands. Arm 1: n= 289 Arm two: n=305 Arm three: n=324 Intervention Arm 1: Standard obstetrics advice to halt smoke and a self-help cusp appropriate for adult females in the readying phase. Midwifes received no extra preparation except in survey protocol. Arm Two: TTM based arm. Womans were been seen by accoucheuses with 2.5 yearss specialist preparation, 2 of these yearss on TTM. Women received a TTM based self-help brochure and received four Sessionss of behavioral reding from the accoucheuses ( three during gestation and one 10 yearss post partum ) Arm Three: TTM based arm. Womans were been seen by accoucheuses with 2.5 yearss developing as in arm 1. Intervention was the same as arm two, with the add-on of a computing machine based surcease intercession used on the four juncture ‘s of the accoucheuses visit. Result Measures Pregnant adult females in weaponries two and three ( TTM- based ) were significantly more likely to travel frontward in phase of alteration than adult females in the control arm. Consequences Overall, the TTM-based intercession produced some motion in adult females ‘s preparedness to discontinue but it was hard to construe this determination as the TTM intercessions were besides more intensive. The writers concluded that TTM had small cogency in explicating smoking surcease behavior during gestation.Cinciripini et Al ( 2000 )State Focus of Study United states An rating of videotaped sketchs for smoking surcease and backsliding bar during gestation. Study Design Randomised Controlled Tests. Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology A sum of 146 adult females were screened for the survey. Sixty four adult females failed to run into the inclusion standards for the test ( & gt ; 18 old ages of age, smoke & gt ; 3 coffin nails per twenty-four hours, less than 30 hebdomads pregnant, have a on the job VCR, be willing to put a quit day of the month within two hebdomads of showing, and non involved in any other formal smoke surcease plan ) . 82 adult females participants were indiscriminately assigned. Intervention Usual attention ( UC ) ( N= 40 ) and UC plus picture ( UCV ) ( N= 42 ) groups. All participants continued to have the usual prenatal attention provided by their primary doctor, plus survey stuffs as described below. All intercession stuffs were provided through the mail, after participants had undergone a telephone testing for inclusion. All follow ups were besides conducted by telephone. Result Measures Abstinence was observed between the two groups. Abstinence studies were measured by salivary cotinine values. Consequences Seven twenty-four hours point prevalence abstention informations did non demo any significance consequences. At the terminal of quit day of the month the abstention rate was 10 % in control group and 3 % in experimental group. At the terminal of intervention the abstention rate was 12 % in control group and 7.5 % in experimental group. Decision The present sample size may be unequal to pull any i ¬?rm decisions sing the differential effectivity of the picture intercession.Ershoff et Al ( 1999 )State Focus of Study United states The effectivity of low-priced smoke intercessions targeted to pregnant adult females has been demonstrated, although few additions in absolute surcease rates have been reported in the past decennary. Under conditions of typical clinical pattern, this survey examined whether results achieved with brief reding from antenatal attention suppliers and a self-help brochure could be improved by adding more resource-intensive cognitive-behavioural plans. Study Design Randomised Controlled Trial Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology Womans 18 old ages of age or older who self-reported to be active tobacco users at their initial antenatal assignment. 131 adult females were randomised. Control group: 111 participants. Experimental Group: 120 participants. Intervention Participants were randomized to one of three groups: ( 1 ) a self-help brochure tailored smoke forms, phase of alteration, and life style of pregnant tobacco users ; ( 2 ) the brochure plus entree to a computerized telephone surcease plan based on synergistic voice response engineering ; or ( 3 ) the brochure plus proactive telephone reding from nurse pedagogues utilizing motivational interviewing techniques and schemes. Result Measures Biochemically coni ¬?rmed abstention measured by degree of cotinine in urine samples obtained during a everyday antenatal visit at about the 34th hebdomad of gestation. Consequences Twenty per centum of participants were coni ¬?rmed as abstainer with no signii ¬?cant differences found between intercession groups. Cessation rates in heavy tobacco users were less in all intercession groups. Decision Neither a computerized telephone surcease plan nor systematic proviso of motivational guidance improved surcease rates over a trim self-help brochure delivered within the context of brief advice from antenatal suppliers.Gielen et Al ( 1997 )State Focus of Study United states Evaluation of a smoke surcease intercession for pregnant adult females in an urban prenatal clinic. Study Design Randomized controlled tests. Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology 391 tobacco users were indiscriminately assigned in two groups. Control group: 198 participants. Experimental group: 193 participants. Intervention Experimental group received usual information with a prenatal and station partum information. Control group received merely usual information. The intercession consisted of single accomplishments direction and guidance by a equal wellness counselor on the usage of a self-help surcease usher and everyday clinic support. Result Measures It was measured by smoking surcease confirmed by cotinine measuring. Significant decrease in smoke was besides considered as an result step. Smoking forms were besides considered Consequences Among the Experimental group ( n = 193 ) , 6.2 % were cotinine confirmed quitters at 3rd trimester and among the C group ( n = 198 ) the quit rate was 5.6 % . Decision No important differences were found in the two groups.Lawrence et Al ( 2002 )State Focus of Study United kingdom To measure the effectivity in assisting pregnant adult females stop smoke of two intercessions ( Pro-Change for a healthy gestation ) based on the Trans theoretical theoretical account of behaviour alteration ( TTM ) compared to current criterion attention Study Design Cluster randomised survey. Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology 494 pregnant tobacco users participated. Control group: 243 participants. Experimental group: 251 participants. Intervention Arm 1 for standard attention. Second arm for TTM based ego aid manuals. Third arm for TTM based ego aid manuals plus session with an synergistic computing machine plan giving individualized smoke surcease advice. Result Measures Biochemically confirmed smoke surcease for 10 hebdomads and point prevalence abstention, both measured at 30 hebdomads of gestation and 10 yearss after bringing. Consequences There were little differences between the TTM weaponries. Uniting the two weaponries, the odds ratios at 30 hebdomads were 2.09 ( 95 % assurance interval ( CI ) 0.90 to 4.85 ) for 10 hebdomad sustained abstention and 2.92 ( 95 % CI 1.42 to 6.03 ) for point prevalence abstention relation to controls. At 10 yearss after bringing, the odds ratios were 2.81 ( 95 % CI 1.11 to 7.13 ) and 1.85 ( 95 % CI 1.00 to 3.41 ) for 10 hebdomad and point prevalence abstention severally. Decision Borderline important addition in discontinuing in the combined intercession weaponries.Moore et Al ( 2002 )State Focus of Study United kingdom To measure the effectivity of a ego aid attack to smoking surcease in gestation. Study Design Randomised controlled test. Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology 1572 pregnant tobacco users Control Group: 757 participants. Experimental group: 678 participants. Intervention A series of 5 brochures given to pregnant adult females on different phases of gestation Result Measures Validation of smoke by measuring of cotinine at the terminal of 2nd trimester. Self reported smoke position. Consequences Smoking surcease rates were low when cotinine measuring was done. The rates were 18.8 % in intercession group and 20.7 % in normal attention group. Self reported smoking surcease rates were high. The rates were 29.1 % in intercession group and 25.6 % in Normal attention group. Decision Self Help Intervention was utile but non so effectual during prenatal attention. There needs to a more intensive and tailored made intercession be made for good consequences.Natan et Al ( 2010 )State Focus of Study Israel To look into factors impacting adult females ‘s purpose to smoke during gestation. Study Design Cross sectional survey. Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology Pregnant adult females aged between 19-26 old ages 201 participants enrolled in the survey. Intervention Theory of planned behavior. Result Measures Self reported smoke position. Consequences Behavioural attitudes, subjective norms and sensed behavioral control were found to foretell adult females ‘s purpose to smoke during gestation. Decision Nursing intercessions guided by the TPB may be helpful to assist adult females discontinue smoke in gestation.Strecher et Al ( 2000 )State Focus of Study United states Quit for supports: tailored smoke surcease ushers for gestation and beyond Study Design Randomised controlled test Participant, Recruitment and Sampling Methodology 173 pregnant tobacco users. 88 topics were enrolled as experimental topics, they received trim smoke surcease messages through mail, one after each antenatal visit. 85 topics in control group received a quit smoke brochure and no other stuffs. Intervention The experimental group was given trim messages after each antenatal visit. They were given manus held computing machine and were advised to make full up abruptly follow up interview. Urine samples were collected at the pre natal visits. The control group were merely given merely discontinue smoking brochures. Result Measures It was measured by the interview signifiers filled by the pregnant adult females. Consequences Rate of surcease in control group was 14 % as compared to experimental group was 15 % . There was no important difference in smoking surcease rates. Decision Tailored message produced no alterations in the smoke behavior of the topics.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Black Genocide Essay
â€Å"Black Genocide in the 21st century†also called â€Å"Maafa†is an anti-abortionist documentary made in 2009 that speaks about the relevance of birth control, White America and Black America, Planned Parenthood and how it was established, also, the conspiracy behind abortion. The movie also deeply discusses the argument between abortion being genocide and it specifically targeting African Americans. Black Genocide was a very intriguing and interesting piece of material that filled my knowledge with much more than I had intended it doing. Before watching this video, I knew a little about abortion but not about the black genocide part. You see, I knew that abortion was a way for the government to obtain legal rights to abort children who weren’t able to be cared for but I didn’t know the government was using abortion as a way to limit the black population. I also knew that African Americans were having a lot of abortions and there were, and still is a lot of abortion facilities but never put together the idea of how they were getting access to this information, furthermore, the connection between eugenics and genocide. During the film, I learned so much information that is disgusted me and changed many of my views toward abortion and other things. I learned that in the early 1800’s, Americans feared retribution and resurrection because slavery was supposed to have ended. Intermarriage also lead to the loss of international purity and for that, they had a plan of colonization. Colonization was an affect that took place, and caused African Americans to be sent back to Africa. After the colonization, the new philosophy was established and was called â€Å"eugenics†, the perfect solution to what was known as â€Å"negro dilemma.†I also learned that Eugenics believed that Africans were inferior and without guidance, they couldn’t make it. Margaret Sanger was the founder of the â€Å"American birth control league†and was successful for promoting abortion and birth control. After watching the 21st century of black genocide, I wanted to know more about the situation with the NAACP and why the government still hasn’t publicly announced the conflict between the protesters and there undercover targets. I’d also like to know more about the positive and negative eugenics and why White America was considered positive eugenics when it was used to try and dominate the black parts of America and used as a companion to exterminate African Americans. I’d also like to know more about Planned Parenthood and to see if the facilities were still being targeted in minority places. I’d also like to know more about White America and the Planned Parenthood meetings, and also if Planned Parenthood groups still targeted low poverty neighborhoods of different race, such as Caucasians.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Explanation and Context Review Communication
University of Phoenix Material Communication Theories and Context Review Communication can be understood by examining the context in which communication takes place and by reviewing some of the theories that govern how communication works within each context. Part A – Communication Contexts Directions: Define each communication context. A. Intrapersonal: Face-to-face communication between people B. Interpersonal: Communication with oneself C. Group: Communication with a group of people D. Organizational: Communication within and among large, extended environments E. Public: Communication to a large group of listeners F.Mass: Communication to a very large audience through mediated forms G. Intercultural: Communication between and among members of different cultural backgrounds Part B – Communication Contexts and Their Related Theories Directions: Place the appropriate letter of each context above next to its related theory. Then write a brief explanation of each theory. Theories 1. _A__ Cognitive Dissonance – Explains the tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions, such as beliefs and opinions. When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance.In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior. 2. _G___ Face-Negotiation Theory – Explains how different cultures manage conflict and communication. The theory explains that the root of conflict is based on identity management on individual and cultural levels. 3. __B__ Groupthink – Explains how individuals may withhold their opposing opinions to promote cohesiveness. Individuals may also withhold their opposing opinions because they fear rejection by the group. 4. _B__ Communication Privacy Management – Explains the process that people use to manage the relationship between concealing and rev ealing private information 5. __D__ Organizational Information Theory – Explains how organizations make sense of the information that is essential for their existence 6. __F__ Spiral of Silence – Explains why people tend to remain silent when they think their views are in the minority 7. __E__ Rhetoric/Dramatism/Narrative Paradigm – Explains that people are essentially storytellers who make decisions on the basis of good reasons. History, biography, culture, and character determine what we consider good reasons.
Organizational psychology Essay
I’m likely to be motivated most by personal growth factors. This is understandable for a person who seeks personal fulfillment and development. I’m achievement oriented and have a preference for an interesting and challenging job. However, all other factors pertinent to work environment are also important to me. There are several formal theories of motivation that help me to increase my own productivity and motivate my colleagues. The two-factor theory divides factors that affect employee performance and productivity into two broad categories, namely motivation factors (encompassing factors related to satisfaction and work content) and hygiene factors (those related to dissatisfaction and work conditions). The focus in the organization should be on enhancing employee motivation to the extent that it provides opportunities for (a) achievement, (b) recognition, (c) responsibility, (d) advancement, and (e) growth in competence. According to the two-factor model, both ‘satisfiers’ and ‘dissatisfiers’ are of value to a person that ranks factors related to the content of work (e. g. recognition and chances to advance) as high as factors related to work conditions (e. g. friendly co-workers and flexible schedule). For me, reward and recognition are less important than the nature of a job. Material needs are less important for me than personal satisfaction or clients’ approval. The most applicable theory in my case is Goal Setting Theory. Goal Setting Theory is the most critically acclaimed theory of motivation. It argues that individuals are motivated to achieve goals they set, and the strength of their motivation depends on goal specificity, goal difficulty, and commitment and feedback. Other moderating factors include self-efficacy of an employee and task complexity. My perception of difficulty of achieving a goal might be too subjective and my reliance on feedback might be less than by other employees, yet I’m very result-driven and challenged by complex yet interesting tasks. My motivation is influenced by the difficulty of goals (such as ensuring high customer satisfaction ratings on big projects were there are many stakeholders), yet goals’ value (excitement from working on a specific type of project delivering good results rather than cash influx) is more important. My superiors have recognized that it is important to give me freedom in choosing projects I’m motivated to work on and allow me to set my own objectives and performance measures. My high appreciation of autonomy and power also suggest that I am more effective as an individual worker than a team player. This is yet another reason why Goal Setting Theory is appropriate for my motivation: it has been argued that workers with higher self-efficacy are more effective in personal goal setting and fulfillment. However, this does not mean that I don’t value team spirit as a means of motivating my co-workers. Our company’s motto is ‘Let’s Build Something Together. ’ Therefore, encouraging teamwork is one of the ways to increase motivation and productivity. Our management succeeded in gathering and developing an outstanding crew by applying several important principles of group work management which I also follow. I foster group cohesion by a variety of methods and believed that sound preparation, ego less teamwork, and original strategizing are the inherent components of success. In my view, the emphasis should have been on team performance rather than individual performance. People, management, and psychology are three important aspects of teamwork. The emphasis on continuous learning makes it possible to stay ahead. When skills and knowledge of all group members combine in a way that exceeds the sum of knowledge of all individual members, the synergy effect can be observed, i. . the system as a whole has certain qualities its elements do not have. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to pay attentive to group cohesion so that exceptional results can be achieved with limited human resources available in each organization. Group decision making means not only working to achieve better solutions but also promote growth of community and trust. Group decision making ensures much higher level of member satisfaction and motivation. Greater commitment is also among important advantages of group decision making. Open, collaborative atmosphere ensures contribution from all levels and no domination, intimidation or judgment from the boss. Participation in problem solving increases acceptance; some even argue that a lower-quality solution that has wide acceptance can be more effective than a higher-quality solution that lacks acceptance. It’s possible to conclude that I’m motivated by complex yet interesting tasks, while teamwork and group decision making are the tools I use to motivate others.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Brainwashing Cases and Freedom of Religion
What is the primary question addressed in this article? What can we learn from this article? Primarily this article delves into detail about certain court cases involving high tolerance sects, referred to as â€Å"cults†and ex-members attempting to sue said cult for various different reasons. The most detailed cases described by the author are of cases in which the plaintiff is accusing the so-called cult of brainwashing the person into joining; seen in cases such as George v. ISKCON (International Society of Krishna Conciousness) as well as Molko and Leal v. The Unification Church [Richardson (1990): 3, 8]. The foremost problem that this presents is whether or not brainwashing is a successful practice that members of sects or â€Å"cults†use to bring in new members. A key person in most cases using the accusation of brainwashing in order to bring a case against a cult religion is Dr. Margaret Singer [Richardson (1990): 3]. She has been used to examine plaintiffs for their emotional distress, symptoms of mental disorders, and come to conclusions if indeed they were brainwashed. Many psychologists and sociologists disagree with her positions, having posted amicus curiae briefs in appeals courts attempting to limit use of â€Å"brainwashing†accusations in cult cases. These scholars claim that psychologists like Dr. Singer ignore a large portion of studies done on new religions that reveal it is unlikely that new members are coerced into joining [Richardson (1990): 2-3]. It represents the research that scholars have put into participants joining new religions voluntarily, for whichever reasons they feel to choose using their free will. This includes the fact that in the 1960’s many people chose different lifestyles that some would refer to as â€Å"hippies†or â€Å"beatniks†instead of what they believe is a hypocritical path following the Second World War and other stresses of the world. The brief also applied that groups such as the Hare Krishna and Unification church have a small number of members and have high drop-off rates; which if brainwashing were true means that they would be expanding rather than contracting [Richardson (1990): 9-10]. The George v. ISKCON case was successful in collecting emotional distress damages and wrongful death of the father (who had heart failure soon after his daughter was returned), totaling $2. 9 million for the plaintiffs. However, now in many courts the position of brainwashing is not accepted as an argument for cult cases [Richardson (1990): 8-9]. What is the next question this article may lead one to answer? A tempting question that this article may lead one to think about is whether or not such circumstances as those presented in court cases against religious sects takes away from their freedom of religion. It does not appear that a Catholic church would be taken to court for handing out pamphlets to spread word of their religion, nor Jehovah Witnesses for walking door to door with the same idea. However, whatever methods smaller sects use to gain more members seem to ultimately deal with lost members claiming them to have used mind control or coercive persuasion to attract the member. In the George case, the claim was that since the Krishna sect helped hide the 15 year old girl from her parents, they were in a sense kidnapping her. This does not take into account that the girl was physically abused and mistreated by her parents, even chained to her bedroom to restrain her from trying different religious practices [Richardson (1990): 6]. While that may not necessarily make the Krishna sect heroic, it does seem to provide insight that the girl was unable to explore religious freedom. In essence, she was not given the choice by her parents of which religion she would like to join, which is exactly how it was argued that ISKCON had brainwashed her; by not giving her freedom of choice. This has to deal with the economics of religion philosophy that humans will make rational choices depending on their knowledge, tastes and preferences. Whether George made a rational decision to join ISKCON in the eyes of her parents, it was a decision she was not obligated to make. Three Finals Questions 1. Name and briefly explain three positions that Dr. Margaret Singer took in the George v. ISKCON case that seem to contradict popular psychologist and sociologist opinion. Singer claims that brainwashing and coercive persuasion used by the accused cults can be likened to that of Korean prisoners of war and those of Chinese Communist reformers. However, there is notable difference that ‘cult brainwashing’ uses psychological coercion while Korean prisoners of war were physically coerced through torture and other extremes. Singer even argues that psychological coercion is more effective despite tons of research that points the opposite [Richardson (1990): 10]. Singer discounts the impact on behavior from George’s parents’ negative reaction to her desire to join the church including the physical abuse she was given. Discredited ISKCON by not recognizing it as a religion having religious practices, that the case did not involve freedom of religion at all, despite the plaintiff George’s claim that she did convert to the religion. Did not accept that the plaintiff may have biases or ulterior motives for the court case, despite only spending a small session with her and claiming that she believes the plaintiff was â€Å"trying to be honest†with her [Richardson (1990): 4]. Does not believe the time in which a patient is examined after the ‘brainwashing’ event is important [Richardson (1990): 6]. 2. Explain what arguments were made by scholars in their amicus curiae briefs in the appeals of cult/brainwashing cases. The Scientific Community agreement argues that a large portion of studies have been done on new religions that reveal it is unlikely that new members are brainwashed [Richardson (1990): 2-3]. This represents the research that scholars have put into participants joining new religions voluntarily, for whichever reasons they feel to choose using their free will. The brief also applied that groups such as the Hare Krishna and Unification church have a small number of members and have high attrition (drop-off) rates; which if brainwashing were true means that they would be expanding rather than contracting [Richardson (1990): 9]. . Explain why these cases provide trouble for the perspective of freedom of religion. Unreliable sciences such as the psychology used by Dr. Singer tend to contradict the majority of scholarly research on small sects, including the study that youth who have joined such a group normally turn out to be in better psychological health individually afterward [Richards on (1990): 10]. It seems as though because of her reputation as a professional psychologist, Dr. Singer can claim whatever she wants to about a religion, using her bias or simply a lack of knowledge, and collect a paycheck for it. Krishna leaders of India fear that â€Å"paying such a large judgment would force the Hare Krishna to sell most of its United States assets, thereby severely limiting its activities here, or even leading to closure of its operations†[Richardson (1990): 9] Cases successful in accusing a small sect of brainwashing can send a negative view to the general population of cults. According to a Gallup Poll, more Americans in a nationwide survey would be less comfortable with sects or cults as neighbors than any other ethnic or religious group in the survey [Richardson (1990): 17]. The general population appears to fear what they believe is brainwashing being done to children of the society and wants to attack religions they are unaware of.
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